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Zanzariera Insect killer Tueur d`insectes Insektenkiller
LIBRETTO ISTRUZIONI INSTRUCTION BOOK MODE D EMPLOI BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG MISPHI DA Zanzariera Insect killer Tueur d insectes Insektenkiller mod Z50 bimar ELETTRODOMESTICI 1 16 A Asole A Holes B Corpo in metallo B Metal body C Cordone elettrico C Power cord D Pannello moschicida estraibile D Removable fly panel E Foglio collante E Glue sheet A Trous A L cher B Metal Corps B Metal Korpus C Cordon d alimentation C Netzkabel D Pa |
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Chauvet Insect Control Equipment Hurricane 1100 user manual
User Manual CHHlVEL Value Innovation Performance Table of Contents 1 Before You Begin 3 What Is Included 3 Unpacking Instructions 3 Claims 3 Product at a Glance 3 Safety Instructions 4 2 Introduction 5 Product Overview 5 Product Dimensions 5 3 Setup 7 AC Power 7 Fuse Replacement 7 Mounting 8 Orientation 8 Rigging 8 4 Operating Instructions 9 Manual Remote Operation FC M Standard 9 Timer Remote Operation FC T Optional 9 Wir |
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Flowtron Outdoor Products Insect Control Equipment BK-15D User Guide
FLOWn ON Electronic Insect Killer Installation Operation amp Instructions for All BK Models Important Safety Instructions 1 Install unit six to eight feet above the ground to avoid contact by children pets and wildlife For domestic use only 2 Use properly grounded 115 120 volt ac outlet and three wire grounded extension cord BK 15D and BK 40D only For permanent installation check local codes and consult an electrician or authorita tive instruction book before |
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9 MONTHS German Roach Control on non porous surfaces Mata 47 insectos indicados FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR USE Para usar en espacios interiores y exteriores 7 Centipedes 17 14352 a amp d Fleas Ticks Mosquitoes INING Sin olor No mancha ACTIVE INGREDIENT KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN D Ke IT 0 02 Deltamethrin OUER NEREDIENIS S 99 98 See back booklet for additional CAUTIO precautionary statements 1 |
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into products like the insect repelling can
into products like the insect repelling can Se dle and aroma ther apy oil he s holding Finally that processed sawdust is taken by farmers for livestock bedding that seems to retain antibacte rial properties keep ing their dairy herds healthier To learn more about Rose City Archery s bare shafts fletched arrows and Da Carbon Tech E i cedar oil products p ii mes including pet sham i ig Mem poos reach the Oregon firm at 541 |
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Mata Insectos Voladores y Rastreros
51 00 185 5 7 1 58 |
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KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTIO See back panel for additional precautionary statements MANTENGASE FUERA DEL ALCANCE DE LOS NI OS PRECAUCI Consulte el panel posterior para otros avisos de precauci n Para uso en interiores y exteriores a ACTIVE INGREDIENT Deltamethrin 0 02 OTHER INGREDIENTS 99 98 100 00 NET 1 33 GALLON 5 L SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING To Use Remove wand from holster and pull the hose pump handle |
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106 insecticida para abejones, avispas y arañas - kleer
gt kleer kim sa 106 INSECTICIDA PARA ABEJONES AVISPAS Y ARA AS DESCRIPCI N El KLEER KIM 106 es un insecticida de choque de acci n fulminante contra todos los insectos voladores peligrosos como avispas abejones abejorros etc Provoca una par lisis inmediata y la muerte del insecto Gracias a su boca de gran difusi n y su potente chorro direccional permite su uso seguro desde 4 o 5 metros de distancia del nido aumentando la seguridad del usuario AP |
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Blue Rhino Insect Control Equipment CPSV003589 User Guide
Owner s Manual Model CPSV003589 SV 2000A DO NOT RETURN TO STORE THIS PRODUCT IS UNDER MANUFACTURER S WARRANTY CALL 1 888 753 7137 FOR ASSISTANCE SV2000A QM 102 EF While information in this manual is based on the latest information available at the time of publication we reserve the right to change it at any time without notice Save these instructions for future reference If you are assembling this unit for someone else give this manual to him or her to rea |
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flower INSECTICIDA AA UNIVERSAL jupiversal FICHA T CNICA 30590 30594 a ho El INSECTICIDA UNIVERSAL es un insecticida piretroide l quido a base de Cipermetrina de gran actividad a bajas dosis con gran efecto de choque y persistencia Act a por contacto e ingesti n contra diversos insectos orugas pulgones mosca blanca escarabajo de la patata etc que atacan a las plantas ornamentales y cultivos AUTORIZADO USO DOMESTICO Jardiner a Exterior Dom stica |
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Antari Lighting and Effects Insect Control Equipment Z-300II User Guide
