Dino-Power Titan 440i Owner`s manual


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1. Dino-Power Titan 440i Owner`s manual

Operation manual for Airless paint sprayer High Pressure Electric Airless paint sprayer Titan 440i model intelligent series Remark this guide manual is the same with model DP 6389 the content include the operation of equipment cleaning maintenance and repair be sure to operational read the manual carefully before you use this machine 1 warning and precautions Safety Precautions This manual contains information that must be read and understood before u

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Plaza Conde Valle Suchil 9 12 A 28015 Madrid Tel 902 30 50 80 Ol SUPERFICIES Vitral Plus Limpiacristales Multiusos Limpia y desengrasa AABI Antiest tico A No deja velos Antivaho Hidrofugante IMPIACRISTALES DETERGENTE PARA VIDROS rolando PRODUCTO PARA USO PROFESIONAL Vitral Plus PROPIEDADES Vitral Plus es un limpiacristales amoniacal especialmente indicado para superficies brillantes y acristaladas cristales espe
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8211 3389 09 _ SYMBOLS _ The following symbols are displayed on the machine in order to remind you about the safety precautions and attention necessary when using the machine The symbols mean Warning Read the Instruction Book and Safety Manual before using the machine Warning Keep spectators away Beware of objects being flung out Warning Do not put hands or feet under the cover of the machine when it i
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Plaza Conde Valle Suchil 9 12 A A 0 28015 Madrid GRUPO DINO Tel 902 30 50 80 FA SUPERFICIES Dinomaq Limpiador Extra R pido Indicado para la limpieza de suelos con m quinas fregadoras Detergente para el lavado de carrocer as a presi n o t neles de lavado No contiene disolventes Espuma controlada a pt e 4 an k miga e o Varas mua f i E AAEE i INNE S TT PRODUCTO PARA USO PROFESIONAL Dinomaq PROPIEDADES
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Philips Ledino Wall light Ledino a 4 y i u 33600 31 16 Essence of purity giving light a new experience Rounded and appealing this friendly dome sits discretely on the wall and casts a diffuse glow of ambient light from its smiling mouth Advanced Pure natural light Innovative LED technology with extremely long operating life Ease of use Maintenance free no lamp replacement needed Integrated driver directly connectable to main power su
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Plaza Conde Valle Suchil 9 1 A 28015 Madrid Tel 902 30 50 80 w JA SUPERFICIES Dinol Multiusos Limpiador Multiusos Limpiador multiusos para la limpieza de cristales espejos pl sticos Ji y todo tipo de superficies modernas Secado r pido No deja velos huellas ni residuos Agradable perfume E MULTIUSOS LIMPIADOR MULTIUSOS LIMPIADOR MU o LTIUSOS PRODUCTO PARA USO PROFESIONAL Dinol Multiusos PROPIEDADES Limpiador

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