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Supplementary Protocol
Supplementary Material Using GFP video to track 3D movement and conditional gene expression in free moving flies Reza Ardekani Yichuan Michelle Huang Prathamesh Sancheti Ramunas Stanciauskas Simon Tavar John Tower Experimental protocol Hardware requirements 1 Desktop computer with FW800 PCI E cards to connect the cameras 2 Two video cameras Grasshopper type GRAS 20S4C Point Grey Research Scottsdale AZ 3 2x 8mm Megapixel fixed focal lens Edmund Opti |
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PROFIBUS-DP Slave Protocol API
a hilsclier COMPETENCE IN COMMUNICATION Protocol API PROFIBUS DP Slave V2 7 X X Hilscher Gesellschaft fur Systemautomation mbH www hilscher com DOC050401 API15EN Revision 15 English 2013 09 Released Public Introduction 2 238 Table of Contents 1 PONE CLI CUM oe aatce dtc cnrxntc stance E E E E A E E E 5 1 1 _ADOUE this DOCUMEN serorei renarena aE anka aAA AAEE EERE ANAD KEA KERRE EEE EREKE EEN 5 eE E e a E A E N EE A A E EE P AE E ETE 6 1 3 System R |
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RNA/Protein Purification 96-Well Kit - Protocol
3430 Schmon Parkway gt N Thorold ON Canada L2V 4Y6 Phone 866 667 4362 e 905 227 8848 Fax 905 227 1061 BIOTEK si CORPORATION Email techsupport norgenbiotek com RNA Protein Purification 96 Well Kit Product Insert Product 37900 Norgen s RNA Protein Purification 96 Well Kit provides a rapid method for the high throughput isolation and purification of total RNA and proteins simultaneously from a single sample of cultured animal cells small tissue sample |
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E S E PROTOCOLO Elabor 17 02 2010 Jefe Adriana J SA B U SOLICITUD Y ENTREGA DE AN PAI Instituto de Salud SUMINISTROS Y BIOLOGICOS Revis 17 02 2010 Subdirecci n S de Bucaramanga PAI Servicios de Salud C digo PT 057 Aprob 17 02 2010 Gerencia Fecha 17 02 2010 Controlado Versi n 1 0 P gina 1 6 1 OBJETIVO Garantizar la custodia abastecimiento oportuno y completo de biol gicos y suminist |
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Logiciel de configuration ProTool - Service, Support
SIEMENS SIMATIC HMI Logiciel de configuration ProTool Manuel d utilisation 6AV9623 1AA05 2AC0 Edition 09 96 Avant propos Introduction Table des mati res Installation Synoptique des fonctions sp cifiques aux appareils Comment employer ProTool Configurer avec ProTool Variables Images Messages d v nement et messages d alarme Recettes Fonctions Zones g n rales de 11 communication Configuration |
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Protocole_QGIS_dalles_SHOM_glz_internet - DIRM
QGIS Dalles g1z du SHOM Int gration symbologie interpolation et traitements Historique des versions du document Version Dae Commentaire O o Juin 2014 Version pilote tester compl ter et corriger Affaire suivie par Laurie Anne HENO DIRM NAMO MCPML Courriel Laurie Anne Heno developpement durable gouv fr R dacteur Laura FILLINGER DIRM NAMO MCPML Relecteur Laurie Anne HENO DIRM NAMO MCPML SOMMAIRE 1 PR ANI |
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Unsupported Protocol – Preparing > 30 kb SMRTbell™ Libraries
Unsupported Protocol amp PACIFIC BIOSCIENCES Please note the shared protocols described herein may not have been validated by Pacific Biosciences and are prowded as is and without any warranty Use of these protocols is offered to those customers who understand and accept the associated terms and conditions and wish to take advantage of their potential to help prepare samples for analysis using the PacBio System lf any of these protocols are to be used in a production envi |
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DRCR.NET Image Acquisition Protocol Optical Coherence
DRCR NET Image Acquisition Protocol Optical Coherence Tomography Using Heidelberg Spectralis OCT 1 PROCEDURE SUMMARY FOR EXPERIENCED USERG sssccccsssecccsssscccnssccccecsecccncscccccsecccucsecccucsecccuesececuusecccuccecccucsesecceseesueses 2 1 1 ENSURE THAT YOUR HEIDELBERG SYSTEM MEETS SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 1 2 1 2 ACQUIRE SD OCT SCAN RESC |
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Quality of Life Programme Thematic Priorities 5 3 1 QLK5 2001 00289 Eco engineering and Conservation of Slopes for Long term Protection from Erosion Landslides and Storms uw o SLOp Sn FIELD PROTOCOL Version 2 compiled by L H Cammeraat L P H van Beek amp L K A Dorren 2001 COPYRIGHTS Copyright 2002 by the contractors of the Ecoslopes project This field protocol is for use within the Ecoslopes project only All rights reserved For inf |
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User Manual for Scratch Match (Beta Prototype)
User Manual for Scratch Match Beta Prototype Introduction Welcome to the world of the disc jockey DJ The role of a DJ is to control the flow of music so that transitions between songs appear as smooth as possible In addition you are putting on a show and your creativity will get you noticed Weaving different pieces of music together can create a musical experience that is unique and greater than the sum of its parts Our program is here to allow you to play with and |
