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Cubo Entero HB ad accesso frontale Manuale di
Manuale di installazione e configurazione 020 101333 02 Cubo Entero HB ad accesso frontale CHRISTIE AVVISI COPYRIGHT E MARCHI DI FABBRICA Copyright 2015 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc Tutti i diritti riservati Tutti i nomi di marchi e di prodotti sono marchi di fabbrica marchi registrati o nomi commerciali dei rispettivi titolari GENERALI stato fatto tutto il possibile per garantire l accuratezza delle informazioni contenute in questo manuale tutta |
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Enterotoxigenic E. Coli (ETEC) Real Time PCR Kit User Manual For
Liferiver Revision No ZJO007 Issue Date Jul 1 2012 Enterotoxigenic E Coli ETEC Real Time PCR Kit User Manual For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only DD 0092 01 For use with LightC ycler1 0 2 0 Instrument Obelis S A Boulevard G n ral Wahis 53 1030 Brussels BELGIUM Tel 32 2 732 59 54 Fax 32 2 732 60 03 E Mail mail obelis net CE asal Shanghai ZJ Bio Tech Co Ltd www liferiver com cn Tel 86 21 34680596 trade liferiver com cn F |
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quanty enterovirus (5`UTR region)
3 nT quanty enterovirus 5 UTR region REF RT 33 Detection and quantification of the Enterovirus genome with Real Time PCR INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE OF USE The quanty enterovirus system is a quantitative test that allows the RNA amplification and quantification by means of Real Time PCR of 5 UTR region of Enterovirus RNA The Procedure allows the detection of the RNA target by means a retro amplification reaction The analysis of the results is made using a Real Time |
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4. |
Centero elero CE 0682 Instructions d utilisation traduction Conservez ces instructions d utilisation 2011569 FR 0913 21FR L original du manuel d utilisation est en allemand Tous les documents r dig s dans d autres langues repr sentent les traductions de la version originale Tous droits r serv s pour le cas de la d livrance d un bre vet d un mod le d utilit ou d un mod le de pr sentation elero GmbH Table des mati res 1 G n ralit s |
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5. |
EnterokinaseMax (EKMax ) - Thermo Fisher Scientific
invitrogen EnterokinaseMax EKMax Catalog nos E180 01 E180 02 Version H 16 June 2006 25 0110 11 Table of Contents Table of Contents tete un br I ie es iii Important Informa th On cias ii caves ds haces A doula lea A AAA E TE iv aa a aaa LPAR EE PENE A I EE E AEA E EA A EEE E A A A A A EA A ET isencdasisenevec 1 D aT Wanda 1 ERMAX B A E A ES 2 App dik ea naer e Ea E EES EC r EE EE EA EE E EEEE EEES TECE E E ORENEAN 6 RECIPES E E E E E o ea 6 Technical |
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6. |
Christie Entero HB Software User Manual
Software User Manual 020 100981 04 Entero HB CHRISTIE NOTICES COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARKS Copyright 2014 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc All rights reserved All brand names and product names are trademarks registered trademarks or trade names of their respective holders GENERAL Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy however in some cases changes in the products or availability could occur which may not be reflected in this document Christie reserves |
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7. |
Enterovirus 71& Coxsackie Virus A16 Real Time RT-PCR
Liferiver Revision No ZJ0002 Issue Date Jul 1 2012 Enterovirus 71 amp Coxsackie Virus A16 Real Time RT PCR Kit User Manual 20 C Z y For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only QR 0234 02 For use with ABI Prism 7000 7300 7500 7900 Step One Plus iCycler iQ 4 iQ 5 Smart Cycler Il Bio Rad CFX 96 Rotor Gene 6000 Mx3000P 3005P MJ Option2 Chromo4 LightCycler 480 Instrument rw ZJ Bio Tech Co Ltd www liferiver com cn Tel 86 21 34680596 trade life |
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Yersinia Enterocolitica Real Time PCR Kit User Manual For In Vitro
Liferiver Revision No ZJO007 Issue Date Jul 1 2012 Yersinia Enterocolitica Real Time PCR Kit User Manual C For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only 20 C 3s DD 0127 01 atal Shanghai ZJ Bio Tech Co Ltd For use with LightCycler1 0 2 0 Instrument www liferiver com cn Tel 86 21 34680596 ec ner Obelis S A trade liferiver com cn Fax 86 21 34680595 Boulevard G n ral Wahis 53 2 floor No 15 Building No 188 Xinjunhuan road 1030 Brussels BEL |
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Plasma/Serum Enterovirus RT-PCR Detection Kit
es gt lt NORGEN BIOTEK wi CORPORATION 3430 Schmon Parkway Thorold ON Canada L2V 4Y6 Phone 866 667 4362 e 905 227 8848 Fax 905 227 1061 Email techsupport norgenbiotek com Plasma Serum Enterovirus RT PCR Detection Kit Product Insert Product 39700 The Enteroviruses are a genus of the family Picornaviridae and are a large and diverse group of small RNA viruses characterized by a ssRNA molecule of positive sense To date over 70 serotypes of Enterovirus |
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Urine-Based Enterovirus RT-PCR Detection Kit
ay gt lt NORGEN BIOTEK wi CORPORATION 3430 Schmon Parkway Thorold ON Canada L2V 4Y6 Phone 866 667 4362 e 905 227 8848 Fax 905 227 1061 Email techsupport norgenbiotek com Urine Based Enterovirus RT PCR Detection Kit Product 39800 The Enteroviruses are a genus of the family Picornaviridae Over 70 serotypes of Enterovirus have been isolated from man Their normal site of replication is the GI tract where the infection can be subclinical or result in a |
