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"Continuamos perdiendo competitividad" por Esteban V. Moscariello
Continuamos perdiendo competitividad Por Esteban V Moscariello Es evidente la importancia econ mica que tiene la cadena agroindustrial en nuestro pa s a pesar de ello a trav s de pol ticas p blicas equivocadas continuamos perdiendo competitividad Durante la d cada de los noventa con la desregulaci n del mercado duplicamos la producci n agropecuaria con un serio compromiso de los productores con ese prop sito A trav s de la desregulaci n de los mercados pasamos de |
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riello one plus - med services srl
CLIMATIZZATORE MONOBLOCCO ISTRUZIONI PER L INSTALLAZIONE USO E MANUTENZIONE LE NUOVE ENERGIE PER IL CLIMA Gentile Cliente l La ringraziamo per aver preferito un climatizzatore RIELLO 24 un prodotto innovativo moderno di qualit che Le as sicurer benessere massima silenziosit per lungo tempo tutto questo specialmente se affider il Suo climatizzatore ad un Servizio Tecnico di Assistenza RIELLO che specificatamente preparato ed addestrato per manten |
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Riello Two stage operation forced draught natural gas/propane burner Specifications
RIELLO BURNERS Installation amp Operating Manual Single stage operation forced draught natural gas propane burner The following pages contain information descriptions and diagrams for the proper instal lation and wiring of the burner Please read carefully before attempting final installation This manual is to remain with the final installation designation It is the installer s responsibil ity to ensure that the burner installation and operation instructions m |
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CHAUDI RES MURALES AIR ASPIR 2 4 8 11 2007 condens rendement xxx x faibles missions polluantes condensation en aluminium avec br leur pr m lang mod les chauffage seul et mod les combin s RESIDENCE CONDENSIS chauffage seul RESIDENCE CONDENSKIS chauffage etECS Residence Condens est la chaudi re murale condensation Riello C est un produit de la derni re g n ration qui allie au mieuxle confort l conomie etle respect pour l environnem |
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Riello MINI - Energy Projects
SCALDABAGNI ISTANTANEI A GAS 3 4 1 10 2005 0694 VALI VALIET per esterno a gas Camera stagna accensione elettronica Mini l offerta top di Riello nel settore degli scaldabagni componenti e struttura di elevata tecnologia per prestazioni di alto livello Una piccola caldaia dedicata specificatamente alla sola produzione di acqua calda Mini disponibile in due modelli da 13 e 17 litri al minuto stessa potenzialit anche per la vers |
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Riello 40 F3 Technical data
mb RIELLO BURNERS RIELLO 40 SERIES MODELS 40 F3 amp F5 EQUIPPED WITH ELECTRONIC AIR SHUTTER INSTALLATION amp OPERATING MANUAL RESIDENTIAL OIL BURNERS NOTE The settings in this manual are for retrofit applications If this burner is being installed on a packaged unit burner comes with the boiler or furnace then follow the settings on the OEM page as settings may differ Burner is set for a single line system Standard 40 F3 F5 I O manual Rev4 1 4 |
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Fiche Technique Riello 7000 PUFFER
gt T E C H N I C H E F 9 5 5 2008 RIELLO 7 OO O PUFFER HIEL LO 7000 5 mod les 1000 1500 page 2 RIELLO 7000 F mod les 2000 3000 5000 page 2 HIEL LO 7000 5 AE mod les 1000 2000 3000 page5 Les ballons solaires RIELLO 7000 peuvent tre int gr s dans des installations solaires pour la production de chauffage non usage sanitaire Les principaux l ments techniques de la conception du BALLON solaire sont l tude soign e des |
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Les chaudi res condexAPRORIELO sont conformes e Directive Gaz 90 396 CEE e Directive Rendements 92 42 CEE kh e Directive Compatibilit lectromagn tique 89 336 CEE e Directive Basse Tension 73 23 C E e Normes relatives aux chaudi res condensation 677 CE MOD LE COMBUSTIBLE condexaPRo 50 M RES M thane l 4041003 candexaPROo 50 M M thane 4041000 candexaPRo 100 M M thane 4041001 condexaPRo 100 S M thane 4041002 candexaPRo |
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Riello Direct Vent Burner User Manual - Weil
RIELLO BURNERS Installation amp Operating Manual Single stage operation oil burners the installation and set up instructions supplied with the heating unit as settings may differ from those shown in this manual The following pages contain information descriptions and diagrams for the proper installation and wiring of the burner Please read carefully before attempting final installation This manual is to remain with the final installation designation It is the |
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10. |
bistadio `progressivo` o `modulante` plus di prodotto - Riello Ch
RSS AMASA a basse emissioni inquinanti Bruciatori di gas bistadio progressivo o modulante a basse emissioni inquinanti inferiori ai limiti minimi previsti dalla normativa europea NOx lt 80 mg kWh modelli RS 25 35 M BLU sono stati progettati con l innovativo sistema brevettato HCS Housing Cooling System per incrementare la protezione dal calore della componentistica elettrica collegamenti elettrici sono facilitati dall utilizzo di prese e spine accessibi |
