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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 2 Real Time RT-PCR Kit
Liferiver Revision No ZJO003 Issue Date Jul 1 2012 Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 2 Real Time RT PCR Kit C User Manual 20 C Z I For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only RR 0157 01 rw N ZJ Bio Tech Co Ltd www liferiver com cn Tel 86 21 34680596 For use with LightC ycler1 0 2 0 Instrument trade liferiver com cn Fax 86 21 34680595 pec rer Obelis S A Boulevard G n ral Wahis 53 1030 Brussels BELGIUM Tel 32 2 732 59 54 2 floor No 15 B |
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INTRODUCTION Installing H1N1 Influenza application
Novel HiN1 Influenza Hospitalizations 2009 Application Instructions INTRODUCTION This guide covers the steps necessary to install enter data import data and export data from the Novel H1N1 Influenza Hospitalizations 2009 application including Epi Info installation and troubleshooting tips INSTALATION REQUIRNMENTS FOR H1N1 APPLICATION 1 You must have full folder permissions and appropriate administrative rights computer administrator for directories where Epi |
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Analisador e FIA para a Influenza A+B Sofia
INSTRU ES DE CONSULTA R PIDA Para utilizar apenas com o Analisador Sofia Analisador e FIA para a Influenza A B Sofia PROCEDIMENTO DE TESTE Todas as mostras cl nicas t m de estar temperatura ambiente antes de iniciar o teste Data limite Antes de utilizar verificar a data limite em cada embalagem individual de teste ou na caixa exterior N o utilizar nenhum teste depois da data limite inscrita no r tulo Consultar o Folheto Informativo do FIA para a Influenza |
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RealStar® Influenza S&T RT-PCR Kit 2.0
RealStar Influenza S amp T RT PCR Kit 2 0 11 2012 MAN 162010 FR 01 RealStar Influenza S amp T RT PCR Kit 2 0 RealStar Influenza Screen amp Type RT PCR Kit 2 0 Pour utilisation avec m2000rt Abbott Diagnostics Mx 3005P TM System Stratagene VERSANT kPCR Molecular System AD Siemens ABI Prism 7500 SDS and 7500 Fast SDS Applied Biosystems LightCycler 480 Instrument II Roche Rotor Gene 3000 6000 Corbett Research Rotor Gene Q5 6 plex Pl |
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0210-Influenza A
Ce ege Uo geneBox 906 DESENVOLVIMENTO E PRODU O DE TESTES DE DIAGN STICO geneBOX R amp D Diagnostic Tests biocant centro de inova o em biotecnologia n cleo 4 lote 3 3060 197 Cantanhede Portugal tel 351 231410946 fax 351 231 410947 e mail infoogenebox com 24 C digo do Produto 0210 Influenza A virus Qual PCR Box 1 0 Dispositivo para utiliza o in vitro Manual de I nstru es geneBox DESENVOLVIMENTO E PRODU O DE TESTES DE D |
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Avian Influenza Virus H7 Real Time RT
Liferiver Revision No ZJ0007 Issue Date Jul 1 2012 Avian Influenza Virus H7 Real Time RT PCR Kit User Manual For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only RR 0049 01 For use with LightCycler1 0 2 0 Instrument Boulevard G n ral Wahis 53 1030 Brussels BELGIUM Tel 32 2 732 59 54 Fax 32 2 732 60 03 E Mail mail obelis net CE ee ONN ZJ Bio Tech Co Ltd www liferiver com cn Tel 86 21 34680596 trade liferiver com cn Fax 86 21 34680595 2 floor |
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0408 H.influenzae
C digo do Produto 0408 Haemophilus influenzae Qual qPCR Box 1 0 Dispositivo para utiliza o in vitro Manual de I nstru es Vers ol 1 Maio de 2010 1 Apresenta o Haemophilus influenzae uma bact ria que pode provocar meningite epiglotite osteomilelite sinusite conjuntivite e broncopneumonia entre outras infec es Haemophilus influenzae um bacilo Gram negativo que se pode apresentar em 6 tipos de A a F sendo B o mais comum Cerca de 80 da |
