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Bunn VPR APS user manual
BUNN VPRTC I fPR APS OPERATING amp SERVICE MANUAL BUNN O MATIC CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 3227 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS 62708 3227 PHONE 217 529 6601 FAX 217 529 6644 39064 0000A 04 06 2006 Bunn 0 Matic Corporation www bunn com INTRODUCTION This equipment will brew a half gallon batch of coffee into an awaiting dispenser It is only for indoor use on a sturdy counter or shelf WARRANTY Bunn O Matic Corp Bunn warrants the equi |
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06 - Tribunal de Contas da União
TCU Tribunal de Contas da Uni o Secretaria das Sess es ATA N 06 DE 03 DE MAR O DE 2010 SESS O ORDIN RIA PLEN RIO APROVADA EM 04 DE MAR O DE 2010 PUBLICADA EM 05 DE MAR O DE 2010 AC RD OS N s 304 a 314 315 a 356 360 a 363 367 e 374 C Tribunal de Contas da Uni o Secretaria das Sess es la Sartori do Plen rio M rcia Subsocgdi ATA N 6 DE 3 DE MAR O DE 2010 Sess o Ordin ria do Plen rio Presid |
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Bunn IMIX 3S+ user manual
BUNN INTERNATIONAL iMIX Silver Series Dispenser with 3 Hoppers iMIX 3S Dimensions 32 8 H x 12 6 W x 24 1 D 83 3cm H x 32cm Wx 61 2cm D Features iMIX Silver Series Plus Dispenser Capacity three 8 pound 3 6 kg hoppers Large lighted front graphics for merchandising 4 4 gallon 16 7L hot water tank to meet peak serving times Cup clearance at 7 25 18 4 cm to accommodate popular cup sizes adjustable to 8 12 20 6 cm |
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Bunn CWTA-APS,TS user manual
BUNN 6 CWA APS TS CWTA APS TS CWTFA APS TS TC ILLUSTRATED PARTS CATALOG Designs materials weights specifications and dimensions for equipment or replacement parts are subject to change without notice BUNN O MATIC CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 3227 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS 62708 3227 PHONE 217 529 6601 FAX 217 529 6644 10716 0001 10 03 1998 Bunn O Matic Corporation www bunnomatic com BUNN O MATIC COMMERCIAL PRODUCT WARRANTY Bunn |
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Bunn G9 user manual
BUNN GRINDERS Includes MHG FPG SERVICE amp REPAIR MANUAL BUNN O MATIC CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 3227 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS 62708 3227 PHONE 217 529 6601 FAX 217 529 6644 To ensure you have the latest revision of the Operating Manual or to view the Illustrated Parts Catalog Programming Manual or Service Manual please visit the Bunn O Matic website at www bunn com This is absolutely FREE and the quickest way to obtain the latest catalog and manua |
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Tribunal Regional Eleitoral de Santa Catarina
Tribunal Regional Eleitoral de Santa Catarina CONTRATO N 123 2012 Contrato para fornecimento e instala o de condicionador de ar tipo split autorizado pelo Senhor Eduardo Cardoso Secret rio de Administra o e Or amento fl 278 do Preg o n 139 2012 que entre si fazem o Tribunal Regional Eleitoral de Santa Catarina e a empresa Digiplus Tecnologia Ltda EPP em conformidade com as Leis n 10 520 de 17 de julho de 2002 8 666 de 21 de junho de 1993 8 07 |
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Revista do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, v. 74, n. 4, out./dez
Revista do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho PODER JUDICI RIO JUSTI A DO TRABALHO TRIBUNAL SUPERIOR DO TRABALHO Revista do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho Ministro Rider Nogueira de Brito Presidente Ministro Milton de Moura Fran a Vice Presidente Ministro Jo o Oreste Dalazen Corregedor Geral da Justi a do Trabalho Ministra Maria Cristina Irigoyen Peduzzi Ministro Renato de Lacerda Paiva Ministro Lelio Bentes Corr a Comiss o de Documenta o An |
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I I BUNN ITB ITCB ICB TWIN SERVICE amp REPAIR MANUAL BUNN O MATIC CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 3227 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS 62708 3227 PHONE 217 529 6601 FAX 217 529 6644 42461 0000A 01 10 2010 Bunn O Matic Corporation BUNN O MATIC COMMERCIAL PRODUCT WARRANTY Bunn O Matic Corp BUNN warrants equipment manufactured by it as follows 1 All equipment other than as specified below 2 years parts and 1 year labor 2 |
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Bunn DUAL user manual
DUAL DUAL TF OPERATING amp SERVICE MANUAL BUNN O MATIC CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 3227 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS 62708 3227 PHONE 217 529 6601 FAX 217 529 6644 10566 0000 3 06 1991 Bunn 0 Matic Corporation www bunnomatic com INTRODUCTION This equipment will brew two half gallon gallon or gallon and a half batches of coffee into awaiting servers at the push of a button and includes a hot water faucet for allied beverage use The brewer is specificall |
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Ger tebeschreibung ur Messbecher 1 Deckel 2 3 Silikondichtung ST lt lt Mixbeh lter 4 Messer 5 Sey 6 Messerhalterung K gt D mpfungsmatte 7 Kupplung f r Messerantrieb 8 9 Sensor f r Mixbeh lter 10 Arretierung des Mixbeh lters Jog Dial 12 11 Programmauswahl Display 13 14 Ein Aus Taste 16 Stromanschluss |
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Jumpking Orbunder JK14EN2A-05 user manual
