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S TEST Reagent Cartridge Cholesterol (CHO (
HitachiChemical vo S TEST Reagent Cartridge Cholesterol CHO 96310 10 10S TEST Cartridges 96310 100 10x 10 S TEST Boxes 100 Tests Kit for the determination of total Cholesterol on HITACHI Clinical Analyzer E40 2012 11 Rev 1 Intended Use The S TEST Reagent Cartridge Cholesterol CHO is intended for the quantitative determination of total cholesterol concentration in serum or heparin plasma using the HITACHI Clinical Analyzer E40 The S TEST Reagent Cartridge Chole |
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Troubleshooting: RNA Isolation with TRIZOL Reagent
Troubleshooting RNA Isolation with TRIZOL Reagent Problem Low yield of RNA Possible Cause RNA not solubilized completely Sample not homogenized completely Suggested Solution To increase solubilization pipet RNA pellet repeatedly in SDS or DEPC treated water Heat sample at 55 C for 10 to 15 min Do not allow RNA pellet to dry completely Do not lyophilize or vacuum dry samples Note Clear pellet indicates over drying Do not centrifuge RNA above 12 000Xg M |
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HUMAN IgG SUBCLASS LIQUID REAGENT KITS for use on the Siemens BN ProSpec Analyser For in vitro diagnostic use Product code LK001 P NK006 P NK007 P LK008 P LK009 P Product manufactured by The Binding Site Group Ltd PO Box 11712 Birmingham B14 4ZB U K www bindingsite co uk Telephone 44 0 121 436 1000 Fax 44 0 121 430 7061 e mail info bindingsite co uk BN ProSpec is a registered trademark of Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc |
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reagents/ methods in use by alqep transfusion medicine participants
ALQEP ALBERTA LABORATORY QUALITY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta REAGENTS METHODS IN USE BY ALQEP TRANSFUSION MEDICINE PARTICIPANTS An Educational Supplement prepared by ALQEP October 2005 Alberta Laboratory Quality Enhancement Program The Transfusion Medicine TM Program of the Alberta Laboratory Quality Enhancement Program ALQEP provides mandated transfusion medicine proficiency testing for all laboratories performing TM te |
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IFU-AK0025-8 Archer Universal RNA Reagent Kit Ion
Zi X W K t LN Instructions for Use ARCHER by enzymatics Archer Universal RNA Fusion Detection for lon lorrent Platform AK0025 8 Table of Contents Archer Universal RNA Reagent Kit for lon Torrent Platform 1 TEO Be aha oc eee eee nn nee nn E ee ee ere eee eee eee ee eee eee 1 PO EDE CAPTION a E E Pe te eee et een eon eee ee 2 MOGUA T rea eO BR ee ee ne a OE |
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Amersham™ ECL™ Prime Western Blotting Detection Reagent
Amersham ECL Prime Western Blotting Detection Reagent Livret du produit Code RPN2232 RPN2236 Table des mati res 1 2s Mentions l gales Description 2 1 Introduction 2 2 Conception et caract ristiques 2 3 Compatibilit de la membrane Informations importantes pour l utilisateur 3 1 Utilisation pr vue 3 2 Consignes de s curit 3 3 Contr le de la qualit Manipulation 41 Pr cautions de s curit 42 Conservation 4 3 Dates d expiration |
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Reagent Red Blood Cells
Reagent Red Blood Cells Biotestcell I 8 Biotestcell I 11 Biotestcell I 11 Plus 3 0 to 3 4 FOR USE IN IDENTIFICATION OF UNEXPECTED ANTIBODIES WITH TANGO OPTIMO AND BY TUBE TEST Tube test is not approved by Health Canada FOR IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE NO U S STANDARD OF POTENCY U S License Number 1845 Package size 816020100 8 x 4 mL Biotestcell 1 8 816021100 11x 4 mL Biotestcell 11 816022100 11 x 4 mL Biotestcell I 11 Plus Intended Us |
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HORIBAABX Diagnostics Navigator 2009 Hematology amp Clinical Chemistry Reagents Consumables and Customer Support Product Catalog CUSTO9 HEMAtology ABX Pentra DX 120 ABX Pentra 120 range ABX Pentra 80 range ABX Pentra 60 range ABX Micros range ABX Micros CRP200 ABX Pentra 400 ABX Micros 60 ABX Micros CRP200 ABX Micros iM ABX Pentra 60 ABX Pentra 60 C ABX Pentra XL80 ABXPENTRA Hem |
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Quintus reagents Instruction for Use
ih Boule Quintus reagents Instruction for Use Installation Instructions for Quintus Reagents E q A detailed description of reagent installation reagent change can be found in the instrument User s Manual under section 2 Installation L m Intended use The Boule Quintus Diluent Lyse and Stopper reagents are intended for use with the Quintus mR hematology analyzer systems Storage and stability The Boule Quintus reagents are stable at least up until the expiration |
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Tender Invited for EquipmentInstrument , Chemical & Reagent
8 Government of West Bengal Office of the Principal College of Medicine amp Sagore Dutta Hospital Kolkata 58 NIT No CMSDH 103 13 Date 22 01 2013 TENDE Sealed Tenders are invited for Equipments Instruments and Chemicals amp Reagents from the manufacturers authorized agents The sealed Tenders are to be submitted in the office of the Principal College of Medicine amp Sagore Dutta Hospital by 12 00 Noon of 14 02 2013 For details please visit College Website |
