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Selladores de Silicona
Informaci n de Producto Selladores de Silicona CARACTER STICAS e Resistente a la luz del sol lluvia hielo nieve radiaci n ultravioleta ozono y temperaturas extremadas Conserva las propiedades del proyecto mismo despu s de a os de exposici n el sellador mantiene la resistencia al agua y a las intemperies Aplicaci n posible bajo grande variaci n de temperatura de 60 hasta 177 C 76 hasta 350 F con temperaturas intermitentes hasta 200 C 392 F |
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sellador silicon asprosil - aspro, ca revestimiento para la construcción
DESCRIPCION El SILICON SELLADOR HIDRO REPELENTE ASPROSIL es un l quido incoloro a base de siliconas que protege contra la penetraci n del agua lluvia en fachadas USOS Como repelente de agua sobre bases minerales tales como Obra limpia ladrillo piedra granito raquira m rmol tincote y cualquier material poroso Como recubrimiento anti musgo en tejas de barro Empleado en fachadas de edificios casas centros comerciales y de oficinas hospitales escuelas etc VENT |
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Cisco Systems Gigabit Smart Switch with Resilient Clustering Technology and PoE SLM248G4PS user manual
Linksys A Division of Cisco 24 Port or 48 Port 10 100 4 Port Gigabit Smart Switch with Resilient Clustering Technology and PoE BUSINESS SERIES Model SLM224G4PS SLM248G4PS About This Guide Icon Descriptions While reading through the User Guide you may see various icons that call attention to specific items Below is a description of these icons NOTE This check mark indicates that there is a note of interest and is something that you should pay special |
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Silicon Image SiliconDrive SSD-D32G(I)-4300 user manual
SI LIC N SYSTEMS The Future of Storage Today Data Sheet SiliconDrive II 2 5 PATA Drive SSD Dxxx l 4300 Overview SiSecure The SiliconDrive II 2 5 PATA Drive is an optimal time to market replacement for hard drives and flash cards or in host systems that require low power and scalable storage solutions SiliconDrive II technology is engineered exclusively for the high performance high reliability and multi year product lifecycle requirements of the Enterp |
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Silicon Graphics®
sgi Silicon Graphics C220 Flat Diamondtron Color Display User Guide o S g l 860 0367 001 TCO 95 Congratulations You have just purchased a TCO 95 approved and labeled product Your choice has provided you with a product developed for professional use Your purchase has also contributed to reducing the burden on the environment and also to the further development of environmentally adapted electronics products Why do we have environmentally labelled co |
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Maintenance, security and resilience
PAUL MOBBS A practical guide to sustainable IT Unit 8 SN This unit is one of 12 sections to a A practical guide to sustainable IT a hands on guide to working with everyday technology in an environmentally conscious way The guide has been written by environmental activist and ICT expert Paul Mobbs and was commissioned by the Association for Progressive Comunications APC with the support of the International Development Research Centre IDRC To download the full |
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Siliconas Dow Corning® Soluciones de Desempeño Comprobado
Construction Soiutions Siliconas Dow Corning Soluciones de Desempe o Comprobado A ANNA NAL wi if miT Eih Siliconas Dow Corning para Nuevas Construcciones y Obras de Puesta en Valor CONTENIDO Caracter sticas de los Productos Z Soluciones Comprobadas del L der Global 4 L nea de Productos para el Sellado de Edificios 4 Dow Corning 3 0117 Silicone Insulating Gla |
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Silicon Laboratories Si2415 Specifications
512457 34 15 04 SILICON LABS V 90 V 34 V 32Bis 22 15 ISOMODEM wirH GLOBAL DAA Features This data sheet applies to Si2457 34 m Integrated DAA 15 04 Revision D e Over 6000 V capacitive Data modem formats isolation e ITU T Bell e Parallel phone detect 300 bps up to 56 kbps e Globally compliant line e V 21 V 22 V 29 Fast Connect interface e V 44 V 42 V 42bis |
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Binary Readout System for a Silicon Tracking Detector at LHC
Binary Readout System for a Silicon Tracking Detector at LHC Eirik Olsen May 27 1999 Thesis submitted to the Cand Scient Degree Department of physics University of Oslo Binary Readout System for a Silicon Tracking Detector at LHC Eirik Olsen May 27 1999 Preface The project described in this thesis has involved many persons In particular I wish to thank my supervisor and spellchecker Steinar Stapnes for his guidance and direction and for sharing his know |
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Silicon Image Computer Drive SSD-C08G(I)-3150 User Guide
The Future of Storage Today Data Sheet SiliconDrive CF SSD Cxxx l 3150 Overview SiliconDrive combines all the high performance high reliability and multiyear lifecycle benefits of the standard SiliconDrive with a comprehensive suite of patented and patent pending technologies that provide multiple security options to safeguard application data and software IP in embedded systems Applications requiring advanced levels of security such as data recorders wearable |
