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1. STM8S-DISCOVERY software

CTA UMO834 Sf User manual Developing and debugging your STM8S DISCOVERY application code Introduction This document complements the information in the STM8S datasheets by describing the software environment and development recommendations required to build an application around the STM8S DISCOVERY kit It also explains how to use the STM8S firmware and STM8S touch sensing libraries provided by STMicroelectronics in order to develop cost effective applications In addit

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UM0671 J User manual STM8 128 EV TS STM8S touch sensing evaluation board Introduction The 5 85 touch sensing evaluation kit STM8 128 EV TS provides a platform that introduces users to STMicroelectronics capacitive touch sensing firmware library The kit contains an STM8S touch sensing TS evaluation daughterboard STM8Sxxx TS1 in addition to the STM8 128 EVAL board The 5 85 touch sensing evaluation daughterboard provides an evaluation platform fo
2. Building an RFID short-range reader using the STM8S

255 YZ Application note Building an RFID short range reader using the STM8S DISCOVERY Application overview High frequency 13 56 MHz RFID solutions offer ideal close proximity identification for product authentication parcel tracking document management library and ticketing applications This application note describes how to build an RFID radio frequency identification short range reader using STMicroelectronics STM8S DISCOVERY and 15014443 type B
3. Access line, 16 MHz STM8S 8-bit MCU, up to 32 Kbyte Flash

k y life augmented STM85105C4 6 STM8S105K4 6 STM8S105S4 6 Access line 16 MHz STM8S 8 bit MCU up to 32 Kbyte Flash integrated EEPROM 10 bit ADC timers UART SPI PC Features Core e 16 MHz advanced STM8 core with Harvard architecture and 3 stage pipeline e Extended instruction set Memories e Program memory up to 32 Kbyte Flash data retention 20 years at 55 C after 10 kcycle e Data memory up to 1 Kbyte true data EEPROM endurance 300 kcycle
4. STM8S-DISCOVERY software

CTA UMO834 Sf User manual Developing and debugging your STM8S DISCOVERY application code Introduction This document complements the information in the STM8S datasheets by describing the software environment and development recommendations required to build an application around the STM8S DISCOVERY kit It also explains how to use the STM8S firmware and STM8S touch sensing libraries provided by STMicroelectronics in order to develop cost effective applications In addit
5. STM8S20xxx

y STM8S20xxx Performance line 24 MHz STM8S 8 bit MCU up to 128 Kbytes Flash integrated EEPROM 10 bit ADC timers 2 UARTs SPI IPC CAN Features Core m Max fcpu up to 24 MHz 0 wait states fcp 16 MHz m Advanced STM8 core with Harvard architecture and 3 stage pipeline m Extended instruction set m Max 20 MIPS 24 MHz Memories m Program memory Up to 128 Kbytes Flash data retention 20 years at 55 C after 10 kcycles m Data memory Up to 2 Kb
6. Using the STM8S-DISCOVERY GPIOs and interrupt controller to

fe AN3266 YI Application note Using the STM8S DISCOVERY GPIOs and interrupt controller to drive LEDs Application overview This application is based on the STM8S DISCOVERY It demonstrates how to use the STM8S GPIOs and interrupt controller to drive a set of LEDs Once the STM8S105C6T6 is powered up through an USB cable connected to the host PC LEDS LD2 and LD5 start blinking meaning that the programming operation has completed successfully Each time the pushbut
7. STMicroelectronics STM8S207RBT6 datasheet: pdf

kyy STM8S207xx STM8S208xx Performance line 24 MHz STM8S 8 bit MCU up to 128 Kbytes Flash integrated EEPROM 10 bit ADC timers 2 UARTs SPI 12C CAN Features July 2009 Core Max fcopy Up to 24 MHz 0 wait states fopy lt 16 MHz Advanced STM8 core with Harvard architecture and 3 stage pipeline Extended instruction set Max 20 MIPS 24 MHz Memories Program memory Up to 128 Kbytes Flash data retention 20 years at 55 C aft
8. Adjustable LED blinking speed using STM8SVLDISCOVERY

AN3996 Sf Application Note Adjustable LED blinking speed using STM8SVLDISCOVERY October 2011 Application overview This application note provides a short description of the demonstration firmware Discover which is preprogrammed in the Flash memory of the STM8S003K3T6 microcontroller This demonstration firmware makes use of the STM8S basic 8 bit timer configured as a time base generator to change the blinking speed of LED LD1 each time the push button B1 is
9. Getting started with the STM8S

v AN2752 Y7 Application note Getting started with the STM8S Introduction This application note complements the information in the STM8S datasheets by describing the minimum hardware and software environment required to build an application around an STMB8S 8 bit microcontroller device It is divided into the following sections m Power supply Analog to digital converter ADC Clock management Reset control and development Debugging tool support STMB8 soft
10. STM8S003K3 STM8S003F3