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Enterobacter sakazakii Real Time PCR Kit User Manual For
Liferiver Revision No ZJO007 Issue Date Jul 1 2012 Enterobacter sakazakii Real Time PCR Kit User Manual C For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only 20 C 3s DD 0134 02 For use with ABI Prism 7000 7300 7500 7900 Step One Plus iCycler iQ 4 iQ 5 Smart Cycler Il Bio Rad CFX 96 Rotor Gene 6000 Mx3000P 3005P MJ Option2 Chromo4 LightC ycler 480 Instrument Eo ner Obelis S A Boulevard G n ral Wahis 53 1030 Brussels BELGIUM Tel 32 2 732 |
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AplicAção pArA gAstroenterologiA
CIRURGIA DE ALTA FREQU NCIA APLICA O E CONSELHOS PR TICOS APLICA O PARA GASTROENTEROLOGIA Perfection for Life 02 NDICE Introdu o 03 Aplica es 12 Cirurgia AF na endoscopia Polipectomia Papilotomia Efeitos t rmicos 05 Corte Coagula o Desvitaliza o Termofus o Procedimentos cir rgicos AF 06 T cnica monopolar T cnica bipolar Coagula o com plasma de arg nio APC Ressec o endosc pica da mucosa EMR Diss |
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13. |
5010 Enterococcus sp
genesox DESENVOLVIMENTO E PRODU O DE TESTES DE DIAGN STICO geneBOX R amp D Diagnostic Tests biocant centro de inova o em biotecnologia n cleo 4 lote 3 3060 197 Cantanhede Portugal tel 351 231410946 fax 351 231 410947 e mail info genebox com 24 C digo do Produto 5010 Enterococcus sp Qual PCR Box 1 0 Dispositivo para utiliza o in vitro Manual de I nstru es ogo eo geneBox 000 DESENVOLVIMENTO E PRODU O DE TESTES DE DIAGN STICO |
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14. |
GenoType Enterococcus
Enterococcus 1 0 CE 03 2009 H A N LIFESCIENCE Enterococcus Test G n tique d Identification des Enterococci R sis tants la Vancomycine Principe Le test GenoType Enterococcus est bas sur la technologie DNAeSTRIP et permet l identification combin e des esp ces enterococcales faecalis faecium casseli flavus et gallinarum ainsi que des g nes de r sistance la vancomycine vanA vanB vanC1 et van |
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Enteroinvasive E. Coli (EIEC) Real Time PCR Kit User Manual For In
Liferiver Revision No ZJO007 Issue Date Jul 1 2012 Enteroinvasive E Coli EIEC Real Time PCR Kit User Manual For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only DD 0093 01 For use with LightC ycler1 0 2 0 Instrument e Obelis S A Boulevard G n ral Wahis 53 1030 Brussels BELGIUM Tel 32 2 732 59 54 Fax 32 2 732 60 03 E Mail mail obelis net CE wal Shanghai ZJ Bio Tech Co Ltd www liferiver com cn Tel 86 21 34680596 trade liferiver com cn Fax |
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020-100367-05_LIT MAN USR Entero RPMWU-RPMSP
Entero R MWU RPMSP RPMHD LEDO1 USER MANUAL 020 100367 05 CHAISTIE Entero R MWU RPMSP RPMHD LEDO1 USER MANUAL 020 100367 05 NOTICES COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARKS O 2011 2012 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc All rights reserved All brand names and product names are trademarks registered trademarks or trade names of their respective holders REGULATORY The product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device pursuan |
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17. |
ADIVA Entero Antidiarreico y Muco protector Gastrointestinal de Alta Palatabilidad para Perros y Gatos Introducci n La diarrea es el s ntoma cl nico m s habitual en la mayor a de infecciones intestinales en perros y gatos que acuden a la cl nica veterinaria 1 3 Las causas m s frecuentes de diarrea aguda son la dieta la presencia de par sitos y las enferme dades infecciosas Cuando existe una alteraci n del equilibrio entre la flora bacteriana habitual y los micr |
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OPMI PENTERO C Software Release 2 20 2 21 Instructions for use G 30 1592 en Issue 4 2 Printed on 14 12 2009 Key to symbols 5 3 Hl gt FLOW 800 SW 2 21 Different symbols used in this manual draw your attention to safety as pects and useful tips These symbols are explained in the following Warning The warning triangle indicates potential sources of danger which may constitute a risk of injury for the user or a health hazard |
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19. |
Enterovirus Real TM RG ENG NEW RT F ver - bio
_iSacace BIOTECHNOLOGIES For in Vitro Diagnostic Use C Enterovirus Real ITM HANDBOOK Real Time PCR Kit for the qualitative detection of Enterovirus RNA REF V16 50FRT REF TV16 50FRT 50 NAME Enterovirus Real TM INTRODUCTION Enteroviruses are a genus of ssRNA viruses associated with several human and mammalian diseases Serologic studies have distinguished 66 human enterovirus serotypes on the basis of antibody neutralization |
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20. |
Enterovirus Real Time RT-PCR Kit User Manual For In Vitro
Liferiver Revision No ZJ0004 Issue Date Jul 1 2012 Enterovirus Real Time RT PCR Kit User Manual For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only QR 0206 01 For use with LightCycler1 0 2 0 Instrument Eo PEP Obelis S A Boulevard G n ral Wahis 53 1030 Brussels BELGIUM Tel 32 2 732 59 54 Fax 32 2 732 60 03 E Mail mail obelis net CE Ws 1 wal Shanghai ZJ Bio Tech Co Ltd www liferiver com cn Tel 86 21 34680596 trade liferiver com cn Fax 86 21 |
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