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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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GUM, The GIMP User`s Manual
GUM o The GIMP User Manual Karin Kylander amp Olof S Kylander The Gimp User Manual version 1 0 0 Karin Kylander amp Olof S Kylander I legalities Legalities The Gimp user manual may be reproduced and distributed subject to the fol lowing conditions Copyright 1997 1998 by Karin Kylander Copyright 1998 by Olof S Kylander E mail karin frozenriver ale se summer 98 karin frozenriver com The Gimp User Manual is an open doc |
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The GIMP - Ebooks on Everything.
The GIMP By Robert Spotswood Open source s answer to Photoshop With consumer digital cameras becoming more and more common so are digital pictures Unfortunately bad digital pictures are also becoming more and more common While tips on taking good pictures are beyond the scope of this article pictures you already have taken can sometimes be salvaged and most of the time improved with some good photo editing software In addition those pictures can be cut folded spindled |
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Gimp 2.8
Gimp 2 8 Pr face de C dric G my N a LP Y Le e r LD 6 e co q ee 2 d aa F2 EYROLLES S a D 2 Groupe Eyrolles 2005 2007 2008 2009 et 2013 pour la prente Lilition ISBN 978 2 212 12700 3 a Table des matieres AVANT PROPOS ons soc vososusuves Pourquoi utiliser Gimp plut t que Photoshop 1 Que trouverez vous dans ce livre 2 Liste des tutoriels 4 Remerciements 5 LES BASES DE L INFOGRAPHIE |
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Tutoriel GIMP INKSCAPE FreeMind
GIMP Gnu Image Manipulation Programme Logiciel libre de traitement d image The Gimp est l alternative libre au logiciel propri taire d Adobe Photoshop Il fait partie du projet GNU Cr e en 1995 il est cross plateform c est dire qu on peut l installer sur les syst mes Microsoft Windows Mac OSX et videmment les diff rentes distributions de GNU Linux Il est install sur les machines du CCC merci Alejandra T l charger les installeurs Gimp p |
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Fotoritocco con GIMP - unitre sesto calende
HH UNITRE SESTO CALENDE IL FOTORITOCCO CON GIMP a cura di Gianpaolo Michelutti Revisione Gennaio 2013 UNITRE SESTO CALENDE LABORATORIO DI INFORMATICA La luce e il colore La luce visibile La luce visibile una piccola porzione dello spettro elettromagnetico compresa approssimativamente nell aria tra i 400 e i 700 nanometri nm 10 metri cio un milionesimo di millimetro Questo intervallo coincide con 11 centro della regione spettrale dell |
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Uma coleção de “tool presets” - gps-gimp-paint
jam EN F i F al F P a a E nda ed al o Ot oo oO a a Ei 4 Cd E e _ __ _ GIMP PAINT of UDI 5 ea o Uma cole o de tool presets para as ferramentas do GIMP elaborado para artistas e designers Por Ram n Miranda ndice GIMP Paint Studio GPS Descri o das ferramentas cccccccccccccsssssseecccceeeeeaacceeaecceeaeeeeeaeeeeeaaes 3 OOS Cena Sta Sd ND Gish EIA DA S 3 GIMB N o 6 PHOT |
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The Gnu Image Manipulation «Gimp» Logiciel libre de traitement d
The Gnu Image Manipulation Gimp Logiciel libre de traitement d image The Gimp est l alternative libre au logiciel propri taire d Adobe Photoshop Il fait partie du projet GNU Cr e en 1995 il fonctionne sur Gnu Linux toutes distributions sur Apple OSX installation pr alable du package X11 disponible en fichiers sources compiler mais galement en fichier binaire compress en dmg et sur Microsoft Windows Gimp Sous Apple OSX httprfrwikipedia org wikifImageGi |
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Beginning Photo Retouching and Restoration Using GIMP
Beginning Photo Retouching and Restoration Using GIMP Phillip Whitt Apress Beginning Photo Retouching and Restoration Using GIMP Copyright 2014 by Phillip Whitt This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved by the Publisher whether the whole or part ofthe material is concerned specifically the rights of translation reprinting reuse of illustrations recitation broadcasting reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way and transmission or |
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for GIMP - Australian Gemini Office
NGC 6751 Tutorial Making Color Images Christopher A Onken Travis A Rector The Australian National University University of Alaska Anchorage Mount Stromlo Observatory Department of Physics and Astronomy Cotter Rd Weston Creek ACT Australia 3211 Providence Dr Anchorage AK USA email onken mso anu edu au email rector uaa alaska edu Introduction A Note from the Authors The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate how color images of astronomi cal objects can |
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