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Theoretical and Computational Solutions for
Theoretical and Computational Solutions for Phraseological Lexicography Richard Almind Henning Bergenholtz Vibeke Vrang Aarhus Abstract THE DANISH IDIOM DICTIONARY has been criticized by Ken Far to use a less than optimal theory in the description of what a phraseme really is A closer examination of that theory however shows that this is not the case due to the hitherto neglected role of the common non academic user who has little need for an in depth classification |
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User Manual For The Rosenblatt - Biological Computation Project
User Manual For The Rosenblatt and RosenblattLite Perceptron Programs Michael R W Dawson and Vanessa Yaremchuk November 5 2002 Biological Computation Project University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada http www bcp psych ualberta ca Output Rosenblatt Program User Manual Page 0 INTRODUCTION Rosenblatt is a program written in Visual Basic 6 0 for the demonstration and exploration of per ceptrons It is designed for use on a computer based upon a Microsof |
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2012 Campina Grande 2a setembro 2012 Emails Anais do XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Automatica CBA 2012 ROBUST LMI PARSER A COMPUTATIONAL PACKAGE TO CONSTRUCT LMI CONDITIONS FOR UNCERTAIN SYSTEMS CRISTIANO M AGULHARI RICARDO C L F OLIVEIRA PEDRO L D PERES School of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Campinas UNICAMP 13083 852 Campinas SP Brazil Abstract A computational package to construct linear matrix inequality L |
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SALES 2 - Applied Modelling & Computation Group
SALES 2 A multi material extension to the SALE hydrocode with improved equation of state and constitutive model Gareth S Collins and H Jay Melosh September 13 2002 Foreword Thank you for downloading SALES_2 This document is a not a complete user manual it merely describes modifications made to the original SALE hydrocode and has been designed to complement the original SALE manual A copy of the SALE manual is available at http www lpl arizona edu tekton sales |
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MrBayes manual - the CCMAR Computational Cluster Facility: GYRA
MrBayes version 3 2 Tutorial Fredrik Ronquist August 12 2010 Contents 1 Introduction 1 1 Conventions Used in this Manual soe wb gt we ale BAS 1 2 Acquiring and Installing MrBayes 3 Getting Started 2 0 ot Deni eat ate Baie ge PE Es ag 8 Oe OR Bee 1 4 Changing the Size of the MrBayes Window 15 Gettines Help 2 2 0 of gece bo ge eee a aT GR eo ee RAS 1 6 Reporting and Fixing Bugs 4 4 4 2p aed 2S ae A 1 7 License and Warran |
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Physics 210: Introduction to Computational Physics (Fall 2009)
Physics 210 Introduction to Computational Physics Fall 2009 COURSE HOME PAGE this page http laplace physics ubc ca 210 Instructor Matthew Matt W Office Hours Mon amp Wed 1 00 2 00 PM amp Drop in e mail appt Choptuik preferred Office Hennings 403 Web page hitp laplace physics ubc ca matt Office Phone 604 822 2412 E mail choptuik physics ubc ca Other Personnel Ben Gutierrez TA amp Jason Penner Lab Asst SCHEDULE e LECTURES TUESDAY am |
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cdpop user manual - Computational Ecology Laboratory
CDPOP user manual 1 CDPOP USER MANUAL 2011 Version 1 0 Authors E L Landguth B K Hand J M Glassy S A Cushman and M Jacobi 1 University of Montana Division of Biological Sciences Missoula MT 59812 USA 2 Lupine Logic Inc Missoula MT 59802 USA 3 U S Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station 2500 S Pine Knoll Dr Flagstaff AZ 86001 USA CDPOP user manual 2 Table of Contents |
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Fast Smallest-Enclosing-Ball Computation in High
Fast Smallest Enclosing Ball Computation in High Dimensions Kaspar Fischer Bernd Gartner and Martin Kutz 1 ETH Z rich Switzerland 2 FU Berlin Germany Abstract We develop a simple combinatorial algorithm for computing the smallest enclosing ball of a set of points in high dimensional Euclidean space The resulting code is in most cases faster sometimes significantly than recent dedicated methods that only deliver approximate results and it beats off the she |
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Problem Solving Environments and Symbolic Computation
Chapter 1 PROBLEM SOLVING ENVIRONMENTS AND SYMBOLIC COMPUTING Richard J Fateman University of California Berkeley Abstract What role should be played by symbolic mathematical computation facilities in scientific and engineering problem solving environments Drawing upon stan dard facilities such as numerical and graphical libraries symbolic computation should be useful for The creation and manipulation of mathematical models The production of custom optimized nume |
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CDPOP user manual - Computational Ecology Laboratory
CDPOP user manual 1 CDPOP USER MANUAL 2013 Version 1 2 21 Last Updated 2014 07 23e11 Contributors E L Landguth J M Glassy S A Cushman M Jacobi T J Julian B K Hand Allen Warren 1 University of Montana Division of Biological Sciences Missoula MT 59812 USA 2 Lupine Logic Inc Missoula MT 59802 USA 3 U S Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station 2500 S Pine Knoll Dr Flagstaff AZ 86001 USA |
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Computational Material Failure
