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User Manual for RealFire 2.3.3
USER MANUAL FOR REALFIRE Date 01 01 2015 Version 2 3 3 QUICK START Rez the example object small campfire Touch to start or stop fire touch and hold mouse button gt 1 sec to show menu TWO SCRIPTS FIRE AND SMOKE Every prim can only have one particle emitter so the fire and smoke scripts cannot be in the same prim You could for example put the fire script in the root prim and the smoke script in a child prim It is assumed that you have some sort of object l |
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mg014-2 servisní manuál service manual alfin 150 tig hf
MG014 2 SERVISN MANU L SERVICE MANUAL ALFIN 150 TIG HF page 1 SERVISN MANU L ALFIN 150 TIG SERVICE MANUAL ALFIN 150 TIG HF HF 1 VAROV N UPOZORN N Pouze osoba spl uj c kvalifikaci danou z konem je opr vn na opravovat stroj P ED OTEV EN M KRYTU STROJE JEJ ODPOJTE VYTA EN M S OV VIDLICE ZE S T Ka d 4 m s ce otev ete stroj a jemn ho vyfoukejte stla en m such m vzduchem POZOR NEPOUZIVEJTE STLA EN VZDUCH O P L |
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μPD78F807x Microcontroller with LIN Transceiver & Half
d d de lt Y 2 CENESAS uPD 8F80 7x Microcontroller with LIN Transceiver amp Half Bridge Drivers User s Manual Hardware RENESAS MCU uPD78F807x Microcontroller uPD78F8071 A uPD78F8072 A uPD78F8073 A uPD78F8074 A uPD78F8075 A uPD78F8077D All information contained in these materials including products and product specifications represents information on the product at the time of publication and is subject to change by Ren |
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68HC11E Technical Manual () - Alfred State College intranet site
M68HC11E D REV 3 2 M68HC11E Family Technical Data 5 Microcontroller Unit Digital DNA from Motorola MC68HC11E Family Technical Data Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein Motorola makes no warranty representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit an |
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ePEP FinalFCManual
ePEP User Guide ePEPOnline 1 Getting Started This manual is designed to help you navigate the new ePEP System which has replaced the previous paper based system The new ePEP enables professionals to prepare share and analyse information about the Young Person before the PEP meeting Therefore there will now be more time for meaningful discussion and a tighter focus during the meeting centred on the Young Person s education progress and forward planning The important |
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Havis-Shields KR-25XX-ALF-X user manual
Custom to fit your cab 1 1 fell HI Above Spartan custom cab mount and Magnafire 3000 Floodlight Model shown KR 153X SP KOV Can be mounted flush to the roof line and won t interfere with your emergency light bar or ladder Illuminate the emergency scene upon arrival and identify the incident Magnafire Custom Cab Brow Mounts 1500 2500 3500 and 3600 Series Custom cab brow mounting with a Magnafire 3000 or 5000 high intensity light This |
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alfabetização avançada em língua portuguesa, matemática
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User manual ALFA(NET) 52 Double Thermostat.
User manual ALFA NET 52 Double Thermostat OuT 1 OUT 2 ALARM 2 ALFA 52 VDH doc 072383 Version v1 0 Date 18 10 2007 Software ALFA 52 File Do072383 WPD Range 50 50 C Installation On the connection diagram of the ALFA NET 52 is shown how the sensors power supply and relays has to be connected After connecting the ALFA NET 52 to the power supply a self test function is started As this test is finished |
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Halfords HP 1400 user manual
HP 1400 Pressure Washer Instruction Manual Item Code 824136 INTRODUCTION For your safety please read and understand this instruction manual Retain the manual for future reference and ensure that new users have also read and understood the instructions and warnings If you have any problems with this unit that cannot be rectified by using the troubleshooting section on page 9 please call our customer careline on 0845 601 7834 Customer Careline 0845 601 7834 1 |
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DigitalFlow™ XGM868i - GE Measurement & Control
Sensing DigitalFlow XGM868i Panametrics General Purpose Gas Flow Transmitter 1 amp 2 Channel Startup Guide GE Sensing DigitalFlow XGM868i Panametrics General Purpose Gas Flow Transmitter 1 amp 2 Channel Startup Guide 910 197UD March 2007 DigitalFlow is GE Panametrics product GE Panametrics has joined other GE high technology sensing businesses under a new Sensing 2007 Warranty Return |
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User manual ALFA 801 and ALFANET 801
