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011 - PENNDOT LRFD and Engineering Programs
PENNDOT e Notification Bureau of Information Systems Application Development Division PAPier No 011 April 19 2004 Release of Version 1 2 The Department s Pennsylvania Pier Analysis Program PAPier has been revised as described on the attached Summary of April 2004 Revisions Version 1 2 Consultants and others who have a current license agreement for PAPier Version 1 1 or Version 1 0 can obtain the updated version for a license update fee of 500 for pr |
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010 - PENNDOT LRFD and Engineering Programs
PENNDOT e Notification pennsylvania Bureau of Business Solutions and Services DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Highway Engineering Application Division STLRFD No 010 June 24 2013 Release of Version 2 2 0 0 The Department s LRFD Steel Girder Design and Rating Program STLRFD has been revised as described on the attached Summary of May 2013 Revisions Version 2 2 0 0 The new program has been placed on PENNDOT servers for use by the Districts Consultants and others |
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014 - PENNDOT LRFD and Engineering Programs
PennDOT e Notification pennsylvania Buredu of Business Solutions and Services senperwcuy ae TRANSPORT TION Highway Engineering Applications Division PSLRFD No 014 July 17 2014 Release of Version 2 8 0 0 The Department s LRFD Prestressed Concrete Girder Design and Rating PSLRFD program has been revised as described in the attached Summary of May 2014 Revisions Version 2 8 0 0 The new program has been placed on PennDOT servers for use by the Districts |
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PennDOT - Manual del conductor de Pensilvania
Manual del conductor de Pensilvania PUB 95S 9 06 Version en espanol Departamento de Transporte Servicios Vehiculares y para el Conductor Uso compartido del camino con motocicletas y autom viles Los motociclistas de hoy en d a son amigos familiares y vecinos El motociclista tiene los mismos derechos y obligaciones en el camino que los conductores de otros veh culos Los automovilistas deben reconocerlo y no intentar encim rseles ni quitarles el derech |
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ABLRFD v1.3 Revisions - PENNDOT LRFD and Engineering
LRFD ABUTMENT AND RETAINING WALL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN SUMMARY OF MARCH 2001 REVISIONS VERSION 1 3 Since the release of ABLRFD Version 1 2 several revision requests and user requested enhancements have been received This release of ABLRFD Version 1 3 corrects the following known problems and provides enhancements The following list describes the changes made to the program ABLRFD Version 1 3 contains the following revisions 1 10 11 12 13 14 Revised t |
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PennDOT - Pennsylvania School Bus Driver`s Manual
Pennsylvania School Bus Driver s Manual T pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUB 117 5 12 www dmv state pa us FOREWORD The Highway Safety Program of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration under the U S Department of Transportation s Federal Standard 17 requires each state to develop plans to reduce as much as possible the danger of death or injury to school children while being transported to and from school This manual and the associat |
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002 - PENNDOT LRFD and Engineering Programs
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION www dot state pa us DATE September 23 2002 SUBJECT LRFD Prestressed Concrete Girder Design and Rating PSLRFD Version 2 0 TO District Engineer Administrator Dist 1 0 Dist 2 0 Dist 3 0 Dist 4 0 Dist 5 0 Dist 6 0 Dist 8 0 Dist 9 0 Dist 10 0 Dist 11 0 Dist 12 0 Licensed Users of PSLRFD Program FROM James W Slaughter Chief Information Systems Applica |
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