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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
1. |
A History of Erlang
A History of Erlang Joe Armstrong Ericsson AB joe armstrong ericsson com Abstract Erlang was designed for writing concurrent programs that run forever Erlang uses concurrent processes to structure the program These processes have no shared memory and communicate by asynchronous message passing Erlang processes are lightweight and belong to the language not the operating system Erlang has mechanisms to allow programs to change code on the fly so that progr |
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Interlanguage Working Without Tears: Blending SML with Java
Interlanguage Working Without Tears Blending SML with Java Nick Benton Andrew Kennedy Microsoft Research Ltd Cambridge U K nick akenn microsoft com Abstract A good foreign language interface is crucial for the success of any modern programming language implementation Al though all serious compilers for functional languages have some facility for interlanguage working these are often lim ited and awkward to use This article describes the features for bidire |
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Erlang/OTP System Documentation
ERLANG Erlang OTP System Documentation Copyright 1997 2015 Ericsson AB All Rights Reserved Erlang OTP System Documentation 7 2 December 15 2015 Copyright 1997 2015 Ericsson AB All Rights Reserved Licensed under the Apache License Version 2 0 the License you may not use this file except in compliance with the License You may obtain a copy of the License at http www apache org licenses LICENSE 2 0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to i |
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Erlang Interface
Erlang Interface version 3 3 Typeset in LATEX from SGML source using the DO CBUILD ER 3 2 2 Document System Contents 1 Erl Interface U ser s Guide 1 11 TheErlinterface Library F FFA a 1 1 1 1 Compiling and Linking Your Code 1 1 1 2 Initializingtheerl interface Library 2 1 13 Encoding Decoding and Sending Erlang Terms ll 2 1 1 4 Building Terms and Patterns aaa 3 1 1 5 Pat |
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Troubleshooting a Large Erlang System
Troubleshooting a Large Erlang System Mats Cronqvist Ericsson Hungary H 1300 Bp 3 P O Box 107 HUNGARY 3614377169 mats cronqvist ericsson com ABSTRACT In this paper we discuss some experiences from a large industrial software project using a functional programming language In particular we will focus on programming errors The software studied is the AXD 301 a multi service switch from Ericsson AB 1 control system It is implemented in a functional language E |
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A Transit Telephony Exchange Simulator Implemented in Erlang
A Transit Telephony Exchange Simulator Implemented in Erlang Malin Pihl March 2 2006 Master s Thesis in Computing Science 20 credits Supervisor at CS UmU Ola gren Examiner Per Lindstr m UMEA UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING SCIENCE SE 901 87 UME SWEDEN Abstract Simulation tools are essential in building large and complex systems vhich both include lots of different hardware components but also to a large extent a complex and vast amount of software A |
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Bittorrent simulator in Erlang
IT 10 005 Examensarbete 30 hp Februari 2010 Bittorrent simulator in Erlang Roland Hybelius David Viklund Institutionen f r informationsteknologi Department of Information Technology UPPSALA UNIVERSITET Teknisk naturvetenskaplig fakultet UTH enheten Bes ksadress Angstr mlaboratoriet Lagerhyddsvagen 1 Hus 4 Plan 0 Postadress Box 536 751 21 Uppsala Telefon 018 471 30 03 Telefax 018 471 30 00 Hemsida http www teknat uu se student |
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Research and implementation of Lobby System in Erlang
IT 11 025 Examensarbete 30 hp Maj 2011 Research and implementation of Lobby System in Erlang Yury Dorofeev Wilson Tuladhar Yeli Zhu Institutionen f r informationsteknologi Department of Information Technology UNIVERSITET Teknisk naturvetenskaplig fakultet UTH enheten Bes ksadress Angstr mlaboratoriet Lagerhyddsvagen 1 Hus 4 Plan 0 Postadress Box 536 751 21 Uppsala Telefon 018 471 30 03 Telefax 018 471 30 00 Hemsida http w |
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D2.2 (WP2): Prototype Scalable Erlang VM
SERRELEASE SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME ICT 287510 RELEASE A High Level Paradigm for Reliable Large Scale Server Software A Specific Targeted Research Project STReP D2 2 WP2 Prototype Scalable Erlang VM Release Due date of deliverable March 31 2013 Actual submission date April 8 2013 Start date of project 1st October 2011 Duration 36 months Lead contractor Uppsala University Revision 0 1 April 8 2013 Purpose To describe the implementa |
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User Manual by Klaus Gartner, SIEMENS Erlangen
Using JDICOM Introduction JDICOM 1s a summary of DICOM applications which are very useful for troubleshooting Our best appreciation to Mr Gunter Zeilinger which created this great tool If you have any questions or problems do not hesitate to contact us The e mail addresses are ccc med siemens de Of klaus gartner med siemens de The description is valid for the actual version of JDICOM 1 7 5 It was installed on the following operating systems Win98 WinNT Win2000 Linux |
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