COM MAT FAIL Computational Material Failure User Guide CIMNE 2013 Contents 1 Overview of commatfail tl Modules a didatabase 2 4 cca fave eee a A dd Bae oe he 112 Stages bacara A ar dou ds A e We ee he Be a a a BS 13 The malo programi i e acras io a a ee Re eee ee 1 4 Description of files managed by commatfail 2 04 1 5 Fil commands 0 22 40e0h 4 ed Pk Re a eee ae de ee 1 6 Gode comments ss ay bies a OR eo et a Gee o ds OR ara 2 |
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PyLith Modeling Tutorial - Computational Infrastructure for
PyLith Modeling Tutorial Overview of CUBIT Trelis PyLith and ParaView Brad Aagaard Charles Williams Matthew Knepley COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE for GEODYNAMICS August 24 2015 Crustal Deformation Modeling Elasticity problems where geometry does not change significantly Quasi static modeling associated with earthquakes e Strain accumulation associated with interseismic deformation e What is the stressing rate on faults X and Y e Where is strain accum |
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available online - Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
User Manual Version 1 1 Beta 0 0 0030 0 0040 0 0020 Hom Nath Gharti tri Komatitsch imi D Volker Oye Roland Martin Jeroen Tromp LECT ESTUDEI ALTA LO LLL Lag ada 0 0010 Multistage excavation Displacement magnitude m Es le T Q as E O as O OLAS RELE RR Peta eet eee PERILS RRA PERO EA rte PRP RR a Cofee too aaa vee oe EY NE a en gt aa L O aa A N Slope stability SPECFEM3D GEOTECH 1 1 Beta |
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A Robot that Learns to Perform Mental Computations 1.0 Introduction
The Brain 0 Project Page 1 of 34 What Is Working Memory and Mental Imagery A Robot that Learns to Perform Mental Computations Victor Eliashberg Avel Electronics Palo Alto California October 2002 www brain0 com Turing s Machines These machines are humans who calculate Ludwig Wittgenstein 1 0 Introduction This paper goes back to Turing 1936 and treats his machine as a cognitive model W D B where W is an external world represented by a memory device the |
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User Manual For The Rumelhart - Biological Computation Project
User Manual For The Rumelhart and RumelhartLite Multilayer Perceptron Programs Michael R W Dawson and Vanessa Yaremchuk February 26 2003 Biological Computation Project University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada http www bcp psych ualberta ca Output Units Input Units Rumelhart Program User Manual Page 0 INTRODUCTION Rumelhart is a program written in Visual Basic 6 0 for the demonstration and exploration of multi layer perceptrons It is designed fo |
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COMPUTATION CLOUD TO ENABLE HIGH THROUGHPUT NEUROIMAGING BY NATHANIEL CRAIG WETTER TAYLOR THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Master of Science in Bioengineering In the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 2015 Urbana Illinois Adviser Associate Professor Bradley P Sutton Abstract Neuroimaging studies require significant computational power in order to perform non linear registrations |
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Numerical Computation Guide
sS amp Sun microsystems Numerical Computation Guide Sun ONE Studio 8 Sun Microsystems Inc 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara CA 95054 U S A 650 960 1300 Part No 817 0932 10 May 2003 Revision A Send comments about this document to docfeedback sun com Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems Inc 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara California 95054 U S A All rights reserved U S Government Rights Commercial software Government users are subject to th |
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SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION AND PARALLEL SOFTWARE Paul S Wang Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Kent State University Kent Ohio 44242 0001 Abstract Two aspects of parallelism as related to symbolic computing are presented 1 the implementation of parallel programs for the factorization of polynomials and 2 the au tomatic derivation and generation of parallel codes for finite element analysis The former illustrates the use of parallel programming to speed up s |
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ME 566 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Fluids Engineering
ME 566 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Fluids Engineering Design ANSYS CFX STUDENT USER MANUAL Version 11 Upgrade Gordon D Stubley Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Waterloo G D Stubley 2007 2007 Contents 1 Introduction 2 Commands for Duct Bend Example 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 Geometry Model Mesh Generation Pre processing Solver Manager Post processing Clean Up 1 Introduction In these notes the basic steps in a CFD solutio |
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GPU computations in heterogeneous grid
GPU COMPUTATIONS IN HETEROGENEOUS GRID ENVIRONMENTS Marcus Hinders Master of Science Thesis Supervisor Jan Westerholm Department of Information Technologies Abo Akademi University December 2010 ABSTRACT This thesis describes how the performance of job management systems on heterogen eous computing grids can be increased with Graphics Processing Units GPU The focus lies on describing what is required to extend the grid to support the Open Com puting Language Op |
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