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Security Target - Common Criteria
bizhub C360 bizhub C280 bizhub C220 bizhub C7728 bizhub C7722 ineo 360 ineot 280 ineo 220 VarioLink 3622c VarioLink 2822c VarioLink 2222c D407 D406 D405 Control Software AOEDOY0 0100 GM0 24 Security Target KONICA MINOLTA bizhub C360 bizhub C280 bizhub C220 bizhub C7728 bizhub C7722 ineo 360 ineo 280 ineo 220 VarioLink 3622c VarioLink 2822c VarioLink 2222c D407 D406 D405 Control Sottware AOEDOY0 0100 GM0 24 Security Targe |
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type approval criteria specification
ZIRCON engineering your software solutions VOSA Type Approval Testing for Portable and Garage Equipment Devices TYPE APPROVAL CRITERIA SPECIFICATION Version 8 Date 4 September 2009 Prepared by Rick Hewes ZSL Approval Mark Parsons Customer Approval James Body The contents of this document are confidential between Zircon Software Limited and VOSA The document may not be reproduced or copied in any manner without the permission of Zircon |
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TE-6.5 Series Criterion Particulate Spectrometer Analyzer Manual
CRITERION TE 6 5 Portable C ontinuous Partic ulate Monitor User Manual P User Manual Version LO Tisch Environmental Inc 145 South Miami Avenue Cleves OH 45002 513 467 9000 Toll Free 1 877 263 7610 l Criterion tisch env com i www tisch env com Revised November 2014 Criterion TE 6 5 Portable Continuous Particulate Monitor User Manual 1 0 This page is intentionally blank Criterion TE 6 5 Portable Continuous Particulate Monitor User Manual 1 0 Ta |
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Standards with Audit Criteria
NAPBS BACKGROUND SCREENING AGENCY ACCREDITATION PROGRAM CRA ACCREDITATION STANDARD WITH AUDIT CRITERIA Measure amp Documentation i eer Clause Typically Subject to Desk Audit Potential Verification for Onsite Audit Attributes of and Suggestions for Onsite Audit What auditor should look for in policy procedure activity Data Information and Security DEFINITION Consumer information includes any information identifiable to one or more consumers including that found in vend |
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MDPU2 ST Ver1.11 - Common Criteria
RC S940 Security Target Public Version Version 2 04 RC S940 Security Target Public Version Version 2 04 Control number 9768 ST E02 04 Date of issue May 13 2005 Sony Corporation May 13 2005 FeliCa Business Center Sony Corporation RC S940 Security Target Public Version Version 2 04 This page is intentionally left blank May 13 2005 1 69 FeliCa Business Center Confidential Sony Corporation RC S940 Security Target Public Version Version 2 04 Tab |
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Security Target - Common Criteria
bizhub C754 bizhub C654 ineot 754 ineo 654 Control Software A2X00Y0 0100 G00 53 Security Target KONICA MINOLTA bizhub C754 bizhub C654 ineot 754 ineot 654 Control Software A2X00Y0 0100 G00 53 Security Target This document is a translation of the evaluated and certified security target written in Japanese Version 1 06 Issued on August 15 2012 Created by KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES INC Copyright c 2011 2012 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS TECHNOL |
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SuperNet 2000 EAL4/r1 Common Criteria Security Target (EAL4)
SuperNet 2000 EAL4 r1 Common Criteria Security Target EAL4 Revision V2 0 Prepared for Electronic Engineering Systems Inc 1200 North Battlefield Boulevard Suite 120 Chesapeake VA 23320 SuperNet 00 security for the coming century Prepared by SAIC Center for Information Security Technology 7125 Columbia Gateway Drive Suite 300 Columbia MD 21046 P d October 20 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 REVISION HISTORWV sessies sees sese esa ee |
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National Information Assurance Partnership Common Criteria
National Information Assurance Partnership Crite g 26 5 Z O o N N o amp y Validation Body x Q Yonep Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme Validation Report Splunk 4 1 7 Report Number CCEVS VR VID10437 2011 Version 1 0 March 18 2011 National Institute of Standards and Technology National Security Agency Information Technology Laboratory Information Assurance Directorate 100 Bureau Drive 9800 Savage Road STE 6 |
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Criterion™ Blotter Instruction Manual - Bio-Rad
Criterion Blotter Instruction Manual Catalog Numbers 170 4070 170 4071 For Technical Service Call Your Local Bio Rad Office or in the U S Call 1 800 4BIORAD 1 800 424 6723 Section 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 Section 2 2 1 22 2 3 Section 3 3 1 3 2 Section 4 4 1 4 2 Section 5 5 1 5 2 Section 6 6 1 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Table of Contents Page General Information eseserororocoesesesesesesesesorororocosoesesesesesesosorororor |
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1 Capacidades y criterios de evaluación Contenidos:
Q Lanbide servicio vasco de Empleo DATOS IDENTIFICATIVOS DE LA UNIDAD FORMATIVA UNIDAD FORMATIVA TECNICAS DE CONSERVACI N DE ELEMENTOS PESQUEROS Ei 40 EN PUERTO Espec fica C digo UF0798 Familia profesional MAR TIMO PESQUERA rea Profesional Pesca y navegaci n Certificado de profesionalidad Actividades auxiliares y de apoyo al buque en puerto Nivel 1 M dulo formativo Mantenimiento y conservaci n del buque Duraci n 100 Tecnolog |