Z 300II USER MANUAL Z 300II BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG Mode D Emploi des Z 300II Fazer Congratulations on the purchase of your new ANTARIZ 300II Fazer Wir begluckwunschen Sie zum Kauf Ihres neuen ANTARI Z 300II Fazer Nous vous felicitons pour I achat de votre nouvelle Z 300II Fazer dANTARI C emc i Save these instructions Bitte bewahren Sie diese Anleitung gut auf Gardez ces instructions 2000 Antari Lighting and Effects Ltd User Manual |
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Insecticidas pamm Producto COMPO Aceite Insecticida e r a Ventajas del producto Para las plantas COMPO Aceite Insecticida es un insecticida que controla cochinillas teniendo efecto complementario sobre la fumagina sobre las borras excretadas por algunos insectos y cierta acci n sobre huevos de insectos y de caros Caracter sticas T cnicas Tipo de Producto Insecticida Composici n Aceite de parafina 83 Tama os de envase Botella de 500ml Aplica |
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Flowtron Outdoor Products Insect Control Equipment MT-350 User Guide
WARRANTY Flowtron warrants your Mosquito PowerTrap to be free from defects in materials or workmanship under normal use and service for one year from date of original purchase All parts which are defective will be replaced free of charge Any implied warranties including the implied warranty of merchantability are also limited in duration to the one year period from the original purchase date The provisions of this warranty shall not apply to any product which as been subject to m |
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FDS Reach453_2010_InsectcdcontraCucarachas y hormigas
150 22776 Se ANS LA FABRICA DE X AmA AmA AmA PERFUMER A Y COSM TICOS Q rom S Q UD umy LL INSECTICIDAS Y AMBIENTADORES odo o Oy SS NYZ TM FeO mm Cano PRODUCTOS DE LIMPIEZA SS C I F A 30014047 Intertek Intertek Intertek FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD Seg n Reglamento UE 453 2010 que modifica el Reglamento CE n 1907 2006 REACH Fecha de Emisi n Noviembre 2012 Rev 03 Fecha de Revisi n Junio 2015 CUCARACHICIDA ARRIXACA SEC |
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Antari Lighting and Effects Insect Control Equipment Z-300II user manual
Z 300II USER MANUAL Z 300II BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG Mode D Emploi des Z 300II Fazer Congratulations on the purchase of your new ANTARIZ 300II Fazer Wir begluckwunschen Sie zum Kauf Ihres neuen ANTARI Z 300II Fazer Nous vous felicitons pour I achat de votre nouvelle Z 300II Fazer dANTARI C emc i Save these instructions Bitte bewahren Sie diese Anleitung gut auf Gardez ces instructions 2000 Antari Lighting and Effects Ltd User Manual |
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RENOGARD INSECTICIDA POLIVALENTE Versi n 001 Fecha 25 08 2015 Nombre del producto INSECTICIDA POLIVALENTE Caracter sticas del producto Insecticida Polivalente sist mico de amplio espectro INSECTICIDA POLIVALENTE con imidacloprid principio activo que se caracteriza por su elevada eficacia a bajas dosis es un insecticida que act a por contacto e ingesti n dotado de actividad sist mica y residual Es absorbido por la planta tanto por v a radicular como por las |
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Insecticida cebo atrayente contra moscas
Este local est tratado contra moscas con IMABAIT GR ZA EORAR ZOTAL E a 5 de AS Pinte este cart n por ambos lados con IMABAIT GR cu lguelo donde se concentran las moscas Basta con llenar el 2 cubo de 750 g hasta 1 cm por debajo del borde con agua para tener la mezcla lista Para la talquera de 325 gr Dejar reposar 15 min y remover rellenar hasta l nea roja la nueva f rmula de efecto r pido Pint |
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SOLUKILL® Insecticida antiparásitos RTU para el entorno
C gt Soluvet SOLUKILL Insecticida antipar sitos RTU para el entorno Suspensi n concentrada en spray lista para usar COMPOSICI N por litro Permetrina oooooccoccco 0 25 2 5 g l Tetrametrina 0 20 2 0 g l But xido de piperonilo 1 10 g l Excipientes C S P 11 CARACTER STICAS Solukill es un insecticida de uso zoosanitario que act a por contacto e ingesti n sobre todo tipo de insectos como moscas mosqui |
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Ultratec Insect Control Equipment PFI-9D user manual
Power Fogger Industrial Line and PFI w LSG Operator s Manual ultrcfcec special effects inc www ultratecfx com VER 30 10 10 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Microprocessor Control 3 Water Base Fog Technology 3 Warning 3 Important Safety Instructions 3 Safety Precautions 3 PFI Technical Specifications 4 PFI Technical Drawings 4 Power Fogger Industrial 4 Power Fogger Industrial 9D 5 LSG w PFI Technical Drawings 6 LSG PFI System on a Cart 6 L |
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Harbor Freight Tools SOLAR INSECT KILLER 95500 user manual
SEDMS SOLAR INSECT KILLER WITH LIGHT Model 95500 ASSEMBLY amp OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Due to continuing improvements actual product may differ slightly from the product described herein I Distributed Exclusively by HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS 3491 Mission Oaks Blvd Camarillo CA 93011 _ Visit our website at http www harborfreight com _ r TO PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY READ AND UNDERSTAND v ALL WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE Copyright 2006 b |
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