I TM MODEL JK14EN2A 05 4 Enclosufe System A WARNING Read the assembly installation care maintenance and use instructions in this manual prior to assembling and using this trampoline enclosure Save this manual for future reference USER S MANUAL 3 Assembly Installation Care Maintenance and Use Instructions WARNING The trampoline enclosure is designed for users weighing 90 kg 200 lbs or less I 2800 East Plano Pkwy Suite 400 |
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Operating, Service, BunnEspress ES J Operating & Service Manual
BUNNEspress ES J DISCONTINUED VERSION The information in this manual is no longer current o LN i d im coor r E a 4 gt j R al e y E i l Espresso Cappuccino Coffee Grinder OPERATING amp SERVICE MANUAL BUNN O MATIC CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 3227 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS 62708 3227 PHONE 217 529 6601 FAX 217 529 6644 27913 0000B 2 97 01997 Bunn O Matic Corporation BUNN Espress e GENERAL This equipment will store u |
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12 - Tribunal de Contas da União
TRIBUNAL DE CONTAS DA UNI O SECRETARIA DAS SESS ES ATA N 12 DE 28 DE MAR O DE 2007 SESS O ORDIN RIA PLEN RIO APROVADA EM 29 DE MAR O DE 2007 PUBLICADA EM 30 DE MAR O DE 2007 AC RD OS N S 436 a 449 452 a 475 478 a 481 e 483 a 486 ATA N 12 DE 28 DE MAR O DE 2007 Sess o Ordin ria do Plen rio Presidente Ministro Marcos Vin cios Vila a Representante do Minist rio P blico Procurador Geral Lucas Rocha Furtado |
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Bunn Coffeemaker TWF user manual
BUNN DISCONTINUED VERSION The information in this manual is no longer current OPERATING amp SERVICE MANUAL BUNN O MATIC CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 3227 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS 62708 3227 TELEPHONE 217 529 6601 FAX 217 529 6644 10510 0000 11 00 1990 Bunn O Matic Corporation CONTENTS Introduction 2 Warranty 2 User Notices 3 Electrical Requirements 4 Plumbing Requirements 4 Initial Set Up 5 Adjusting Brew Controls 6 Cleaning 6 O |
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Bunn Water Dispenser HW2A user manual
BUNN HW2 HW2A HOT WATER DISPENSERS INSTALLATION amp OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS INTRODUCTION This equipment heats and dispenses water on demand for beverages and cooking purposes BUNN O MATIC COMMERCIAL PRODUCT WARRANTY Bunn O Matic Corp BUNN warrants equipment manufactured by it as follows 1 All equipment other than as specified below 2 years parts and 1 year labor 2 Electronic circuit and or control boards parts and labor for 3 years 3 Compressors |
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Bunn Coffee Grinder G9WD user manual
BUNN GRINDERS Includes MHG FPG SERVICE amp REPAIR MANUAL BUNN O MATIC CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 3227 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS 62708 3227 PHONE 217 529 6601 FAX 217 529 6644 To ensure you have the latest revision of the Operating Manual or to view the Illustrated Parts Catalog Programming Manual or Service Manual please visit the Bunn O Matic website at www bunn com This is absolutely FREE and the quickest way to obtain the latest catalog and manua |
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Bunn Water Dispenser 44306 user manual
BUNN 9 Hot Water Dispensers Supercedes 10052 0000 10010 0000 10267 0000 10420 0000 10889 0000 39338 0000 39338 0001 44306 0000 INSTALLATION amp OPERATING GUIDE BUNN O MATIC CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 3227 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS 62708 3227 PHONE 217 529 6601 FAX 217 529 6644 To ensure you have the latest revision of the manual or to obtain the illustrated parts catalog please visit the Bunn O Matic website at www bunn com This is abso |
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Bunn Beverage Dispenser ICD-3S user manual
TDS 3S TDS 5S ICD 3S USE amp CARE INFORMATION INTRODUCTION These dispensers are designed to hold and serve either a three or five gallon batch of iced tea or iced coffee depend ing on the model When proper precautions are followed tea coffee may be brewed directly into the dispenser and then transported to a remote serving location The dispenser must be placed on a sturdy counter or shelf NOTICE In order to use this dispenser with a Bunn O Matic brewer the gui |
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Bunn SAFETY FRESH SERVER 12410001C user manual
BUNN 1 1 5 1 75 amp 2GPR SAFETY FRESH SERVER OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS INTRODUCTION This server allows portable dispensing of 1 114 1 or 2 gallons of hot beverage Coffee can be brewed directly into the server without removing the cover when used with an appropriate Bunn coffee brewer Place the server on a warming stand to keep the beverage hot at remote locations The spill resistant design lessens the chance of hot beverage burns and splashes USER NOTICES The |
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27 - Tribunal de Justiça de Rondônia
ESTADO DE ROND NIA DIARIO DA JUSTI A ELETRONICO Poder Judici rio N 159 2009 Data da divulga o Quinta feira 27 de agosto de 2009 TRIBUNAL DE JUSTI A Porto Velho RO TRIBUNAL DE JUSTI A DO ESTADO DE ROND NIA Rua Jos Camacho 585 Bairro Olaria cep 76 801 330 PRESIDENTE Desembargadora Zelite Andrade Carneiro VICE PRESIDENTE Desembargador Walter Waltenberg Silva Junior CORREGEDOR GERAL Desembargador Sans o Batista Saldanha SECRET RIA |
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