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YOSHI`S NEW ISLAND 1 Informações Importantes Informações
YOSHI S NEW ISLAND Informacoes Importantes Informacoes B sicas introdu o O Controls gt o ia _ 10 Funcionalidades Online Introdu o Acerca do Jogo Primeiros Passos Guardar Dados Controlos 6 Controlos B sicos Controlos dos Ovos Modo Hist ria 8 Ecra de Mapa PA Nivel m O Q Q D 11 D gt Y Interruptores e Outros O lt O 0 13 Transforma es Minijogos a Dois 15 SpotPass SpotPass |
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USER`S MANUAL - Yoshimasa USA Inc.
USER S MANUAL YOSHIMASA SUSHI DISPLAY CASE INCLUDING REFRIGERATED NON REFRIGERATED UNITS YOSHIMASA USA INC 2730 Monterey St 103 Torrance CA 90503 USA Tel 310 533 1111 800 789 9835 Fax 310 533 1117 800 789 9836 www YOSHIMASAusa com info YOSHIMASAusa com 4N WARNING DO NOT block the AIR WAY of the condensing unit or it generates heat and causes severe compressor damages DO NOT BLOCK AIR INLET OUTLET AREA Let warm air c |
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YOSHIMURA PIM II (EMS Peripheral Interface Module)
SOSIMURA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF AMERICA INC YOSHIMURA PIM II EMS Peripheral Interface Module APPLICATION YEAR MODEL 2011 Polaris RZR XP 900 PRODUCT 600XX399000 PIM2 Fuel Injection Controller Kit y This product is designed for use in closed course racing and is not I intended for highway use y Read through all instructions before beginning Installation Areas of vehicle may be extremely hot Let vehicle cool down before beginning installati |
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2 installation - Yoshimasa USA Inc.
USER S MANUAL YOSHIMASA SUSHI DISPLAY CASE INCLUDING REFRIGERATED NON REFRIGERATED UNITS XE PISA ETIV EICHI Model Flat Glass YMSC 75 777A t7IV YMSC Model Curved Glass YOSHIMASA DISPLAY CASE INC 2335 1 2 Durfee Ave El Monte CA 91732 USA Tel 626 454 5407 800 789 9835 Fax 626 454 5409 800 789 9836 www YOSHIMASAusa com info YOSHIMASAusa com CONTENTS 9 Design Overview 2 New Buyer s Guide to Type of Sushi Display Case |
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Yoshi Air Water System
AWSMAN E1 E1J 1205 IT EN Leggere semle istruzioni prima dell installazione Always read the instructions before the installation YOSHI AWS ET E1J Yoshi Air Water System MANUALE DI INSTALLAZIONE INSTALLATION MANUAL 8 10 13 16 20 25 HP O Al termine dell installazione far semeseguire il primo avviamento dal Centro di Assistenza Tecnica Autorizzato AISIN di zona After the installation always call the local AISIN Authorised Service |
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AWSMAN E1JT 1307 IT EN Leggere semle istruzioni prima dell installazione Always read the instructions before the installation YosHI A WS E1J TWIN Yoshi Air Water System MANUALE DI INSTALLAZIONE INSTALLATION MANUAL 40 HP 50 HP S 75 AI termine dell installazione far semeseguire il primo avviamento dal Centro di Assistenza Tecnica Autorizzato AISIN di zona After the installation always call the local AISIN Authorised Service Centre to perf |
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