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1. Roomba

i tobol Roomba Vacuum Cleaning Robot 700 series Dear Roomba owner Thank you for choosing a new generation iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaning robot You re joining a very special community ot people 5 million worldwide and growing who are discovering just how usetul convenient and straightforward having a home robot is In fact owners tend to like their Roomba so much they ve even given them nicknames We re passionate about our robots too Not surprisingly give

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Robot Scooba MANUAL DEL PROPIETARIO ODO www irobot com Robo Estimado propietario de iRobot Scooba Enhorabuena y bienvenido al mundo de Robot Ya forma parte del creciente n mero de personas que han descubierto una manera m s inteligente de limpiar Robot Scooba es un producto innovador y f cil de usar que cambiar su forma de limpiar los suelos duros de su hogar Aproveche para realizar otras tareas del hogar mientras Scooba limpia
2. Roomba® 785 -

IiIRobOt el Roomba 705 Re A de Conception adapt e Nettoyage minutieux Simplicit d utilisation a annau Processus de nettoyage Nettoyez vos sols en appuyant Nettoyage efficace en vitant les gamelles en trois tapes brevet sur un bouton o en programmant d eau et de nourriture de votre animal le nettoyage pendant votre absence de compagnie CARACT RISTIQUES AVANTAGES Aspire de fa on autonome gr ce la technologie 4 Se recharge automatiquement apr s chaque r a
3. FR FastFact Roomba 786

I atolole x Roomba 70 Op ialis Le Roomba perfectionn pour un nettoyage plus concentr et un r sultat impeccable T Nettoyage minutieux Simplicit d utilisation Gamme compl te de capteurs Processus brevet Nettoyez vos sols en appuyant Aspire de fa on autonome de nettoyage en trois tapes sur un bouton ou en programmant le gr ce la technologie r active nettoyage pendant votre absence de navigation iAdapt ur Navigue sous et autour des meubles et le long de
4. Roomba

i tobol Roomba Vacuum Cleaning Robot 700 series Dear Roomba owner Thank you for choosing a new generation iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaning robot You re joining a very special community ot people 5 million worldwide and growing who are discovering just how usetul convenient and straightforward having a home robot is In fact owners tend to like their Roomba so much they ve even given them nicknames We re passionate about our robots too Not surprisingly give
5. FR FastFact Roomba 776

iRobot ua Roomba 7 6p Vos sols seront si propres que personne ne se doutera que vous avez un animal de compagnie J ARAS Conception adapt e aux Nettoyage minutieux Simplicit d utilisation pror p animaux Processus brevet de nettoyage en Nettoyez vos sols en appuyant sur un Nettoyage efficace en vitant les ga trois tapes bouton ou en programmant le melles d eau et de nourriture de votre nettoyage pendant votre absence animal de compagnie CARACT RIS
6. Roomba Owner`s Manual

Owner s Manual FloorVac Intelligent FloorVac Contents iRobot and Roomba are trademarks of iRobot Corporation IMPORTANT SAFETY 5 2 INTRODUCING YOUR ROOMBA FLOORVAC 3 Suis rr GETTING STARTED ccccceccccecsccccccscsceccccscecsccccsees 4 All rights reserved e Unpacking the BOX w c ccsssssscscscscscsssssscscscsssssssssscscesesessees 4 Patents Pending FloorVac D
7. iRobot Roomba serie 700

iRobot Roomba Robot aspirapolvere 700 Series Gentile proprietario di Roomba grazie per avere scelto un robot aspirapolvere iRobot Roomba di nuova generazione Ora anche lei fa parte di una comunit molto speciale composta da 5 milioni di persone in tutto il Mondo e semin aumento che sta scoprendo quanto utile economico e semplice possa essere un robot di casa Tali persone tendono ad apprezzare cos tanto Roomba da attribuirgli anche un soprannome A
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Roomba 500 Series Service Manual Published 10 September 2007 Base Robot 3 0 Base Robot 3 3 Base Robot 3 4 Base Robot 3 5 Model 510 Model 530 Model 535 540 Model 550 560 565 570 580 Roomba 500 Series Service Process 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Roomba 500 Series Vacuuming Robot Roomba Terminology Roomba Features and Compatibility Roomba Cleaning Behavior and Technology Service Proced

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