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11. |
QIAzol™ Lysis Reagent - Applied Genomics Technology Center
January 2009 GlAzol Handbook For efficient lysis of fatty tissues and all other types of tissue before RNA purification QIAGEN GIAGEN Sample and Assay Technologies GIAGEN is the leading provider of innovative sample and assay technologies enabling the isolation and detection of contents of any biological sample Our advanced high quality products and services ensure success from sample to result QIAGEN sets standards in Purification of DNA RNA and pro |
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IFU-AK0024-8 Archer Universal RNA Reagent Kit
UT i i NU Y gt S Instructions for Use ARCHER by enzymatics Archer Universal RNA Reagent Kit for IIlumina Platform AK0024 8 Table of Contents Archer Universal RNA Reagent Kit for Illumina Platform e 1 TEOT Pont ERR ne ey nS EO ne ne ne ney eer rere ee eee ne eee ney eee eee 1 re i010 Ue Moo C C 2 Modular AS aV FONA ee ea ema Pf E Pn Pet E eee e |
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RNAzol® RT RNA Isolation Reagent User Manual
GeneCopoeia ji Expressway to Discovery RNAzol RT RNA Isolation Reagent Most effective reagent for isolation of total RNA and small RNA from samples of various origin Cat No E01010A User Manual GeneCopoeia Inc 9620 Medical Center Drive 101 Rockville MD 20850 USA 301 762 0888 866 360 9531 inquiry genecopoeia com www genecopoeia com 2013 GeneCopoeia Inc RNAzol RT RNA Isolation Reagent User Manual USER MANUAL RNAzol RT RNA Isolation Re |
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QUANTA Flash MPO 701133 Para utiliza o em diagn stico n Vitro Reagentes Aplica o diagn stica O QUANTA Flash MPO um imunoensaio quimioluminescente IEQ para a dete o semiquantitativa de autoanticorpos para antimieloperoxidase MPO IgG em soro humano no instrumento BIO FLASH O QUANTA Flash MPO uma ajuda no diagn stico de poliangite microsc pica MPA em conjunto com conclus es cl nicas e outros testes laboratoriais Resumo e explica o do teste |
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Transfection Reagent
enePORTER 2 Transfection Reagent 3S Genlantis A division of Gene Therapy Systems Inc Catalog Contents Quantity _Related Products Catalog T202001S GenePORTER 2 Lipid Trial Size 0 1 ml GenePORTER Gold Transfection Reagent 400 reactions T204015 10 reactions DNA Diluent 0 5 ml GenePORTER 3000 Transfection Reagent 107 reactions 1203007 DNA Diluent B 0 5 ml GenePORTER 2 Transfection Reagent 150 re |
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RNAScope® Multiplex Reagent Kit For Tissues
f brought to you by e A D lik technologies RNAScope Multiplex Reagent Kit For Tissues Catalog no R26963 Table 1 Contents and storage Component Amount Storage Pretreatment Module Pretreat 2 reagent 10x 4x70 mL Room temperature Pretreat 3 reagent 1x 4 5 mL 2 8 C Pretreat 4 reagent 2x 4 5 mL Wash Buffer Module Washing Buffer 50x 4x 60 mL Room temperature Detection FL Module Amplification Reagent 1 FL 1 |
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ATP Reagent Control Kit
3M Product Instructions ATP10MLS EM Microbial Luminescence System MLS ATP Reagent Control Kit CEN English a 3M Issue Date 2015 09 Product Instructions Microbial Luminescence System MLS ATP Reagent Control Kit PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND INTENDED USE The 3M Microbial Luminescence System MLS Reagent Control Kit is intended for use with the following instruments The 3M Microbial Luminescence System MLS the 3M Microbial Luminescence System MLS |
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Disco de Reagente Metlyte 8 Piccolo
Disco de Reagente Metlyte 8 Piccolo Ce Servi o de Apoio ao Cliente e de Assist ncia T cnica 800 822 2947 Aplic vel apenas a clientes nos EUA Os clientes fora dos EUA dever o contactar o representante Dispensa dos crit rios CLIA Utilizar local da Abaxis para solicitar o servi o de apoio ao cliente apenas sangue total com heparina de l tio Complexidade moderada Utilizar sangue total com heparina de l tio plasma com heparina de l tio ou soro Fevereio 2014 PN 400 |
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Disco de Reagente do Painel Lipídico Piccolo
Disco de Reagente do Painel Lip dico Piccolo Ce Servi o de Apoio ao Cliente e de Assist ncia T cnica 800 822 2947 Aplic vel apenas a clientes nos EUA Os clientes fora dos EUA dever o contactar o representante Dispensa dos crit rios CLIA Utilizar local da Abaxis para solicitar o servi o de apoio ao cliente apenas sangue total com heparina de l tio Complexidade moderada Utilizar sangue total com heparina de l tio plasma com heparina de l tio ou soro Abril de 2014 |
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Total Protein Reagent Beckman Synchron CX。 Delta Systems BK
DIAMOND Total Protein Reagent Beckman Synchron CX Delta Systems BK 450224D Manufacturer and Product Information Diamond Diagnostics 333 Fiske Street Holliston MA For Technical Assistance call Diamond Diagnostics Technical Services at 1 508 429 0450 DIA BN ES TUI Es Intended Use Diamond Total Protein Reagent used in conjunction with SYNCHRON Protein Calibrators 1 and 2 is intended for the quantitative determination of total protein in serum plasma or cere |
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