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Infrared Digital Scouting Camera
Infrared Digital Scouting Camera Nidan User s Manual Model p20i20 e M USB Cable Adjustable Strap User Manual Flextime Player Camera Unit Software NOTE Flextime Player Software is optional Flextime files can be played by using most media players page 1 Features RESOLUTION MAX 20 MP Still FLASH 42 High Intensity Infrared LED s FLASH RANGE up to 85 feet SENSOR Passive Infrared Sensor PIR Motion and Heat SENSOR RANGE upto 60 feet I |
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Scouting CAM KG680 -
B fototrappolaggio By Ettore Centofanti Tecnologie innovative per l Ambiente e la Fauna Scouting CAM MANUALE DI ISTRUZIONI PER KG680 INTRODUZIONE La fotocamera Keep Guard una camera digitale da ricognizione Consente di riprendere qualsiasi animale in movimento presente nel campo di ripresa tramite un sensore passivo di movimento a raggi infrarossi PIR come pure di effettuare foto di alta qualit immagini fino a 8MP oppure videoclips Il consumo energ |
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USER`S MANUAL Most Cost-effective Scouting Trail Camera
USER S MANUAL Most Cost effective Scouting Trail Camera a Io 10 11 Contents INtrOductiOn cccccccsssssssncccccccccscsessnsnncccccecsesessnsscceececececsesees 1 1 Fully Functionality Introduction 0 eee eee eeneeeeeeeeeeeeees LD Apple ation sosnami na a E vs Monee duds ode ata cn wee SA 13 Power Supply cits nosiris shemsvindenveendenassasabnneasdesduans ssmterdocnenss TE Attentio erer caaimdidanes Mechenedtitgndes edge tuned a Ea eS 1 5 Key Peature |
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User`s Manual Scouting Camera SG560X-12mHD
Infrared Digital Scouting Camera User s Manual Scouting Camera SG560X 12mMHD Content ft TNSUIMUICH OD eacsi nsec waste R 1 1 1 Camera Body Interfaces sssecccccesessseees 1 1 2 General DeSCTiptioN ssssssssssneereececeees 2 1 3 Application sad stedakedsvdens coco oteteuys csbeazteaeiaborestes 3 1 4 Shooting Information Display c666 3 55 CAUTIONS een ease e eae 4 2 OUIE Star GUAE ea aE 6 2f ROWED Supply eon alten aeav |
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Page 2013 MP6 Scouting Camera Instruction Manual.
2013 MP6 Scouting Camera Instruction Manual Page 1 Table of Contents Camera button info diagram Fig 1 3 Installing the batteries 3 Installing the SD card 5 Understanding main screen 6 Customizing the camera settings 6 Setting the camera mode 8 |
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USER`S MANUAL Most Cost-effective Scouting Trail
USER S MANUAL Most Cost effective Scouting Trail Camera Contents INtrOductiOn ccscsccsrsscscsssscsssscsecsesessesesscsessssesscsesseseesesssesessesessasecscsacsessseessesssssseseesecees 1 1 1 Fully Functionality Introduction ese ieesesceeceseceecesccseeesceaeceaeeaeeeeceseceeseaeeneeeseeaeeeaees 1 T2 Application ornen eai E AE NEA AN EERE 1 T3 Power SUPPLY it aaea raa aenea a aa oaa E O R OE A ES aS Eoee Eaa 1 DAA hemi o arera a eari a ea aeoieo |
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Page 2014 MPE5 Covert Scouting Camera - Stic-N
2014 MPE5 Covert Scouting Camera Instruction Manual pus Table of Contents Button Function 3 IntrOGQUCtiOFri 4 Installing the Batteries 11222 4 Installing the SD 5 Programming the 6 9 Formating the SD 10 Taking a test photo eese 11 12 T |
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Scouting CAM KG680 -
B fototrappolaggio By Ettore Centofanti Tecnologie innovative per l Ambiente e la Fauna Scouting CAM MANUALE DI ISTRUZIONI PER KG680 INDICE Introduzione arccagaeilelaieiaaciiaeiai la lapleanta 3 Descrizione Generale ssaari i ei alias rita aia lie lata dee 3 Applicazioni 3 POR RENI TORI ERANO A EE EORNA 3 Elementi costruttivi e comandi 0 Li 4 Installazione delle batterie e della SD card 0 e 5 Posizionamento d l |
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USER`S MANUAL Most Cost-effective Scouting Trail Camera
USER S MANUAL Most Cost effective Scouting Trail Camera 10 Contents jnn MM 1 1 1 Fully Functionality Introduction eese nennen enne etre enne nnnnnntnnen 1 T2 Application eR ROO ON AENEIS E EUR I HR ERE RERE 1 3 Power Supply 24s Reo bb ete qe e e eter 1 TA AttentlOn eot tte etre areia dunes GEN ea VR YE Ree eee ed 1 LS Key Features ett teet ten e e Ra e e P t tes PUR eee Ree ehe RE 2 Whole View and |
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Instruction Manual - Covert Scouting Cameras
2015 MP8 and 2014 MP8 Black Covert Scouting Camera Instruction Manual page Table of Contents Camera button info diagram cccccccssesssssssssseeeees 3 Installing the batteries 0 0 0 0 ccccccssssssceceeeesssessaees 4 Installing the SD Card ccccccccccsssssssssseeeeseessessaeees 5 Customizing the camera settings cccsssseeeeeees 7 Setting the Camera MOCE cccccccccecsssssssteeeeesens 8 Camera mode settings ccsessss |
