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AccuPlate™ Analog Hotplate, Stirrers, Hot Plate Stirrer User Manual
Labne Labnet International Inc Ce LIT MO3001 AccuPlate Analog Hotplate Stirrers Hot Plate Stirrer User Manual DO300 DO300 230V DO310 DO310 230V DO320 DO320 230V Ocioner 2014 Version O About This Manual This manual is designed to assist you in optimal usage of your new hot plate stirrer or hotplate stirrer Product Voltages Hot plates stirrers and stirrer hot plates are available in different voltages Before initial use check that t |
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iStir Quattro -
EUGETIor i Stir Quattro Four Position Electromagnetic Stirrer PRODUCT USER MANUAL CONTENTS 1 Product Description 2 Intended Use 3 Features 4 Technical Specifications 5 Maintenance amp Safety Instructions 6 Installation amp Operation |
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DE T S R f i PROFESSIONAL STIRO SMACCHIA VL Professional Stiro Smacchia MOS07285 Edizione 1M04 ITALIANO We VAPORELLA PROFESSIONAL STIRO SMACCHIA GENERATORE A Tappo brevettato di sicurezza B Manopola regolazione vapore ferro C Manopola regolazione vapore pistola smacchiatrice D Tappetino poggiaferro fisso E Interruttore caldaia F Interruttore alimentazione ferro G Spia pressione H Spia mancanza acqua I Manometro J Vetro |
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HARMONY Digital Hotplate Stirrer User`s Manual
HARMONY Digital Hotplate Stirrer Written for HTS 2013 User s Manual LMS Co Ltd Introduction Thank you for purchase of HARMONY Digital Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer IHARMONY Digital Hotplate Stirrer is high performance digital controlled hotplate and or magnetic stirrer HARMONY Digital Hotplate Stirrer has many superior features as follows O Digital feedback control for accurate constant RPM L Feedback control for the temperature of the hotplate L Feedb |
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Istruzioni per l`uso Ferro da stiro a vapore - Migros
Durabase Istruzioni per l uso Ferro da stiro a vapore n art 7177 198 Q 8 O Durabase s T _ Gentile cliente Legga attentamente le presenti istruzioni d uso prima di allacciare l apparecchio alla corrente elettrica Eviter cos possibili danni dovuti ad un impiego non conforme dell apparecchio Indice Istruzioni brevi 2 Messa in funzione e modo d uso 4 Pulizia 6 Indicazioni di sicurezza 6 Smaltimento 7 Garanzia 8 Istruzioni brevi |
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Caframo Petite Digital Stirrer BDC250 user manual
nCViTLCP Petite Digital Stirrer English Instruction Manual pages 2 7 Espanol Manual de intrucciones pages 14 19 Frangais Mode d emploi pages 8 13 Deutsch Bedienungsanleitung pages 20 25 F CC Contents GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 3 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 3 APPROVALS 4 TECHNICAL DATA 4 STIRRER DESCRIPTION 5 INSTALLATION 5 ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING CONDITIONS 6 GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 6 CLEANING SERVICE TRANSPORT amp STORAGE 6 W |
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Istruzioni brevi Piastra stiracapelli Tamara - Migros
Istruzioni brevi Piastra stiracapelli Tamara Avvio rapido 3 1 Interruttore acceso spento su OFF spento 2 Chiudere l apparecchio e bloccarlo con il pulsante di chiusura Piastre con rivestimento 3 Inserire la spina nella presa di corrente 230 V Hiini 4 Interruttore su ON acceso l apparecchio si riscalda Calde durante l uso 0 iena o iano contatto convisa reechi 5 Dopocirca 10 15 minu |
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Intelli-Stirrer MSH-300i
D Medical Biological Research amp Technologies Intelli Stirrer MSH 300i Magnetic Stirrer with hot plate Operating Manual Certificate for versions V 3AD V 3AE Contents Safety Precautions General Information Getting Started Operation Fault diagnosis Specifications Maintenance Warranty and Claims OMAN DAF ON Declaration of Conformity 1 Safety Precautions The following symbols mean A Caution Make sure you hav |
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StirLIN-1 Economy especificacion técnica
TT c STIRLING CRYOGENICS ESPECIFICACI N T CNICA StirLIN 1 Economy Sistema de nitr geno l quido Referencia 80 8220 01 Fecha emisi n Enero 5 2015 Stirling Cryogenics es una marca registrada de DH Industries BV Para obtener m s informaci n sobre la gama de productos Stirling Cryogenics por favor p ngase en contacto con DH Industries BV Science Park Eindhoven 5003 5692 EB Son Holanda Tel 31 040 2677 300 Fax 31 040 2677 301 info dh indu |
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ThinSpin Magnetic Stirrer - Sigma
ThinSpin Magnetic Stirrer Operator s Manual Manuel de l op rateur Bedienungshandbuch Manual del operador Manuale d uso ANR E Argos Thin O O TECHNOLOGIES ARGOS manufacturing solutions for science Argos Technologies Inc 1551 South Scottsdale Court Suite 200 Elgin IL 60123 Toll Free 800 886 8675 f International 847 622 0456 www argos tech com Argos Technologies ThinSpin Magnetic Stirrer Operator s Manual Argos Technologies Thin |