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Approche et Action pour la Résilience au Changement
UICN Approche et Actions pour la R silience au Changement Climatique AN aska site Essai Approche et Actions pour la R silience au Changement Climatique APPROCHE ET ACTIONS POUR LA R SILIENCE AU CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE Approche et Actions pour la R silience au Changement Climatique Projet SEARCH au Maroc UICN Med Mohamed et Lahcen TAIQUI Photos de couvert |
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Silicon Laboratories SI4734/35-B20 Specifications
SILICON LABS 514734 35 20 BROADCAST AM FM SW LW RADIO RECEIVER Features m Worldwide FM band support 64 108 MHz m Worldwide AM band support 520 1710 kHz m SW band support 2 3 21 85 MHz m LW band support 153 279 KHz m Excellent real world performance m Freq synthesizer with integrated VCO Automatic frequency control AFC m Automatic gain control AGC m Integrated LDO regulator m Digital FM stereo decoder m Programmable de emphasis |
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SiliconImage SATARaid_Manual_Rev092
SaTARaid SATA RAID SOFTWARE to be used with the Sil 3112 User s Manual August 28 2002 Revision 0 92 PRELIMINARY Silicon Image Trademarks and Copyright E2002 Siicon image Inc righi reserved Image the Silicon mage logo SI SH 3112 and SATARa are vademams or rademari of Soon image Inc in United Sales and ather counties Other trademarks are property of er respective holders Copyright 2002 5 mage In |
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Active Silicon Firebird Series Manual
FireBird Hardware Manual v1 2 Active Silicon COMPUTER IMAGING PRODUCTS Active Silicon COMPUTER IMAGING PRODUCTS FireBird Hardware Manual Disclaimer While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual Active Silicon assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions Active Silicon reserves the right to change the specification of the product described within this manual and the manual itself at any time without notice and without ob |
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Silicon Image SiliconDrive SSD-DXXX(I)-4210 user manual
SILICON SYSTEMS The Future of Storage Today Data Sheet SiliconDrive EP 2 5 PATA Drive SSD Dxxx l 4210 Overview The SiliconDrive EP 2 5 PATA Drive is an optimal time to market replacement for hard drives and flash cards or in host systems that require low power and scalable storage solutions SiliconDrive EP technology is engineered exclusively for the high performance high reliability and multi year product lifecycle requirements of the Enterprise System OE |
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SA 10 Tamasaukas, R., H. Ruíz, W. Theis, V. De Basilio, J
612 SA 10 NUEVO M TODO DE CONTROL DE LA COCCIDIOSIS AVIAR PRUEBAS IN VITRO Y DE EFICACIA EN PISO CON POLLOS DE ENGORDE PARA LA EVALUACION DE UN DESINFECTANTE A BASE DE EXTRACTOS DE CITRICOS EN VENEZUELA Rita Tamasaukas H ctor Ru z Wilfredo Theis Vasco De Basilio Jorge Herrera Aixa Aguirre y Noris Roa Universidad R mulo Gallegos Laboratorio de Investigaci n y Prestaci n de Servicios en Sanidad Animal LABIPRESAN San Juan de los Morros Estado Gu rico V |
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- Arsilicii
Manuale del Sistema a Intelligenza Distribuita per Autocaravan Modello AS DNA v 1 0 Vo ArsSilicii S r l Avvertenze Il materiale qui di seguito riportato propriet della societ ArSilicii S r l e non pu essere riprodotto n fotostaticamente n elettronicamente n in nessun altro modo senza previo consenso scritto della medesima ArSilicii S r l Localit Fosci 25 F 53036 Poggibonsi SI ITALY AssistenzaTecnica ArSilicii com http www ArSilicii c |
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Silicon Image SiliconDrive SSD-H16G(I)-3500 user manual
The Future of Storage Today Data Sheet SiliconDrive 1 8 Drive SSD H xxx l 3500 Overview The SiliconDrive 1 8 Drive is an optimal time to market replacement for hard drives and flash cards or in host systems that require low power and scalable storage solutions SiliconDrive technology is engineered exclusively for the high performance high reliability and multiyear product lifecycle requirements of the Enterprise System OEM market Typical end market applic |
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sili fluid
Haftlack f r kondensations vernetzende Abformsilikone 1 Anwendung nur fur C Silikone Entsprechend der Abform technik einen geeigneten Ab forml ffel ausw hlen individu elle oder konfektionierte L ffel aus Metall oder Hartplastik F r eine optimale Haftung den Abforml ffel mit einer d nnen Schicht sili fluid Haftlack bestreichen oder mit sili spray Haftlack FCKW frei bespr hen und 1 Minute trocknen lassen 2 L ffelreinigung Abgebundenes Abformm |
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07. Farmacia – Ausili per anziani e disabili
B PESA NEONATI DIGITALE C 2004 108 EC PROFESSIONAL Piatto rimovibile 27309 CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE Portata 20 kg Dimensioni 530x240x100 mm Funzionamento a batteria 9 V non incluse Garanzia 2 anni Precisione 10 g Peso 4 kg Produzione Tedesca _ PETTINI PER PIDOCCHI MANUALE ED ELETTRICO Metodo naturale ed ecologico per eliminare completamente i pidocchi e le lendini in modo indolore Ideale per i bambini e le persone allergiche e 24400 PETTINE MANU |
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