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Infrared Mobile Digital Scouting Camera User`s Manual SG880MK
Infrared Mobile Digital Scouting Camera User s Manual SG880MK 12MHD MG882K 12mHD Content OD ania E 1 1 1 Camera Body Interfaces 1 1 2 General Description 2 1 3 Remote Control eese 2 1 4 Shooting Information Display 3 1 5 MMS GPRS Function ee 4 1 9 CauOlS cocoa I Eds deg EU QNS 4 2 Quick Start Guilde bre tao een r |
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BRAUN Scouting Cam BLACK300_Manuale di istruzioniItalian
Scouting Cam BLACK300 Manuale di Istruzioni Ve DO VL DB E 2 fe DI A da ee B B ts BRAUN PHOTO TECHNIK GmbH Klingenhofstra e 72 90411 N rnberg www braun phototechnik de 4 Contenuto 1 ATTENZIONE siii EEE 3 2 ISIFUZIONI uino 4 2 1 Interfaccia del corpo della telecamera e 4 2 2 Componenti e funzioni della telecamera nenne nenn nenne nennen 5 2 3 Telecomando nensi aie i r Bee 5 2 91 NAVIGAZIONE NN 6 |
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USER`S MANUAL Most Cost-effective Scouting Trail Camera
USER S MANUAL Most Cost effective Scouting Trail Camera Basic Model MMS GPRS Model Contents INtrOductiONn cccccsscsesssssssrsecsccscssrsecsecscsseseesesscssessnsessasscssesessecscesesessesscssesseseesassessesenees 1 1 1 Fully Functionality Introduction esesesseseeseeseeseeeeeererennen nentes 1 1 2 Applications siente eR P eei D Pe Oed 1 1 3 ROWER Supply s c ser EEA E ON RU E E EOE 1 T A Attention uinci ete eit e eben mete bte |
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Instruction Manual - Covert Scouting Cameras
2015 MPE6 Covert Scouting Camera Instruction Manual Page 1 Table of Contents Button Function 3 IntrOQUCtiOFri cocer oet nee ceret EE ere 4 Installing the Batteries 4 Installing the SD Card 5 Programming the 6 9 Formatting the SD 10 Taking a test photo serene 11 12 Tricks |
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15. |
Infrared Digital Scouting Camera
Infrared Digital Scouting Camera UNA MUNG User s Manual Model W5ECA USB Cable 2 Bungee Cords User Manual gt Flextime Player Camera Unit Software NOTE Flextime Player Software is optional Flextime files can be played by using most media players page 1 RESOLUTION FLASH FLASH RANGE SENSOR SENSOR RANGE IMAGE FORMAT MEMORY USB IMAGE RESOLUTION POWER SUPPLY AUXILIARY POWER BATTERY LIFE ONBOARD POWER HOUSING MOUNTI |
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Cellular MMS HD Camera Scouting BG
Cellular MMS HD Camera Scouting BG 520 Series MANUALE D ISTRUZIONI SOMMARIO Informazione generale 1 1 Descrizione 1 2 Caratteristiche 1 3 Applicazione 1 4 parti e dei controlli Avvio rapido 2 1 Carica Batterie 2 2 Inserire SIM Card e SD Card 2 3 entrare in modalit ON 2 4 Entrare in modalit test 2 5 Entrare in modalit off Impostazioni avanzate 3 1 Impostazioni dei parametri 3 2 Formato supportato 3 3 Display dati di ripresa 3 4 Definizione MMS Menu 3 5 Installazione d |
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USER`S MANUAL Scouting Trail Camera
USER S MANUAL Scouting Trail Camera Contents Whole View and Details of Camera ccscsscssccsscssccsccsscescssscsccescessssoncoess 1 Figure 1 Front VIEW Of Camera ceesre iiiaae aE eed AE 1 Camera Screen Display Test Mode Main InterfaCe 2 Camera Menu List INtroductiOn ccsccsscsscssccsccescssccsccescescssscsccescsssnscesees 3 Quick Stan sosecncccgeciececivsctiee pteeanaicuacunecesceacesisocstteaseriaeeieecenedosecetasintetesecemane |
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Remote Cellular Scouting Camera
q 5 AUK www afterdarksurveillance com Remote Cellular Scouting Camera Ltl 5210M Series USER S MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS General IOMA A A A EE 2 De Co 4 Uli gt OOPS 2 2 PSD LIC ALTO It es aerea uretra peleen ande 2 LoD EO a E A E E E 3 A A AAA I E A E E EE 6 O i EA E A E E T A E E AE A A 6 22 Load B aerie S oenn T cnn teuhuondieubsanciouhautinuieee 6 Z D AA E E E E 6 sE PP A E EE E E E E T 7 LEM E VOMI a E E AE E E 8 20 ACY alta es OF PIED SENSOLS t |
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Invisible IR Digital Scouting Camera
Invisible IR Digital Scouting Camera __ Y Willam SUARAN User s Manual Model t6b20 USB Cable 2 Bungee Cords User Manual Flextime Player Camera Unit Software NOTE Flextime Player Software is optional Flextime files can be played by using most media players page 1 RESOLUTION FLASH FLASH RANGE SENSOR SENSOR RANGE IMAGE FORMAT MEMORY Features MAX 6 MP 36 High Intensity Invisble LED s up to 50 feet Passive Infrared Senso |
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