User manual ALFA 801 and ALFANET 801 Pulse pause Timer unit VDH doc 060344 Version v1 0 Date 02 02 2006 Software ALFA 801 Flash File Do060344 wpd Range 0 999 Operation The ALFA NET 801 is a panel mounting timer unit with a pulse pause relay function The pulse and pause time are set by parameters P01 and P02 The timer unit has a range from 0 999 minutes or seconds P03 The timer unit has also a contact input for starting the unit with pulse or pause P05 |
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WELCOME You have made the right choice in selecting this Electronic Talking Dictionary as your partner This Electronic Talking Dictionary represents a new generation of hand held Electronic Organizer designed to the high specification compact in size light in weight yet giving you optimum power and the necessary performance All your personal data should be copied to separate permanent printed records Reset ting the device will cause permanent personal data loss PRECAUTI |
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Fake check-in entries posted on behalf of social network users
a2 United States Patent US008719794B2 10 Patent No US 8 719 794 B2 Bingell et al 45 Date of Patent May 6 2014 54 FAKE CHECK IN ENTRIES POSTED ON 56 References Cited BEHALF OF SOCIAL NETWORK USERS U S PATENT DOCUMENTS 71 Applicant International Business Machines Corporation Armonk NY US 7 856 360 B2 12 2010 Kramer etal wi 705 1 1 P 2 2003 0093553 A1 5 2003 Leet al wee 709 238 J 2 2005 0050352 Al 3 2005 Narayanaswami et al 713 201 |
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Alfa Network 40-MS User manual
802 11bg High Power Outdoor AP CPE USER MANUAL 1 Installation 1 1 Hardware Installation diagram 1 Plug Power adapter into APoE02 WM RJ45 2 Connect RJ45 LAN Port to cable computer or Switch ar r Data 3 Connect RJ45 PoE Port to G2 RJ45 cable 2 Software configuration There are web based management and configuration functions allowing you to have the jobs done easily The G2 is delivered with the following factory default parameters o |
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User manual ALFA 1-IRS and ALFANET 1-IRS
User manual Pre ALFA 1 IRS and ee cde ALFANET 1 IRS if nm ot Nes z spray delay recite Min Rail mounting airflow detector VDH doc 071727 Version v1 1 Date 11 12 2007 Software 060721 ALFA 1 IRS File Do071727 wpd Range 0 99 min Installation On the topside of the ALFA NET 1 IRS is shown how the input power supply and relay have to be connected Function After connecting the ALFA NET 1 IRS to the power supply the led recirc will light |
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User manual ALFA 71 Hz
User manual ALFA 71 Hz OUT 1 OUT 2 _ ALARM Hz Frequency set point controller 0 10Vdc 0 100 Hz ALFA 71 VDH doc 080596 Versie v1 0 Datum 24 04 2008 Software 072296 ALFA71_Hz File DO080596 WPD 0 100Hz 1 Installation On the upper side of the ALFA 71 Hz is shown how the power supply and the output should be connected A self test is started after the ALFA 71 Hz is connected to the power supply After the self test is completed the adjusted frequen |
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User Manual -
HalFILE Capture Server Addendum to halFILE for Windows Document Storage amp Retrieval Version 1 1 April 19 2001 aTa T i iwi Systems Corporation Copyright 2000 by hal Systems Corporation all rights reserved Doc hfw0015 Copyright 2000 by hal Systems Corporation halFILE is a trademark of hal Systems Corporation All information contained or disclosed by this document is considered confidential and proprietary by hal Systems Corporation except for rights |
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LAMALLA y WA i DESCALFF Welaan Em Y FTW 0010 Rev 3 Fecha 02 06 2008 DESINCRUSTADOR DE RESTOS DE OBRA AGENTE LIMPIADOR DE EFLORESCENCIAS Y SALITRE Descripci n Es un producto en base a cidos inorg nicos y agentes emulsionantes en soluci n fabricado muy especialmente para la eliminaci n de manchas de naturaleza inorg nica como son eflorescencias salitre y restos de obra residuos de cemento mortero y hormig n Act a impregnando y penetrando f cilmente en |
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Elaborato R10 Progettisti Claudia Anselmini ingegnere Cristian Adamoli geologo COMUNE DI MOGGIO Provincia di Lecco MESSA IN SICUREZZA VAL FONTANA MOGGIO PROGETTO ESECUTIVO Scala PIANO DI SICUREZZA E DI COORDINAMENTO PRO TEA INGEGNERIA associati Via Martiri 33 23824 Dervio LC Tel_fax 0341 851176 email info proteaingegneria it http www proteaingegneria it COMUNE DI MOGGIO LC MESSA IN SICUREZZA VALLE FONTANA Progetto esecutivo R10 Pian |
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Kyocera All in One Printer TASKalfa 4551ci User Guide
TASKalfiT gt PRINT gt COPY gt SCAN gt FAX TASKalfa 4551ci COLOR MULTIFUNCTIONAL SYSTEM POWERING COLOR PERFORMANCE COMPANY WIDE gt Vibrant Color Output Up to 45 Pages per Minute in Color and Black gt Color Scan Up to 160 ipm gt Intuitive and Customizable Touch Screen Control Panel gt Advanced Finishing Options to Power Workflow gt Robust and Scalable Business Applications gt Statement 12 11 x 18 Printing from the Paper Trays gt Sta |
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