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Kanomax 6813 Digital Anemometer Manual PDF
KANOMAX 219 Route 206 Phone 1 800 247 8887 PO Box 372 Fax 973 786 7586 Andover NJ 07821 USA info kanomax usa com KANOMAX The Ultimate Measurements Kanomax USA Inc 219 Route 206 PO Box 372 Andover New Jersey 07821 USA 800 247 8887 Fax 973 786 7586 info kanomax usa com www kanomax usa com Copyright 2008 Kanomax USA Inc 6813 User Manual PN 10283 Kanomax USA Inc Rev 1 8 10 Jun 2008 www kanomax usa com Copyright 200 |
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Hot Wire Anemometer User Manual
ele Hot Wire Anemometer User Manual le Sd ei Wire Anemometer User Mau s Hot Wire Anemometer User Manual Contents 4 Display Elements 5 Changing Setup Options 6 Measuring Procedure ole oe oS Pot Wie Aonsoueter ter mat d Hot Wire Anemometer User Manual Your purchase of this HOT WIRE ANEMOMETER makes a step forward for you into the field of precision measurement Although this ANEMOMETER is a complex and delicate instrument its durable str |
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Manual do Usuário Termo-anemômetro CFM/CMM + Termômetro
EXTECH Manual do Usu rio INSTRUMENTS Termo anem metro CFM CMM Term metro Infravermelho Modelo AN200 Introdu o Parab ns por sua compra do Termo anem metro CFM CMM com term metro infravermelho Extech AN200 Esse instrumento mede a velocidade do ar fluxo de ar volume temperatura do ar com sonda e temperatura de superf cie com fun o infravermelho O grande LCD com luz de fundo e f cil de ler inclui display prim rio e secu |
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Testing della ventilazione Termoanemometro Multifunzione
TERMOANEMOMETRO MULTIFUNZIONE AIRFLOW TA465 MANUALE OPERATIVO E DI ASSISTENZA P N 6005365 REVISION D 2014 START SEEING THE BENEFITS UF REGISTERING TODAY Thank you for your TSI instrument purchase Occasionally TSI releases information on software updates product enhancements and new products By registering your instrument TSI will be able to send this important information to you http register tsi com As part of the registration process you will |
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GUIA DO USUÁRIO Termoanemômetro CFM de Fio Quente para
EXTECH GUIA DO USU RIO INSTRUMENTS Termoanem metro CFM de Fio Quente para Trabalho Pesado Modelo 4071194 Introdu o Parab ns por sua compra do Termoanem metro Extech 4071194 O 407119A mede a velocidade do ar o volume do ar e a temperatura do ar Utiliza uma antena de sonda telesc pica para permitir um acesso conveniente a grelhas e difusores O uso cuidadoso desse aparelho oferecer muitos anos de servi o confi vel O Modelo 4071194 tem as |
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Ultrasonic Anemometer
S e Solar Radiation Barometric Pressure O Pires elim Wea E O Windspeed O lemperature O Ultrasomie Mechanical Ame MOM eters II p 3 Q Integra ted HOSK Weather Stations D GU WindSonic INSTRUMENTS Wind Speed amp Direction Sensor WINDSONIC LOW START SPEED CORROSION FREE UV STABLE MATERIAL NO CALIBRATION REQUIRED ROBUST CONSTRUCTION |
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Hoja de datos de a anemómetro de bolsillo de la serie AVM
Anem metro de bolsillo AVM 3000 anemometro que mide la velocidad del viento temperatura humedad punto de roc o wind chill El anem metro de bolsillo de la serie AVM es un peque o medidor de la fuerza del viento y de la temperatura Este anemometro de bolsillo est provisto de los cojinetes de piedra preciosa m s precisos y de una h lice de poco peso con la que tanto la fuerza del viento como una corriente de aire pueden ser medidas con precisi n incluso a bajas velocid |
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GUÍA DEL USUARIO Modelo AN10 Anemómetro
EXTECH GU A DEL USUARIO INSTRUMENTS Modelo AN10 Anem metro CE Introducci n Agradecemos su compra del Anem metro AN10 de Extech Este dispositivo mide velocidad del aire con el sensor de paletas miniatura en unidades de m s fpm mph kph y nudos Pantalla LCD retroiluminada grande de f cil lectura muestra las lecturas de medici n y los indicadores de estado Este instrumento se embarca completamente probado y calibrado y con uso apropiado le proveer mu |
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NASA LaRC FIB Multi-Channel Anemometry Recording System
NASA CR 2002 211440 NASA LaRC FIB Multi Channel Anemometry Recording System User s Manual Compiled by Sherylene Johnson NYMA Inc Hampton Virginia Arild Bertelrud Analytical Services amp Materials Inc Hampton Virginia aa ee February 2002 The NASA STI Program Office in Profile Since its founding NASA has been dedicated to the advancement of aeronautics and space science The NASA Scientific and Technical Information STI Program Office pl |
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Vane anemometer
Vane anemometer testo 410 Pocket sized flow velocity measuring instrument Flow velocity measuring instrument with temperature measurement Integrated measurement with 40 mm vane Time mean value calculation Hold function and max min values Windchill calculation for outdoor areas Additional advantages testo 410 2 Air humidity measurement with long term stable Testo humidity sensor The vane anemometers testo 410 1 and testo 410 2 offer perfect flow velocity measure |
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User`s Manual CFM/CMM Thermo Anemometer 94204
