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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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ESTEREOMICROSCOPIOS STEREOMICROSCOPES ST R OMICROSCOPES qe 2 mM Serie Series S rie 230 Ss 1o O e a a x gt Este manual es parte inseparable del aparato por lo que debe estar disponi ble a todos los usuarios del equipo Le recomendamos leer atentamente el sente manual y seguir rigurosamente los procedimientos de uso para obtener las m ximas prestaciones y una mayor duraci n del mismo This manual should be availab |
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Instruction Manual for Stereo Microscopes
Instruction Manual for Stereo Microscopes Please read the booklet before using the microscope Contents I Applications II Names of the parts and accessories II Major technical index IV How to use V Lamp and fuse replacement VI Maintenance and general care of your microscope VII Optional accessories I Applications Widely used in electronics industry assembling and inspection of precise instruments and meters educational experiments observation and r |
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MEA Amplifier for Upright Microscopes
multichannel systems MEA Amplifier for Upright Microscopes Manual 990990909 vo 6 0 0 0 0 Information in this document is subject to change without notice No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted without the express written permission of Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document the publisher and the author assume no r |
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estereomicroscopios stereomicroscopes serie / series 240
ESTEREOMICROSCOPIOS STEREOMICROSCOPES SERIE SERIES 240 Este manual es parte inseparable del aparato por lo que debe estar disponible a todos los usuarios del equipo Le recomendamos leer atentamente el presente manual y seguir rigurosamente los proce dimientos de uso para obtener las maximas prestaciones y una mayor duraci n del mismo This manual should be available for all users of these equipments To get the best results and a higher duration of this equipment it i |
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5. |
Olympus Student Microscopes CHA & CHB Instruction Manual
lt z lt Q a Z Q 3 lt z n Lu a Q oO 2 va Q LJ Q e 2 gt a 3 Scanned by J G McHone 8 Nov 09 for personal use only not for sale This instruction manual has been prepared for the Olympus Student Microscopes Models CHA and CHB It is recommended that you read the manual carefully in order t |
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6. |
Microscopes Microscope lineups that systemize observation measurement and processing MF series SERIES 176 Measuring Microscopes e Observation with a clear and flareless erect Illumination unit reflected transmitted can image along with a wide tield of view be selected trom a high intensity LED or e Measuring accuracy is the highest in its class halogen bulb and contorms to JIS B 7153 e Variable aperture diaphragm retlected e ML series high NA objectives |
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MEA Amplifier with Blanking Circuit for Upright Microscopes
multichannel systems MEA Amplifier with Blanking Circuit for Upright Microscopes User Manual eeeeeeee 9990909 eeeeeeene LEN 999 Information in this document is subject to change without notice No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted without the express written permission of Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for |
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8. |
MICROSCOPES ET STEREOMICROSCOPES INDUSTRIELS M I 0 S O P E L ES Entr e de gamme de st r omicroscopes professionnels RIES St r ozoom professionnel S St r ozoom de laboratoires DULAR SERIES St r ozoom modulaire pour l industrie tereozoom Microscope for SMD Inspection IES Illumination and Sample Positioning t r omicroscopes gemm |
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9. |
MEA Amplifier for Upright Microscopes
multichannel systems MEA Amplifier for Upright Microscopes User Manual eeeeeeed 990990909 eeeeee Information in this document is subject to change without notice No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted without the express written permission of Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omiss |
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10. |
MEA Amplifier for Inverse Microscopes
multichannel systems MEA Amplifier for Inverse Microscopes Manual n0 0 151 0 6 0 0 0 0 Information in this document is subject to change without notice No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted without the express written permission of Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissio |
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MICROSCOPES NUMERIQUES ET ACCESSOIRES PHOTO VIDEO OPTIKA M 1 c R 0 S 0O P E S i T A L Y Microscopes Num riques de Biologie oe St r ozoom num rique CATIONS VIDEO ET PHOTO Cam ras video et Appareils photos Ver 1 5 0 OPTIKA M I C R O S Cc O P E S FR Microscopes num riques de Biologie www optikamicroscopes com FR OPTIKA DIGITAL MICROSCOPE Ma |
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12. |
Agilent Cary 600 Series FTIR Spectrometers and Microscopes
Agilent Cary 600 Series FTIR Spectrometers and Microscopes User s Guide Ete Agilent Technologies Notices Agilent Technologies Inc 2008 2010 2013 No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language without prior agreement and written consent from Agilent Technologies Inc as governed by United States and international copyright laws Manual Part Num |
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13. |
Operating Manual Axiovert 200 / Axiovert 200 M Inverted Microscopes
Operating Manual Axiovert 200 Axiovert 200 M INTRODUCTION Carl Zeiss Copyright Axiovert 200 Knowledge of this manual is required for the operation of the instrument Would you please therefore make yourself familiar with the contents of this manual and pay special attention to hints concerning the safe operation of the instrument The specifications are subject to change the manual is not covered by an update service Unless expressly authorized forwarding and duplica |
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14. |
5 - Microscopes
User Manual Binocular Compound Microscope Model M82ES Series MicroscopeNet com Table of Contents eU 1 Gare and Maint nanee s seine el 2 Components MUSA OM ese eunte ato eee 3 MS AO ln mea 4 ODA OS sco Riu RUM RUM LE Ge 5 Pe CON SE use UICE UMP icc dd 8 Optional PAS Decree dt drone tri a tor oet ORE tie 9 Troubleshooting Guide cece ceccceececeeeeeeeeteeeeeeeeteneeseeeteueeseeetaneeteneenees 10 Dry Darkfield |
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