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fold-flat respirators ffp1, ffp2, ffp3 halogen light 3 plymasks influenza
_ FOLD FLAT RESPIRATORS FFP1 FFP2 FFP3 wa k 25665 Facial filtering respirators to protect against solid non oil and liquid oil volatile particles With exhalation Valve excluding 25665 Double elastic with buttonhole allows to hang the mask to the neck when it s not worn Aluminium adjustable nose piece solded with high resistance and internal Polyethylene PE Foam nose pad Single packed guarantees total hygiene and easy maintenance The shape of the r |
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9. |
HOSPITAL GU A DEL USUARIO SUbA ACERCA DE LA INFLUENZA Prev Apreciado Usuario Teniendo en cuenta que la Secretaria Distrital de Salud ha declarado la emergencia sanitaria por posibles casos de influenza porcina Tipo A H1N1 el Hospital de Suba informa LA INFLUENZA O GRIPE Es una enfermedad viral aguda de las vias respiratorias que se transmite de persona a persona por contacto directo con las secreciones respiratorias o por gotas de saliva que se esparcen al estornu |
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1610 PI3 - Parainfluenza 31
0 eo genesox 000 DESENVOLVIMENTO E PRODU O DE TESTES DE DIAGN STICO geneBOX R amp D Diagnostic Tests biocant centro de inova o em biotecnologia n cleo 4 lote 3 3060 197 Cantanhede Portugal tel 351 231410946 fax 351 231 410947 e mail info genebox com 24 C digo do Produto 1610 PI 3 Qual PCR Box 1 0 Dispositivo para utiliza o in vitro Manual de I nstru es 0 ee genesox 000 DESENVOLVIMENTO E PRODU O DE TESTES DE DIAGN |
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Influenza A & B Package Insert
Alere i Influenza A amp B Package Insert Alere i Influenza A amp B Package Insert INTENDED USE Alere i Influenza A amp B is a rapid instrument based molecular in vitro diagnostic test utilizing isothermal nucleic acid amplification technology for the qualitative detection of influenza A and B viral nucleic acid in nasal swab and viral transport media specimens It is intended to aid in the rapid differential diagnosis of influenza A and B viral inf |
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Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 1 Real Time RT
Liferiver Revision No ZJO003 Issue Date Jul 1 2012 Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 1 Real Time RT PCR Kit C User Manual 20 C Z I For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only RR 0156 01 rw N ZJ Bio Tech Co Ltd www liferiver com cn Tel 86 21 34680596 For use with LightC ycler1 0 2 0 Instrument trade liferiver com cn Fax 86 21 34680595 pec rer Obelis S A Boulevard G n ral Wahis 53 1030 Brussels BELGIUM Tel 32 2 732 59 54 2 floor No 15 B |
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Influenza Virus B Real Time RT-PCR Kit User Manual For In Vitro
Liferiver Revision No ZJO007 Issue Date Jul 1 2012 Influenza Virus B Real Time RT PCR Kit User Manual For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only RR 0053 01 For use with LightC ycler1 0 2 0 Instrument ec rer Obelis S A Boulevard G n ral Wahis 53 1030 Brussels BELGIUM Tel 32 2 732 59 54 Fax 32 2 732 60 03 E Mail mail obelis net CE Vos 1 il ZJ Bio Tech Co Ltd www liferiver com cn Tel 86 21 34680596 trade liferiver com cn Fax 86 |
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14. |
4510 Haemophilus influenzae