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ProtoCessor Design Guide
FieldServer Technologies ProtoCessor FieldServer Technologies A Sierra Monitor Company 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas CA 95035 USA Toll Free 800 317 8319 Telephone 408 964 4433 Fax 408 964 4425 Email sales QProtoCessor com ProtoCessor Design Guide APPLICABILITY amp EFFECTIVITY Explains the Functioning and Set up of the following ProtoCessor products FFP 485 ProtoCessor FPC ED2 ASP 485 ProtoCessor FPC AD2 FFP ETH ProtoCessor FPC F03 FFP LON ProtoC |
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AppleTalk Filing Protocol Version 2.1 and 2.2
AppleShare IP 6 3 Developer s Kit AppleTalk Filing Protocol Version 2 1 and 2 2 Technical Publications Apple Computer Inc 1999 Apple Computer Inc 1997 1999 Apple Computer Inc All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical electronic photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of Apple Computer Inc except to mak |
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PROTOCOLO ENTRE O EX RCITO PORTUGU S E A TMN TELECOMUNICA ES M VEIS NACIONAIS S A 1 Pre mbulo A celebra o do presente protocolo tem como objectivo regular os termos da colabora o entre os outorgantes que visa assegurar aos militares e trabalhadores do mapa de pessoal civil do Ex rcito Portugu s o acesso a um conjunto de condi es especiais de subscri o de servi os e ou produtos da TMN 2 Identifica o das partes Entre a O EX RCITO POR |
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ProTool Configuration de pupitre à afficheur graphique
SIEMENS SIMATIC HMI ProTool Configuration de pupitre afficheur graphique Aide en ligne pouvant tre imprim e Num ro de commande 6AV6594 1BA06 0ACO Edition 12 01 A5E00149245 z7 d _ O h Q O O Sommaire Introduction ProTool Premiers pas dans ProTool Cr ation et dition de projets D D O S S93 J Q Fo O N D Q m LE O N A 2 A D O O1 D N k Tester les projets Docum |
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Protocolo Internacional de Medição e Verificação De
j DLANATIAM o pest Doi j PE LEEGTE a iad ade RENNES Protocolo Internacional de Medi o e Verifica o De Performance Conceitos e Op es para a Determina o de Economias de Energia e de Agua Volume 1 Preparado pela Efficiency Valuation Organization Organiza o para a Avalia o de Efici ncia www evo world org Abril 2007 EVO 10000 1 2007 Br Protocolo Internacional de Medi o e Verifica o De Performance Conceitos e Op es para a |
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Plasma-Serum EBV PCR Detection Kit - Protocol
gt N 3430 Schmon Parkway lt Thorold ON Canada L2V 4Y6 z Phone 866 667 4362 905 227 8848 Fax 905 227 1061 BIOTEK si CORPORATION Email techsupport norgenbiotek com Plasma Serum EBV PCR Detection Kit Product Insert Product 41000 Epstein Barr Virus EBV is a member of the Herpes family of virus and is one of the most common viruses in humans The virus occurs globally and causes infectious mononucleosis Most individuals become infected with EBV and develop ad |
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dcs user manual.qxp - Proto
Softkey Codes Screen Messages The following charts detail the meaning behind the 3 digit code visible above the soft key numbers S1 S5 on the DCS Remote The first chart details the codes found when using the TR button The second chart features the codes visible when operating a Ps2 engine with operating pantographs The third chart includes all the features found in all Ps2 engines Each chart contains four columns The first column lists the softkey Code The second column |
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CMS Front-End Driver Prototype
CMS Front End Driver PMC Test Bench Manual Version 1 1 January 2001 J Coughlan Rutherford Appleton Laboratory FED PMC Test Bench Manual CMS FED PMC 2001 1 Contents 1 CONTENT 2 2 BRI GURES S EOS 3 22 FOREWORD iss erai xo eee ib wie ole |
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NI CVS-1450 I/O Terminal Block and Prototyping Accessory User
A USER GUIDE NI CVS 1450 1 0 Terminal Block and Prototyping Accessory This document describes the features of your NI CVS 1450 I O Terminal Block and Prototyping Accessory what you need to get started and the installation and operation of the device Introduction The CVS 1450 I O Accessory breaks out the I O functionality of the National Instruments CVS 1450 Series Compact Vision System providing screw terminals for easy connections The CVS 1450 I O Accessory also |
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Telemecanique Protocole Modbus Esclave Modbus Slave Protocol
Telemecanique Protocole Modbus Esclave Modbus Slave Protocol Instruction de service Instruction sheet Bedienungsanweitsung Istruzioni di servizio Instrucci n de servicio 04 2005 a brand o Schneider i Telemecanique XBT L1MBE01 Modbus Slave Protocol Contents Safety Information 29 1 Minimum hardware and software requirements 31 2 Installing the protocol Starting XBT L1000 31 3 Operating principle 31 4 Content of t |
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