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MONTGOMERY COUNTY Purchasing Department
nay KA ox MONTGOMERY COUNTY e Purchasing Department MONTGO MERY 451 W Third St cs ee gee Ohio 45422 1375 C U N T Y 0 Purchasing and Central Services Director ITEM Formal Request For PROPOSAL TITLE SO 300004 E Learning Services DEPARTMENT Environmental Services DELIVERY 1850 Spaulding Road Kettering OH 45432 BID SUBMISSION Montgomery County Purchasing Department PO Box 972 451 W Third Street 9 Floor Dayton OH 45422 1375 DUE DATE |
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Easy2GoMobile Promotional Offer
DEMO PROGRAM Demonstration Equipment Program NST 2013 11 109300 Not for Resale Polycom s Demo Equipment program allows channel partners to purchase demo products at a discount to effectively demonstrate the value of Polycom solutions for their customers Demo equipment are those eligible Polycom products that Polycom makes available for purchase by its channel partners at an additional discount above the standard Executive Briefings An Executive B |
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Precor Programmable Ergometer 9.5sp user manual
d 9 5sp Programmable Treadmill Ergometer Owner s Manual Safety Information Before beginning any fitness program you should have a complete physical examination by your physician Read and observe the following guidelines when using the M9 5sp Programmable Treadmill Ergometer Read the Owner s Manual and follow all instructions These instructions were written to ensure your safety and to protect the treadmill Note for Club Owners To ensure the |
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Montgomery Ward TMO-39084A user manual
Rear Tine Tillers Operating Manual Model Nos TMO 39083A TMO 39084A Montgomery Ward INDEX Safe Operation Practices 3 Lubrication Assembly 4 Maintenance Controls 8 Off Season Storage Operation 9 Illustrated Parts HowTo Use YourTiller 9 Parts List Adjustments 10 Parts Information A Instructions given with this symbol are for per sonal safety Be sure to follow them 11 11 14 16 18 20 |
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Student Programs - Montgomery County Public Schools
The Office of the Chief Technology Officer MCPS Online Administrative Student Information System OASIS Student Programs User Manual Version 2 1 Revised October 12 2010 Student Programs User Manual Version 2 1 Table of Contents MPO AUCTION ie hestetrener selec satin teeta tet th lacs ante ial ake 1 1 Manage Program Information on Students Records cee eeeceseeeeseeceseceseeeseeesseeenaeens 2 1 1 Retrieve a Student s Program Records eesseesse |
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GOMA ARABIGA HV DOLMAR - Dolmar Productos Enológicos
mn EDoImar LIVING E z INNOVATION M S INFORMACI N Tel 941 303 730 Fax 941 303 740 info dolmar es www dolmar es GOMA ARABIGA HV DOLMAR Estabilizaci n coloidal APLICACIONES DOSIS DE EMPLEO La GOMA AR BIGA HV DOLMAR se obtiene despu s de un riguroso proceso de selecci n de gomas ar bigas CODEX Por su especial sistema de elaboraci n esta goma se presenta La dosis var a entre 100 y 300 cc hl Se recomienda realizar siemun ensayo previo |
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"conjunto secasuelos compuesto por goma y pala recogedora
ES 1 040 693 U OFICINA ESPANOLA DE PATENTES Y MARCAS SOLICITUD DE MODELO DE UTILIDAD 1D N mero de publicaci n 1 040 693 N mero de solicitud U 9702070 6D Int C1 A47L 13 50 9 Fecha de presentaci n 15 07 97 Fecha de publicaci n de la solicitud 16 05 99 D Solicitante s Patricia Alicia Pelluz Chamizo Apartado de Correos 1139 43080 Tarragona ES Javier Jes s Castillo Rodr guez 12 Inventor es Pelluz Chamizo Patri |
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DAT`AIR - Frigomaster
DAT AIR Manuale Emissione Sostituisce Manual 201370A12 Issue 08 99 Replaces 05 97 Manuale di uso installazione e manutenzione Installation use and maintenance manual AIRE BLUE CE 1370 Condizionatori d aria Aria aria acqua aria ad espansione diretta ed ad acqua refrigerata Air conditioning Air air water air direct expansion and chilled water AIR i BLUE air conditioning Compressori scroll e ventilatori cent |
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it - Joker Boat Gommoni
z e Gentile cliente grazie per aver scelto un gommone Joker Boat sicuramente una buona scelta Vi auguriamo di trarne tutte le soddisfazioni possibili il privilegio di possedere un Joker Boat la far navigare semsicuro in ogni mare Nuove tecnologie e materiali di ottima qualit abbinate al design e alla provata esperienza sono i motivi che danno alla Joker Boat una fama internazionale Questo manuale ha lo scopo di farLe conoscere al meglio il suo gomm |
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Easy2GoMobile Promotional Offer
Y Polycom DEMO PROGRAM Demonstration Equipment Program NST 2013 11 109300 Not for Resale Polycom s Demo Equipment program allows channel partners to purchase demo products at a discount to effectively demonstrate the value of Polycom solutions for their customers Demo equipment are those eligible Polycom products that Polycom makes available for purchase by its channel partners at an additional discount above the standard product discount Polycom may ad |