User s Manual CFM CMM Thermo Anemometer 94204 Introduction The CFM CMM Thermo Anemometer instrument measures Air Velocity A volume and Temperature The large easy to read backlit LCD includes secondary displays plus numerous status indicators The meter is shipped and calibrated and with proper use will provide years of reliable service Meter Description LCD Display Meter Vane Temperature Buttons Power On Off Airflow Velocity Buttons |
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Fio quente CFM / CMM Thermo- Anemómetro
EXTECH GUIA DO USU RIO INSTRUMENTS Fio quente CFM CMM Thermo Anem metro Modelo AN500 Introdu o Obrigado por selecionar o Fio quente CFM CMM Thermo Anem metro Extech Este instrumento mede o fluxo de ar e temperatura velocidade do ar colocando o sensor dentro de um conduto de ventila o assim como um tubo ou uma abertura de ventila o Este sensor est situado na extremidade da varinha telesc pica por conveni |
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Manual do Usuário Anemômetro Térmico CFM/CMM
EXTECH Manual do Usu rio INSTRUMENTS Anem metro T rmico CEM CMM Modelo AN100 Introdu o Parab ns pela sua compra do Anem metro T rmico Extech AN100 CFM CMM Este instrumento mede a velocidade do ar o fluxo do ar volume e a temperatura O LCD grande de f cil leitura com luz de fundo inclui visualiza o prim ria e secund ria al m de numerosos indicadores de estado Este medidor embarcado totalmente testado e calibrado e com uso adequado fornec |
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FLOW ANEMOMETER - Electrocomponents
FLOW ANEMOMETER USER MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Features lll Operating instruction III 1 Measurement of wind velocity III 2 Measurement of wind air temperature 7 III 3 Measurement of wind air flow instant air flow 7 III 4 Measurement of wind air flow 2 3vmax air flow 8 III 5 Measurement of wind air flow average air flow 9 NO N III 6 Reading hold 11 III 7 Finding the maximum or minmum values 11 III 12 To send data to a PC through RS 232C interface AVM |
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Anaheim Scientific M130 Mini Anemometer
ANAHEIM SCIENTIFIC User Manual Model M130 Mini Anemometer ANAHEIM SCIENTIFIC Table of Contents 1 ao oa fF WwW N 8 9 1 1 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 8 6 9 7 1 7 2 7 3 INTEODUGETIOM sissies sie RE EE n EN de bed de de ENE ea 3 M130 ie lure es ea SS Ee on ea ee Ge ii ee De E 3 SAFETY SUMMARY esse see ses se de ean vies ea ee ei ee 3 COMPLIANCE STATEMENTS esse sesse see ee ee ee ee ee ee ee see ee ee ee ee ee 4 PRODUCT CONTE |
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manual de instruções do anemômetro / psicrômetro
ICZ manaus MANUAL DE INSTRU ES DO ANEM METRO PSICR METRO MODELO AN 4870 Leia cuidadosamente as instru es contidas neste manual antes de iniciar o uso do aparelho NDICE 1 INTRODU O sa dd a 1 2 REGRAS DE SEGURAN A sia ER dis Ie ses ea 1 3 ESPECIFICA ES nanneeoonnnooonnnoonnnennnnnenonnneronnennonnerornnennnnnernnnnernnnnernnneernnnerrnnnene 2 CRETE EA E A A E E T 2 Ke BEBA R 6 n o7 C PERDE Re E E E E E aa a E 2 4 PREPARA ES PA |
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Manuale utente Termoanemometro per servizio pesante CFM
EXTECH Manuale utente INSTRUMENTS Termoanemometro per servizio pesante CFM CMM Con termometro integrato IR senza contatto e puntatore laser Modello HD300 Introduzione Congratulazioni per aver acquistato il termoanemometro Extech HD300 CFM Questo apparecchio portatile misura e visualizza i valori di velocit dell aria flusso d aria volume temperatura dell aria e temperatura superficiale utilizzando il termometro integrato IR senza contatto Questo ap |
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User`s Manual CFM/CMM Thermo Anemometer + InfraRed
User s Manual Test Equipment 99 Washington Street EX ECH Depot Melrose MA 02176 Phone 781 665 1400 INSTRUMENTS 1 800 517 8431 Toll Free 1 800 517 8431 ements a anc CFM CMM Thermo Anemometer InfraRed Thermometer Model AN200 CE Introduction Congratulations on your purchase of the Extech AN200 CFM CMM Thermo Anemometer with InfraRed Thermometer This instrument measures Air Velocity Air Flow volume Air Temperature with p |
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Anemómetro PCE-007
Anem metro PCE 007 Anemometro de precisi n con puerto de conexi n memoria y software para la medici n de la velocidad del aire la temperatura y el caudal volum trico El anem metro adem s de su equipamiento especial es muy econ mico Con este anemometro usted puede medir la velocidad y la temperatura del aire Una vez que indica el rea de la secci n transversal el tester le muestra directamente el caudal volum trico del aire Los valores medidos pueden almacenarse di |
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Gill WindObserver II Anemometer User Manual
INSTRUMENTS WindObserver II Ultrasonic Anemometer User Manual Doc No 1390 PS 0004 Issue 18 APPLIES TO UNITS WITH SERIAL NUMBERS 901001 ONWARDS Gill Instruments Limited Saltmarsh Park 67 Gosport Street Lymington Hampshire S041 9EG UK Tel 44 0 1590 613500 Fax 44 0 1590 613501 E mail anem gill co uk Website www gill co uk Gill Instruments Ltd WindObserver II Anemometer WindObserver II Page 2 Issue 18 Doc No 1390 PS 0004 |
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