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RIELLO 7200/2 READY - Scheda tecnica
Solare termico e bollitori Deli i VA0 3 2012 27006042 Riello 7200 2 Ready Bollitori www riello it Energy For Life SOLARE TERMICO E BOLLITORI Bollitori Riello 7200 2 Ready DESCRIZIONE PRODOTTO Bollitori solari verticali in acciaio doppio serpentino di ottime finiture estetiche e prestazioni energetiche con doppia vetrificazione com pleti di gruppo idraulico dodato di circolatore sicurezze regolatore e misuratore di portata centralina SUN 2 PLU |
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Riello UPS Dialog Dual DLD Series 650
Uninterruptible Power Supply ON LINE MULTISTANDARD 6500 VA 8000 VA 10000 VA Manuale d uso User s Manual Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d utilisateur Manual de Usuario This part of the manual contains precautions that must be adhered to strictly since they regard SAFETY a b c d e g h i j k THE UPS MUST NOT OPERATE WITHOUT AN EARTH CONNECTION The first connection to be carried out is the earth conductor which has t |
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User Manual - Riello UPS
manuale d installazione ed uso installation and use manual installations und bedienungsanleitung manuel d installation et d utilisation e manual de instalaci n y uso VISION RACK VSR 800 1100 ppe y riello ups VISIONRAC RIELLO ELETTRONICA vAriello ups i INTRODUCTION Congratulations on purchasing a UPS Vision Rack product and welcome to Riello UPS To use the support service offered by Riello UPS visit the site www riello ups com Our Company is a spe |
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Riello Sentinel Power Green – User Manual
manuale d installazione ed uso installation and use manual installations und bedienungsanleitung manuel d installation et d utilisation manual de instalaci n y uso L2 m uy SENTINELPOWER Ylriello 6 INTRODUCTION Congratulations on purchasing a UPS Sentinel Power Green product and welcome to Riello UPS To use the support service offered by Riello UPS visit the site www riello ups com The company is highly specialised in th |
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Tau Unit Oil - Riello Ch
lt Back Professionale caldo rev 2 10 2011 e 00 na N m ex Tau Unit Oil Gruppi termici a condensazione a gasolio Energy For Life www riello it PROFESSIONALE Gruppi termici a condensazione a gasolio Tau Unit Oil DESCRIZIONE PRODOTTO Disponibile sia con bruciatore tradizionale sia con bruciatore a basse emissioni inquinanti Classe 3 secondo EN 267 La gamma prevede inoltre per entrambe le soluzioni di combustione una versione solo |
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16. |
KL - KV - Riello
GRUPPI TERMICI IN GHISA AD ARIA ASPIRATA KL KV in ghisa camera aperta e stagna modelli combinati riscaldamento e produzione acqua calda sanitaria bollitore ad accumulo da 60 80 e 120 litri DOMUS KL 60 ICN camera aperta DOMUS KL 60 ISCN camera stagna DOMUS KV 80 ICN camera aperta accessoriata DOMUS KV 80 ISCN camera stagna accessoriata DOMUS KV 120ICN camera aperta accessoriata D DOMUS KV 120 ISCN camera stagna accessoriata Gruppi termici |
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Riello MCT 15 Troubleshooting guide
manuale d installazione ed installation and use manual installations und bedienungsanleitung manuel d installation et d utilisation manual de instalaci n y uso MULTI SENTRY MST 10 gt 4 o riello ups RIELLO ELETTRONICA W riellovps A A 11 A INTRODUCTION Thank you for choosing our product Our company is specialised in designing developing and manufacturing uninterruptible power supplies UPS The UPS described in thi |
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Sears Riello F10 user manual
BURNERS MODEL F10 INSTALLATION MANUAL RIELLO 40 OIL BURNERS RETROFIT APPLICATIONS ONLY NON RETROFIT APPLICATIONS If this burner is being installed in a packaged unit ie burner comes with a boiler or furnace follow the installation and set up instructions supplied with the heating unit as settings may differ from those shown in this manual FI 0 2000 02 2902554 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TECHNICAL DATA 1 Dimensions 1 Specifications 1 OIL BURNER COMP |
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riellO Family aQua cONdeNs
O U E TE C H N I CHE F CHAUDI RES MURALES A CONDENSATION 2 4 11 1 2008 FAMILY AQUA CONDENS rendement x x x x faibles missions polluantes condensation changeur aluminium avec br leur pr m lang mod les combin s avec ballon en inox accumulation de 60 litres Family Aqua Condens estun produit la pointe de la technologie et offrant des avantages consid rables l utilisateur final qui marie au mieux conomie et respect pour l e |
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Riello 2200VA XL User`s manual
UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY ON LINE RACK Modelli Models Modelle Mod les Modelos 700 VA 3000 VA Manuale d uso User s manual Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d utilisateur Manual de usuario KH PEO KE This part of the manual contains precautions that must absolutely be followed as they relate to SAFETY Installation gt Connect the UPS system only to an earthed shockproof socket outlet gt The building wiring socket outlet shockproof socket outl |
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