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Pressure Care Mattresses and Overlay Clinical Criteria
RAD Pressure Care Mattressses W Clinical Criteria HealthShare This criteria has been developed in consultation with expert clinicians and is based N W on available evidence at the time of development This document is designed to GOVERNMENT EnableNSW specify the criteria to access assistance through EnableNSW for this group of assistive technology and provide a basis for consistent and transparent decision making PRESSURE CARE MATTRESSES see separate gu |
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Electromagnetic Compatibility Criteria Test Report
Ubiquiti Networks Inc 900 MHz Mini PCI Wireless module CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart B and C Electromagnetic Compatibility Criteria Test Report for the Ubiquiti Networks Inc 900 MHz Mini PCI Wireless Module Verified under the FCC Certification Rules contained in Title 47 of the CFR Part 15 247 Subpart C for Intentional Radiators MET Report EMCS18953 FCC247 January 24 2006 Prepared For Ubiquiti Networks Inc 778 North First St Suite 202 San Jo |
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Security Target - Common Criteria
NATO Consultation Command and Control Agency Agence de Consultation de Commandement et de Conduite des Op rations de l OTAN AGENCY LINK1 FORWARD FILTER L1FF SECURITY TARGET Public Version Wim Hoekstra Peter RehauBer 7 A 06 02 07 The Hague ST Public doc Document information Date of issue Author s Version number report Certification ID Scheme Sponsor Sponsor address Evaluation Lab Evaluation Lab address Target of Evaluation |
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“Personal Computers Version 2.10” Certification Criteria
119V2 Criteria Eco Mark Product Category No 119 Personal Computers Version 2 10 Certification Criteria Established August 3 2006 Japan Environment Association Revised April 1 2015 Eco Mark Office Expiration date August 31 2016 NOTE This document is a translation of the criteria written in Japanese In the event of dispute the original document should be taken as authoritative 119V2 Criteria Eco Mark Product Category No 119 Personal Computers Versio |
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Maintenance ST - Common Criteria
Curtiss Wright Controls Defense Solutions VPX3 685 CCA 685 Secure Routers Versions VPX3 685 A13014 VPX3 685 A13020 FC VPX3 685 C23014 FC VPX3 685 C23020 FC and CCA 685 2820 Security Target Evaluation Assurance Level EAL EAL2 Document Number 828052 Document Version 1 16 Prepared for Prepared by cunts contras Corsec Defense Solutions Curtiss Wright Controls Defense Corsec Security Inc Solutions 333 Palladium Dr 13135 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway S |
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Design Criteria - Pacific Construction Services, Inc.
US Army Corps of Engineers Design Analysis Final For Construction Solar Photo Voltaic PV Systems in Support of Marine Force Reserves MFR Sites Project Number 541320 Terre Haute Indiana August 2014 lt World United States IN Vigo Co Terre Haute Deming Park e Ka m BLAIRREMY ARCHITECTS 7 Mickey Mantle Drive JDM Place Suite 350 Oklahoma City OK 73104 This page intentionall |
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17. |
ELABORACI N DE VINOS MAO1 CRITERIOS DE CALIFICACI N Se realizar n m s de un examen escrito a lo largo de la evaluaci n que si se superan permitir n ir liberando la materia correspondiente La nota de la evaluaci n final ser la media de las evaluaciones S lo se hace media con una nota m nima de 4en las evaluaciones La calificaci n de la teor a supondr el 60 de la nota La asistencia y realizaci n de las pr cticas supondr el 20 de la nota L |
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Ss met te Aal eg eg ad Mp ge ee En er mann hoe ir aan he CES cra een Arne nd pea at Cape rm he er a Ct at ma drum OT Je yearn psy sc ne tad erh 1 Cae ty ps aed Semen en ee yn a se ma nl eee sr ct yn Fe oes oy tee mea m |
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19. |
Security Target - Common Criteria
bizhub 652 bizhub 602 bizhub 552 bizhub 502 ineo 652 ineo 602 ineo 552 ineo 502 Control Software A2WUO0YO0 0100 GMO0 00 Security Target IKONICA MINOLTA bizhub 652 bizhub 602 bizhub 552 bizhub 502 ineo 652 ineo 602 ineo 552 ineo 502 Control Software A2WUO0YO0 0100 GMO0 00 Security Target This document is a translation of the evaluated and certified security target written in Japanese Version 1 03 Issued on March 18 2011 Created by KO |
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MTS Criterion™ Série 40
MTS RR TAM i MTS Criterion S rie 40 Manual do Produto be certain 100 238 319 A Informa es sobre Direitos Autorais Informa es sobre Marca Registrada Informa o Propriet ria Valida o e verifica o do software Informa o sobre a publica o O 2011 MTS Systems Corporation Todos os direitos reservados MTS uma marca registrada e MTS Criterion e MTS Insight s o marcas registradas da MTS Systems Corporation nos E |
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