0 i o eU e genesox 000 DESENVOLVIMENTO E PRODU O DE TESTES DE DIAGN STICO geneBOX R amp D Diagnostic Tests biocant centro de inova o em biotecnologia n cleo 4 lote 3 3060 197 Cantanhede Portugal tel 351 231410946 fax 351 231 410947 e mail info genebox com 24 C digo do Produto 4510 Haemophilus influenzae Qual PCR Box 1 0 Dispositivo para utiliza o in vitro Manual de I nstru es ogo eo geneBox 000 DESENVOLVIMENTO E PRODU O DE TES |
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15. |
Influenza Virus A&B Real Time RT-PCR Kit User Manual
Liferiver Revision No ZJ0008 Issue Date Jul 1 2012 C Influenza Virus A amp B Real Time RT PCR Kit User Manual For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only 20 C s RR 0097 02 For use with ABI Prism 7000 7300 7500 7900 Step One Plus iCycler iQ 4 iQ 5 Smart Cycler Il Bio Rad CFX 96 Rotor Gene 6000 Mx3000P 3005P MJ Option2 Chromo4 LightCycler 480 Instrument pec rer Obelis S A Boulevard G n ral Wahis 53 1030 Brussels BELGIUM Tel 32 2 732 |
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Vacuna contra la pandemia de Influenza A(H1N1) en países en
Vacuna contra la pandemia de Influenza A H1N1 en pa ses en desarrollo UNASUR Salud Quito Ecuador Agosto 2009 Cuauht moc Ruiz Matus Inmunizaci n OPS OMS dl Pan American Health iG Ar World Health On NES Organization e dy opero A SS World Healt Organiza ion Vacuna contra la Influenza A H1N1 Acceso a la vacuna Influenza A H1N1 Recomendaciones para el uso de la vacuna en situaci n de pandemia gt Planes de preparaci n en pa se |
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Avian Influenza Virus H5N7 Real Time RT
Liferiver Revision No ZJ0001 Issue Date Feb 19 2013 Avian Influenza Virus H5N7 Real Time RT PCR Kit User Manual C s For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Only 20 C RR 0153 02 For use with ABI Prism 7000 7300 7500 7900 Step One Plus iCycler iQ 4 iQ 5 Smart Cycler Il Bio Rad CFX 96 Rotor Gene 6000 Mx3000P 3005P MJ Option2 Chromo4 LightCycler 480 Instrument pec ner Obelis S A Boulevard G n ral Wahis 53 1030 Brussels BELGIUM Tel 32 2 732 59 5 |
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Influenza A B Real TM Eng ver 21032013
_lSacace BIOTECHNOLOGIES w VD For in Vitro Diagnostic Use CE Influenza A B Real TM Handbook Real Time Amplification test for the detection of Influenza A and B Viruses REF V36 50FRT REF TV36 50FRT amp 50 Sacace Influenza A B Real TM VER 21 03 2013 NAME Influenza Virus A B Real TM INTRODUCTION Influenza virus infection one of the most common infectious disease is a highly contagious airborne disease that causes an acute f |
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Influenza Report
Emilia Rappocciolo Influenza Report 2006 Adattato da Influenza Report 2006 di B S Kamps C Hoffmann e W Preiser www InfluenzaReport com Postilla La medicina e un campo in continua evoluzione Gli editori e gli autori dell Influenza Report si sono sforzati di mantenere un informazione accurata e completa al momento della pubblicazione Tuttavia considerata la velocita dei cambi nel campo delle scienze mediche delle politiche di prevenzione delle malatt |
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RealStar® Influenza S&T RT-PCR Kit 3.0
ealtonae DIAGNOSTICS altona Diagnostics GmbH M rkenstr 12 22767 Hamburg Germany phone 49 40 548 06 76 O fax 49 40 548 06 76 10 e mail info altona diagnostics com www altona diagnostics com ealtonae RealStar Influenza S amp T RT PCR Kit 3 0 11 2012 always a drop ahead MAN 163010 FR 01 RealStar Influenza S amp T RT PCR Kit 3 0 Pour utilisation avec m2000rt Abbott Diagnostics Mx 3005P QPCR System Stratagene VERSANT M KPCR Mo |
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