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GOMA LACA C digo de producto 091 0045 Descripci n Laca natural de acabado brillante Aislante e imprimaci n de soportes porosos Campos Aplicaci n Se emplea como acabado para el pan de oro o plata y similares Es un excelente barniz de acabado duro y brillante para pinturas acr licas y o vin licas Puede emplearse como imprimaci n de superficies porosas como el yeso o la madera evitando absorciones excesivas Seca por evaporaci n A adiendo colorantes al |
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AGROVIN Estabilizantes Ficha t cnica comasol SEDA Asociaci n de goma ar biga y manoprote nas Mejora excepcional de la percepci n gustativa antes del embotellado 4 3 O BOCA 2 3 1 0 O TESTIGO 0 to 2 3 4 60 GOMASOLPHI NARIZ O GOMASOLSEDA Estudio organol ptico tras los diferentes tratamientos con gomas ar bigas a 200 ml HL tinto joven 2014 Tempranillo 1 2 CARACTER STICAS Gomasol SEDA es una asociaci n de polisac ridos vegetales goma ar |
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Gommone Ocean Runner 290/300, 340/350, 420/430
ita Mercury Marine desidera ringraziarLa per avere scelto un gommone Mercury Marine che si riveler un ottimo investimento per la nautica da diporto Siamo convinti che Le offrir lunghi anni di piacevole navigazione e divertimento Il presente manuale dell operatore contiene istruzioni di sicurezza e di funzionamento che Le permetteranno di sfruttare al meglio il gommone Contiene inoltre informazioni sulla cura e sulla manutenzione per proteggere meglio il Suo investimento C |
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Montgomery Ward TMO-33986C user manual
10 H P 38 Lawn Tractors Operating Manual Model Nos TMO 33902A TMO 33886C Montgomeiy Ward INDEX Safe Operation Practices 3 Assembly Instructions 4 Controls 9 Operation 11 Adjustments 12 Lubrication 14 Maintenance 14 Off Season Storage 18 Trouble Shooting Chart 19 Electrical System 21 Illustrated Parts for Rider 22 24 26 28 30 Parts List for Rider 23 25 27 29 31 Illustrated Parts for Transaxles 32 34 Par |
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ficha técnica: pintura goma vertical fortisan 15l cp543
FORTISAN LISO GOMA VERTICAL ANTIMOHO DESCRIPCI N Revestimiento liso el stico para impermeabilizar fachadas flexible no pegajoso y antimoho con alta resistencia a agentes climatol gicos adversos fuerte lluvia vientos huracanados temperaturas extremas etc Algo transpirable para evitar el ampollamiento Elaborada con la mejor selecci n de materias primas disponibles en el mercado para la impermeabilizaci n y decoraci n de fachadas Tipo acrilicas fotoreticulables con |
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César Emanuel Brandão Gomes Monitorização Fina do - Serv-CPS
Departamento de Universidade de Aveiro Electr nica Telecomunica es e Inform tica 2012 C sar Emanuel Monitoriza o Fina do Consumo de Energia El ctrica Brand o Gomes Fine Grained Monitoring of Electric Energy Consumption Departamento de Universidade de Aveiro Electr nica Telecomunica es e Inform tica C sar Emanuel Brand o Gomes 2012 Monitoriza o Fina do Consumo de Energia El ctrica Fine Grained Monitoring of Electric Energy Consum |
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Manual de Instruções e Montagem - Bicicleta Ergométrica Dobrável
Mi Megaforth Manual de Instru es e Montagem Bicicleta Ergom trica Dobr vel Azul Parab ns voc acabou de adquirir a Bicicleta Ergom trica Dobr vel Azul Um produto ideal para voc cuidar da sua sa de e do seu corpo no conforto da sua casa Temos certeza que voc vai adorar essa bicicleta e se surpreender com os resultados Observe com aten o o diagrama de montagem do produto antes de us lo 1 Leia com aten o estas instru es e guarde este manua |
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cliccare - gommeegomme
Pirelli Tyre SpA Sede legale Viale Sarca 222 20126 Milano Uffici commerciali e amministrativi Viale Sarca 222 20126 Milano Tel 02 6442 1 Fax 02 6442 3300 POWER IS NOTHING WITHOUT CONTROL www pirelli it 55 publicor Listino prezzi pneumatici Vettura SUV 4x4 e Van Listino Pirelli N 218 V del 2 Aprile 2007 POWER IS NOTHING WITHOUT CONTROL Listino prez Vettura pneumatici SUV 4x4 e Van Listino Pirelli N |
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OMB2010 Article name: Generator Home trainer Ergometer Tagma
x z CTI OMB2010 Tagma Instructions manual 2011 ONU INTELLIGENT FITNESS ARTICLE NO OMB2010 Article name Generator Home trainer Ergometer Tagma 2 INTRODUCTION EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS DEAR CUSTOMER Congratulations on your purchase of an OMNI home Caution Read the instruc trainer Home trainers are still the most popular fitness tions for use prior to use equipment A new era has b |
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Montgomery Ward TMO-33927 A user manual
12 H P 38 Lawn Tractors Operating Manual Model Nos TMO 33905A TMO 33927A Model TMO 33905A Shown INDEX Slope Gauge 3 Contents of Hardware Pack 4 Rules for Safe Operation 5 Assembly Instructions 6 Controls 10 Operation 11 Adjustments 13 Lubric on 16 Maintenance 16 Off Season Storage 20 Trouble Shooting Chart 21 22 Electrical System 22 Illustrated Parts for Lawn Tractor 23 33 Illustrated Parts for Transaxle 34 35 Parts Information Ba |
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