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Cranium Giggle Gear Fairy Talkies 303033000 user manual
Welcome to Cranium Giggle Gear amp amp Fair y Talkies Talk with friends and send fairv s Q Assemble the Talkies Take out the charms headsets and headbands Give a headset and a headband to a friend p Install one 9 volt battery into one of the headsets Attach the headsets to the headbands Choose some charms and attach them to the headbands Put on the Fairy Talkies then adjust the microphone in front of your mouth Get Ready to Play |
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Super Why Muddled-Up Fairy Tales Manual
vtech User s Manual READING SYSTEM ae 2009 VTECH Printed in China 91 002395 023 000 2009 Out of the Blue Enterprises LLC All Rights Reserved Dear Parent ee ie lope te is oe jift you can give your child Thats why the Bugsby System Now you can see stories come to life i in your child s imagination with our Neier Kent EEE approach to reading Desig elas ee the B vate fe emirate your child to p w love of alg we wy adorable character |
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Techno Source Clickables Fairy Friendship Bracelet user manual
No 21101 21102 21103 21111 21112 21113 Explore the o nlin e world of PixieHollow com Clickahles Fairy Friendship Bracelet Congratulations The Clickables Fairy Friendship Bracelet allows you to share the magic of Fairies with your friends anytime anywhere With your bracelet you can send your friends messages share gifts and the Fairy you ve created online When you touch Clickable sensor Y to your friend s bracelet you can be friends online in PixieHollow c |
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Techno Source Clickables Fairy Charm Bracelet user manual
No 21400 Explore the online world of PixieHollow com Ctickahtes Fairy Charms Bracelet Congratulations Clickables Fairy Charms Bracelets are more than a fashion accessory Each charm allows you to unlock exclusive items for your Fairy in PixieHollow com Unlock the eharm online by touching the Cliekable Y on the baek of the eharm to the Cliekables Fairy Jewelry box or Clickables Fairy Friendship Bracelet Collect all 31 Clickables charms and your Fairy will receive a r |
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Techno Source Handheld Game System Fairy Charm Bracelet User Guide
No 21400 Explore the online world of PixieHollow com Ctickahtes Fairy Charms Bracelet Congratulations Clickables Fairy Charms Bracelets are more than a fashion accessory Each charm allows you to unlock exclusive items for your Fairy in PixieHollow com Unlock the eharm online by touching the Cliekable Y on the baek of the eharm to the Cliekables Fairy Jewelry box or Clickables Fairy Friendship Bracelet Collect all 31 Clickables charms and your Fairy will receive a r |
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Techno Source Clickables Fairy Game user manual
Explore the online world of PixieHollow com Clickables Fairy Game Button Description 1 ON OFF Button Turns the game on or off 2 Home Button Returns the game to the Game Selection screen 3 Sound Button J 4 Action Button 5 Left Directional Button 6 Up Directional Button 7 Right Directional Button 8 Down Directional Button 9 USB Port Navigating the game selection screen 1 will appear on the demo of the game After the logo appears t |
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Techno Source Clickables Fairy Charms IM-21300B user manual
No 21300 21301 the online world of PixieHolIow com Clickables Fairy Charms Starter Set Congratulations The Clickables Fairy Charms Starter Set allows you to unlock exclusive items for your Fairy in PixieFIollow com Touch Clickable Charms to the jewelry box to unlock clothing accessories and decor for your Fairy s home Collect all 31 Clickables charms and your Fairy will receive a reward that everyone in Pixie Hollow can see Getting Started 1 Activation B |
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Fairy Floss Operating Instructions
Mle Events amp Amusements Fairy Floss Operating Instructions 1 Screw on legs place machine on level surface bowl fits around collar bubble fits into bowl groove 2 With both switches off connect lead to machine and fill head with sugar Turn on motor switch seconds later switch on heat and turn heat control knob to position 5 3 Ina few minutes floss will appear and form a ring on bowl sides 4 If floss does not stick to bowl but flies or balls dampen side of |
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