0000 STM8S003K3 STM8S003F3 Value line 16 MHz STM8S 8 bit MCU 8 Kbytes Flash 128 bytes data EEPROM 10 bit ADC 3 timers UART LQFP32 7x7 TSSOP20 UFQFPN20 3x3 Features Core 16 MHz advanced STM8 core with Harvard architecture and 3 stage pipeline Extended instruction set Memories Program memory 8 Kbytes Flash data retention 20 years at 55 C after 100 cycles RAM 1 Kbyt
11. Adjustable LED blinking speed using STM8S

wy UM0833 Y User manual Adjustable LED blinking speed using STM8S DISCOVERY touch sensing key October 2009 Application overview The Discover software demonstrates the touch sensing feature of the STM8S DISCOVERY evaluation board It may also be used as starter code for developers who need to manage this touch sensing key within applications that require a user interface The STM8S DISCOVERY is delivered with this code already programmed in the STM8S105C6T6 micro
12. Access line, 16 MHz STM8S 8-bit MCU, up to 8 Kbytes Flash, data

hJ STM8S103K3 STM8S103F3 STM8S103F2 Access line 16 MHz STM8S 8 bit MCU up to 8 Kbytes Flash data EEPROM 10 bit ADC 3 timers UART SPI I2C Features Core m 16 MHz advanced STMB8 core with Harvard architecture and 3 stage pipeline m Extended instruction set Memories m Program memory 8 Kbytes Flash data retention 20 years at 55 C after 10 kcycles m Data memory 640 bytes true data EEPROM endurance 300 kcycles m RAM 1 Kbytes Clock res
13. STM8S103xx STM8S105xx

973 STM8S103xx STM8S105xx Access line STM8S 8 bit MCU up to 32 Kbytes Flash 10 bit ADC timers USART SPI 1 C Features Core m Max fcopy up to 16 MHz m Advanced STM8 core with Harvard architecture and 3 stage pipeline m Extended instruction set Memories m Program memory Up to 32 Kbytes Flash data retention 20 years at 85 C after 1 kcycles m RAM Up to 2 Kbytes Clock reset and supply management m 3 0 to 5 5 V operating voltage m Flexible cl
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wv UM0560 Ts User manual STM8S bootloader user manual 1 Introduction This user manual contains the bootloader specifications for STM8S devices which contain a bootloader embedded in the system memory of the device the ROM memory Through this firmware the device memory can be erased and programmed using one of the standard communication interfaces present on the particular device For each device please refer to the corresponding datasheets to know if the bootlo
15. STM8SVLDISCOVERY quick start guide

ky UM1480 Yyy User manual STM8SVLDISCOVERY quick start guide Introduction The STM8SVLDISCOVERY based on the STM8S003K3T6 is a quick start evaluation board for the 8 bit mainstream line of MCUs It is the cheapest and quickest way to discover the STM8S Value line features and performance to program and use the device and to build and debug applications using the embedded debugger ST LINK Simply connect the STM8SVLDISCOVERY to a PC through a standard USB cable a
16. STM8SVLDISCOVERY STM8S value line discovery

UM1482 77 User Manual STM8SVLDISCOVERY 5 85 value line discovery Introduction The STM8SVLDISCOVERY is a quick start evaluation kit which helps you to discover the STM8S value line features and to develop your own application It is based on an STM8S003 and includes an embedded debugger ST LINK and a user button Numerous applications are available from www st com stm8svldiscovery Features STM8S003K3T6 microcontroller 8 KB Flash 1 KB RAM 128 bytes E
17. STM8S in-application programming (IAP) using a customized

TI AN2659 YZ Application note STM8S in application programming IAP using a customized bootloader Introduction This application note is intended for STM8 firmware and system designers who need to implement an In Application Programming IAP feature in the product they are developing with the STM8S microcontroller The STM8S is an 8 bit microcontroller family with Flash memory for user program code or firmware IAP makes it possible to update the firmware in
18. Handling hardware and software failures with the STM8S

vr AN3265 S Application note Handling hardware and software failures with the STM8S DISCOVERY Application overview This application is based on the STM8S DISCOVERY It demonstrates how to use the STM8S window watchdog WWDG and independent watchdog IWDG in conjunction with the clock security system CSS to handle software and hardware failures Two external pushbuttons are used to simulate malfunctions while the LEDs monitor the application progress Onc
19. STM8Sxxx three-phase BLDC motor control software library V1.0

C71 UM0708 J User manual STM8Sxxx three phase BLDC motor control software library V1 0 June 2009 Introduction This user manual describes the brushless direct current motor BLDC scalar software library a scalar control firmware library for 3 phase permanent magnet PM motors developed for the STM8Sxxx microcontrollers ST STM8Sxxx 8 bit microcontrollers come with a set of peripherals that makes them suitable for performing both PM and AC induction motor scal
20. STM8S 105XX Family

hJ STM8S105xx Access line 16 MHz STM8S 8 bit MCU up to 32 Kbytes Flash integrated EEPROM 10 bit ADC timers UART SPI I2C Features Core m 16 MHz advanced STM8 core with Harvard architecture and 3 stage pipeline m Extended instruction set Memories m Medium density Flash EEPROM Program memory up to 32 Kbytes data retention 20 years at 55 C after 10 kcycles Data memory up to 1 Kbytes true data EEPROM endurance 300 kcycles m RAM up to

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