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FRANCAIS L agitateur m canique un cable Schuko qui doive tre connect une prise du cou rante qui soie connect a terre il doive tre proche pour pouvoir le d connect en cas de mergence N essayez pas de le r parez vous m me vous allez perdre la garantie et vous pouvez occasionner des dommages sur les personnes ou sur le fonctionnement g n ral de l agitateur En cas de panne il faut se diriger a votre fournisseur pour la r parer au travers du ser |
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Pintura acrilica estirenada
PINTURAS VISEVER FABRICACI N C ARQUIMEDES 2 02600 VILLARROBLEDO AB EL 967 145162 FAX 967 145458 andres visever com VISEVER SE ALIZACI N PRODUCTO Pintura Vial Acr lica estirenada 1 Uso Su campo de aplicaci n es la se alizaci n horizontal sobre pavimentos bituminosos y de hormig n en v as interurbanas repintados sobre pinturas alc dicas acr licas pl sticos en fr o y termopl sticos en caliente 2 |
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ABEC INSTRUCTION MANUAL JABEC Laboratory Equipment Pty Ltd a amp t amp s Laboratory Equipment Pty Ltd email sales labec com au Ph 02 9560 2811 Fax 02 9560 6131 wwvw labec com au INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR Heating Mantles MN MN C Series BMN Series PLEASE READ THIS MANUAL CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATION IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING The vessel should match the size of the heating mantle excactly it needs go |
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Bedienungsanleitung uniStirrer 3 - Master Deutsch Englisch French
FRANCAIS LLG LABWARE Manuel d utilisation Agitateur magnetique chauffant uniSTIRRER 3 CE 1 Consignes de s curit Avant toute utilisation e Lire attentivement le manuel d utilisation e S assurer que seul un personnel form utilise l appareil e V rifier que l appareil est bien reli la terre avec le c ble d alimentation fourni e Installer l appareil sur une surface stable pro s che antid rapante et ignifuge e Ne pas utiliser l appareil d |
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Magnetic Stirring Systems with Heat
RIO GRANDE Since 1944 Sharing your passion for making jewelry Products Service Know how Magnetic Stirring Systems with Heat 1600 1 min 380C MAGNETIC STIRRER O 2 MAGNET IC STIRRER 335 212 Digital Ceramic Magnetic Stirring System with Heated Stand 335 211 Ceramic Magnetic Stirring System with Heated Stand IC STIRRER 335 210 Steel Magnetic Stirring System with Heated Stand Please read all information contained in this handbook carefully |
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Radar detector Beltronics STiR Plus International with
SEINS e L8 GIES User s Manual Radar detector Beltronics STIR Plus International with GPS module In the online store Winauto you also can buy car radar Beltronics STiR Plus International Delivery in Kyiv and throughout Ukraine with payment upon receipt winauto ua SSS rem NOTUM m I me a EL e gt m Sale Car Receivers Facia Plates Head Units Car TVs and Monitors Antennas Car Audio DVR GPS Navigation Trip Computers Car Alarm Sy |
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Operation Manual Electromagnetic stirrer uniSTIRRER 1
Te LABWARE Operation Manual Electromagnetic stirrer uniSTIRRER 1 CONTENTS 1 Za Intended Use Features Accessories Product Disposal Product Description ueeenseeaseeenseennneenennnnnennennnneennenennennn Technical SpecificatiONS onoooncnnnconocanocaninaninaninaninaninacinos Maintenance and Safety Instructions 0 Installation and Operation seeen |
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ChovASTAR Cola poliestireno
o CHOVASTAR OVA POLIESTIRENO EXPANDIDO SISTEMAS DE IMPERMEABILIZACI N FICHA T CNICA N 78201 REVISI N 1 07 Y AISLAMIENTO H UZSTAR la estrella del adhesivo profesional POLIESTIRENO EXPANDIDO DESCRIPCI N Adhesivo de contacto en base caucho SBS y resinas sint ticas con disolventes org nicos que no atacan el poliestireno PROPIEDADES Su consistencia de gel le confiere caracter sticas inmejorables para evitar el descuelgue pudiendo ser aplicado s |
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Cybex Plate Loaded Leg Extension (Estiramiento De
OLYBEX Cybex Plate Loaded Leg Extension Estiramiento De Piernas Manual del propietario Sistemas de resistencia Numero de referencia 16300 999 3 www cybexintl com ndice Seguridad Lineamientos y Pr cticas de Seguridad 3 Equipo de Anclaje cicsedeans eee aaarnas 3 Advertencias de seguridad en las instalaciones 3 Advertencias de seguridad para el usuario 4 Advertencias y precauciones oo o o 5 Colocaci n de etiquetas |
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User Manual for SCILOGEX MS7-H550-S Hotplate-Stirrer
LED Digital 7 Square Hotplate Stirrer User Manual MS7 S Classic 7 Square Plate Stirrer MS7 H550 S LED Digital 7 Square Hotplate Stirrer Please read the User Manual carefully before use and follow all operating and safety instructions www scilogex com SCILOGEX 12300085 Contents Pretacez aiti ettet eade 1 DEMVICE RE 1 Warranty alieni alici eee P al dali 1 1 Safety Instructions i 2 2 JProper USC ab see eR 3 Seo JBSpectOns ine rei ee ei |
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