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Test Report: Yaesu FT-991, S/N 4N02453 (loaned
Test Report Yaesu FT 991 S N 4N02453 loaned by Bill Trippett W7VP Adam M Farson VA70J ABAOJ 18 25 July 2015 1 Introduction and Scope The following tests were conducted on the FT 991 A 1 Receiver Tests a MDS Minimum Discernible Signal MDS was measured on 20m in CW and SSB modes to provide a datum point for the DR3 2 signal 3 order IMD dynamic range test It was also measured in SSB mode at the NPR noise power ratio notch frequencies in the 160 80 60 |
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TESTING REPORT SHUNRA STORM STX 100 CTLABS The Computer Telephony Industry s Premier Testing Service October 2003 SHUNRA Software Ltd New York NY 212 279 8895 www shunra com Product Tested Shunra Storm Model STX 100 Serial 2X023 Software Version 3 1 4 port Ethernet configuration Executive Summary As with previous models of the Shunra Storm we found the STX 100 to be an easy to use and very powerful emulation platform for performing |
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Status Report: Marionnet - LIPN
Status Report Marionnet How to Implement a Virtual Network Laboratory in Six Months and Be Happy Jean Vincent Loddo Laboratoire d Informatique de Universit Paris Nord France loddo lipn univ paris13 fr Abstract A virtual network laboratory allowing to emulate a physical net work of computers and network devices such as switches or routers in software represents a valuable tool for students and may also be useful to researchers and system administrator |
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Product report: Trapexit 2.0
Product report Trapexit 2 0 Yury Dorofeev Jacob Ericsson Hariprasad Hari Jonas Rosling Niclas Stensback Samuel Strand Wilson Tuladhar Yeli Zhu February 28 2011 Contents 1 Introduction 2 Tools 2 2 Choice of databasel DDT a a ia e Ged a ae Ge A a DA AAA 5777 att fs Keyes Soh D NL E dea we a A 2 3 Communication Framework RabbitMQ 2 4 Choice of W |
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FINAL REPORT AN OPEN SOURCE 6DOF ROBOTIC ARM Executive Summary This project is a collaboration between Engineering Physics 459 students and Marginally Clever Software with the goal of developing an open source six degree of freedom DOF robotic arm and thereby creating an affordable solution to desktop automation The initial objectives were to build a robotic arm that could carry 1kg at 50cm with a repeatability of less than Imm The arm was developed through the determinat |
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Report: Analysis on Edinburgh`s eDrug System
UNIVERSITY OF Southampton School of Medicine User Manual for Nutrition Portal and Courses Malnutrition eLearning User Registration and Accessing a Course University of Southampton Table of Content 1 Introduction 2 User Registration and Accessing Nutrition Courses 2 1 Finding a Course 2 2 Register Yourself to the Course 2 3 Access Course Content from MyCourse Page 2 4 Basic Navigation in a Nutrition Course 3 Inquiry Contact 1 Introd |
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Special RepoRt: GpS Solutions on Windows Mobile
Users SMARTPHONE 8 Pocket PC M CH DE M A A 30S SO Ue AS So ud eene Ch Vi Hae cles Wiel mb uz 7 17 07 S 11 02 PM X Tripe 5 8 mi 0 12 hr Hosting Prewew Yertage Creak Dr Harthibridge Dr Eveteal i i i ai inb HAYES AVE Louetta Road Sigrid Chia Solutions on Windows Mobile 4 Reviews of the top GPS paa E navigation programs his article reviews the top GPS navigation programs developed for Windows Mobile devices |
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Weekly Report: 4/10/14
I Weekly Report 4 10 14 Rebecca Nowak Team 8 Composite Hydrogel Nanostructured Structures for Uniform 3D Cell Growth What I did Last Friday I was able to test our serpentine patterned two piece ejector with the hydrogel As I said last week we had previously tested the same design in one piece instead of two and the mixing went very well When we tested the two piece ejector without any sealant the liquid squirted out of the sides I applied a coat of sealant last Fr |
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