Moulinex Microwave Oven AFW2 User Guide


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1. Moulinex Microwave Oven AFW2 User Guide

Optigril Franqais p 2 English p 11 Espanol p 20 Italiano p 29 Contents Appliance description 11 Accessories 11 Control panel 12 Installing the appliance 12 Preparation 12 Connecting 12 Position 12 Safety instructions 13 Instructions for use 13 Foods 13 Containers and materials 13 Cooking time 15 Resting time 15 The various cooking modes 15 microwave mode 15 grill mode 16 Combined microwave grill mode 16 Adj

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WHAT TO DO IF YOUR APPLIANCE DOES NOT WORK Check that it is plugged in and switched on at the mains socket the connection and fuse that the accessories are correctly fitted on to the drive that the lids and handles are correctly fitted when using the bowl assembly B that the Liquidiser drive cover A1 is locked when using the Liquidiser ensure that the tab on the lid is correctly locked under the handle If your appliance still doe
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What to do if your appliance does not work Check The connection and the fuse That the accessories are properly locked on the motor unit That the lids are properly locked When using the bowl assembly B that the liquidiser drive cover Al is locked Your appliance still does not work Contact our Helpline 0845 330 4554 UK 01 47 51947 Ireland Accessories If you require extra or replacement accessories please call our Helpline above Thank you for
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Optigril Franqais p 2 English p 11 Espanol p 20 Italiano p 29 Contents Appliance description 11 Accessories 11 Control panel 12 Installing the appliance 12 Preparation 12 Connecting 12 Position 12 Safety instructions 13 Instructions for use 13 Foods 13 Containers and materials 13 Cooking time 15 Resting time 15 The various cooking modes 15 microwave mode 15 grill mode 16 Combined microwave grill mode 16 Adj
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15. Moulinex Microwave Oven AFW2 User Guide

Optigril Franqais p 2 English p 11 Espanol p 20 Italiano p 29 Contents Appliance description 11 Accessories 11 Control panel 12 Installing the appliance 12 Preparation 12 Connecting 12 Position 12 Safety instructions 13 Instructions for use 13 Foods 13 Containers and materials 13 Cooking time 15 Resting time 15 The various cooking modes 15 microwave mode 15 grill mode 16 Combined microwave grill mode 16 Adj
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1 www moulinex com Suomi EAAr V Ka Tiirkge PyCCKMM yKpamcbKa Latviesu Lietuviq Eesti s 32 Frangais p 6 o 35 English p 8 s 38 Deutsch S 11 43 Nederlands p 14 c 44 Espanol p 17 c 47 Portugues p 19 I 50 Italiano p 22 p 52 Dansk s 24 I 55 Norsk s 27 Svenska s 29 5 Nous vous remercions d avoir choisi un appa reil de la gamme Moulinex qui est exclusive merit prevu pour la preparation du cafe
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Nous vous remercions d avoir choisi un appa reil de la gamme Moulinex Votre batteur Easy Max Compact vous offre des avantages exclusifs Easy un bouton de commande unique pour toutes les operations Max une forme optimisee des fouets pour I emulsion des pates legeres facile Description A Corps de I appareil B Commande Easy C 1 jeu de fouets
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WHAT TO DO IF YOUR APPLIANCE DOES NOT WORK Check that it is plugged in and switched on at the mains socket the connection and fuse that the accessories are correctly fitted on to the drive that the lids and handles are correctly fitted when using the bowl assembly B that the Liquidiser drive cover A1 is locked when using the Liquidiser ensure that the tab on the lid is correctly locked under the handle If your appliance still doe
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Wou Uux Frangais p 1 1 English p 5 1 Italian p 9 j Espanol p 13 1 Turkce p 17 I EAAHNIKA p 21 p 25 Description A Bloc moteur B Bouton Marche Arret AutoClean C Touche Pulse D Bol mixeur E F Couvercle verseur multi positions G Bouchon doseur Accessoires selon modeles H Bol moulin fines herbes 1 Bol rape J Bol moulin a cafe K Filt

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