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DYEnamic ET Primer DNA Sequencing Reagents for MegaBACE
tions PEETA DYEnamic ET Primer E79000M DNA Sequencing Reagents for MegaBACE Warning For research use only Not recommended or intended for the diagnosis of disease in humans or animals Do not use internally or externally in humans or animals Amersham 74000020 Ed AC 1999 01 e Biosciences Handling Storage Store at 15 C to 30 C p2 Page finder Components of the kit 3 Quality control cece tas eae eee oe 3 Materi |
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Quintus reagents Instruction for Use
ih Boule Quintus reagents Instruction for Use Installation Instructions for Quintus Reagents E q A detailed description of reagent installation reagent change can be found in the instrument User s Manual under section 2 Installation L m Intended use The Boule Quintus Diluent Lyse and Stopper reagents are intended for use with the Quintus mR hematology analyzer systems Storage and stability The Boule Quintus reagents are stable at least up until the expiration |
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QUANTA Flash® β2GP1 IgM 701253 Reagents
QUANTA Flash B2GP1 IgM 701253 Reagents Para utiliza o em diagn stico In Vitro Aplica o diagn stica Imunoensaio quimioluminescente totalmente automatizado para a medi o semi quantitativa de anticorpos anti B2 glicoproteina 1 B2GP1 IgM em plasma humano e soro citrado no instrumento BIO FLASH como ajuda ao diagn stico de dist rbios tromboticos relacionados com s ndrome antifosfolipidos APS prim ria e secund ria quando utilizado em conjunto com outra |
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reagents/ methods in use by alqep transfusion medicine participants
ALQEP ALBERTA LABORATORY QUALITY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta REAGENTS METHODS IN USE BY ALQEP TRANSFUSION MEDICINE PARTICIPANTS An Educational Supplement prepared by ALQEP October 2005 Alberta Laboratory Quality Enhancement Program The Transfusion Medicine TM Program of the Alberta Laboratory Quality Enhancement Program ALQEP provides mandated transfusion medicine proficiency testing for all laboratories performing TM te |
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5. |
SYBR® Green PCR and RT-PCR Reagents
SYBR Green PCR and RT PCR Reagents Protocol PE Applied Biosystems DIVISION OF PERKIN ELMER Copyright 1998 The Perkin Elmer Corporation All rights reserved Products and procedures described in this protocol are intended for research purposes only Printed in the U S A Notice to Purchaser Limited License A license under U S Patents 4 683 202 4 683 195 and 4 965 188 or their foreign counterparts owned by Hoffmann La Roche Inc and F Hoffmann La Roche Ltd |
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6. |
HORIBAABX Diagnostics Navigator 2009 Hematology amp Clinical Chemistry Reagents Consumables and Customer Support Product Catalog CUSTO9 HEMAtology ABX Pentra DX 120 ABX Pentra 120 range ABX Pentra 80 range ABX Pentra 60 range ABX Micros range ABX Micros CRP200 ABX Pentra 400 ABX Micros 60 ABX Micros CRP200 ABX Micros iM ABX Pentra 60 ABX Pentra 60 C ABX Pentra XL80 ABXPENTRA Hem |
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