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Neurapp - Learning Approximation with Artificial Neural Networks
Igor GreSovnik amp Tadej Kodelja NeurApp NeurApp Exploring Approximation by Artificial Neural Networks User Manual Version 1 1 June 2013 by Igor GreSovnik amp Tadej Kodelja This software is based on the Investigative Generic Library IGLib It was originally created as auxiliary tool for authors work at COBIK ais O7m n COBIK Bf esting in your future Centre of Excellence for Biosensors Qrinaton PART FINANCED BY THE EUROFTAN UNION Instrumentation |
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Design and Implementation of a Portable Neural Network Interpreter
Design and Implementation of a Portable Neural Network Interpreter Joan Campbell Tofte A thesis submitted to the IT University of Copenhagen for the Degree of Master of Science in IT the Software Development Area Supervisor Professor Peter Sestoft Commissioned by Anders Gorm Pedersen CBS DTU November 9 2002 Abstract This report describes the design and implementation of a Neural Network Interpreter to be used for the simu lation of artificial neural network |
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Growing Neural Gas
Uppsala Master s Thesis in Computer Science Examensarbete DV3 2002 08 30 Growing Neural Gas Experiments with GNG GNG with Utility and Supervised GNG Jim Holmstrom jimh csd uu se Uppsala University Department of Information Technology Computer Systems Box 337 SE 751 05 Uppsala Sweden Examiner Olle Gallmo crwth docs uu se Department of Information Technology Computer Systems Abstract This report aims to explain and experiment with the Growing Neural Ga |
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Design of a Generic Neural Network FPGA-Implementation
ES CHEMNITZ UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Professorship of Circuit and Systems Design Diplomarbeit Design of a Generic Neural Network FPGA Implementation Entwicklung einer generischen FPGA Implementierung Neuronaler Netze Robert Lange Chemnitz 2nd November 2005 Supervising Professor Prof Dr Ing habil Dietmar M ller Advisor Dipl Ing Erik Markert Technische Universitat Chemnitz Fakult t f r E |
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neurotracker 2.0: improved software for neural imaging in freely
BME DRA AAG1 NEUROTRACKER 2 0 IMPROVED SOFTWARE FOR NEURAL IMAGING 1 C elegans 2 Neural Imaging 3 Freely Moving Animals IN FREELY MOVING ANIMALS A Major Qualifying Project Report Submitted to the Faculty Of the WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science By Justin Hess Paul Cupido Ellva Feng Date May 6 2014 Approved Prof Dirk R Albrecht Major Advisor |
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4 Feedforward Neural Networks, Binary XOR, Continuous XOR
4 Feedforward Neural Networks Binary XOR Continuous XOR Parity Problem and Composed Neural Networks 4 1 Objectives The objective of the following exercises is to get acquainted with the inner working of the feed forward neural network This simple structure is probably the most popular version in use nowadays notably in system control and classification applications But it is not a black box that will simply learn from the presented examples the learning environment has to |
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Here`s - The Brian spiking neural network simulator
Brian Documentation Release 1 4 1 Romain Brette Dan Goodman May 02 2013 CONTENTS 1 Introduction 1 2 Installation 5 2 4 Quick wistallavone lt p lt 2 penso a m mma me RE BO ee ee be oe Y eee oo Re A 3 2 2 Manual installation gt gt oss ooo mk rpne xx o EORR we ee RR os 6 2 3 WESUMS secsi okak uem bium e Hb dede Swe fk A BRS Bee amp eR RAUM Bede Soe i 7 24 Optimusations 4 20044 254 45502 22 bead OR M ADR eee OR RO ee we OR Ros 7 3 Getting started 9 3 |
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Interfacing neural network chips with a personal computer
poem Interfacing neural network chips with a personal computer master thesis of J J M van Teeffelen supervisor prof dr ir W M G van Bokhoven coach dr ir J A Hegt period January August 1993 Eindhoven University of Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering Electronic Circuit Design Group August 1993 Eindhoven University of Technology accepts no responsibility for the contents of theses and reports written by students Abstract The research in the fiel |
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Neuralynx 18 Drive User Manual
i Neuralynx High Density Electrophysiology T 1X Systems Neuralynx 18 Drive User Manual Microdrive used for manually driving electrodes and tetrodes for electrophysiology recordings Document Revision 1 1 1 Last Revised June 8 2009 Neuralynx Inc 105 Commercial Drive Bozeman MT 59715 Phone 406 585 4542 Fax 406 585 9034 www Neuralynx com support Neuralynx com Table of Contents MEM riu dem 4 2 Block Diagram of Neuralynx 18 Drive deese ritieni |
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Learning-Tool - Neural Micro circuits
Learning Tool Analysing the Computational Power of neural microcircuits Version 1 0 User Manual 2002 The IGI LSM Group www lsm tugraz at June 11 2006 This document is part of Learning Tool Version 1 0 Copyright 2002 The IGI LSM group Learning Tool is free software you can redistribute it and or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation either version 2 or at your option any later version Lear |
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Neural Circuit Tracer - Northeastern University
File Image Processing Automated Tracing Trace Editing amp Analysis Manage Plugins View Load Library Open Library Save Library Import SWC Export to SWC Stack 0 06 E fom b gt Macros Settings 4 Bo gear p 2 a I Mi Software for automated tracing of neurites from light microscopy stacks of images eee s 1 3 Contents Mirodu EMO gcse erect ce ece E E cseeecuceeetanteseenacetcssecatecaesccseseecess 2 System req |
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HS-xx-mux - Neuralynx
Neuralvnx HS xx mux User s Manual Multiplexing Headstage that allows recording on 32 or 64 individual electrodes O Neuralynx Inc 105 Commercial Drive Bozeman MT 59715 Phone 406 585 4542 Fax 866 585 1743 Neuralynx com Revision 1 0 support Neuralynx com 3 14 2014 Table of Contents k TOC Vi BO VEEVIG Wa 4 2 Multrmplexiab Headstase OVeLVIGW nerisieem ania UU TES OE 4 Zali SIDA NNA nee ney E Cre EE EN 4 3 What s included with the multiplexing h |
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CSIM : A Neural Circuit SIMulator User Manual
CSIM A Neural Circuit SIM ulator Version 1 1 User Manual 2002 The IGI LSM Group www lsm tugraz at July 10 2006 This document is part of CSIM Release 1 1 Copyright 2002 The IGI LSM group CSIM is free software you can redistribute it and or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation either version 2 or at your option any later version CSIM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but |
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NSL: Neural Simulation Language, Version 2.1
NSL Neural Simulation Language Version 2 1 Alfredo Weitzenfeld Technical Report 91 05 August 1991 Brain Simulation Laboratory Center for Neural Engineering University of Southern California Preparation of this document was supported in part by grant 1R01 NS24926 from NINDS of the National Institutes of Health Michael A Arbib Principal Investigator and in part by a grant from Rockwell International to the USC Center for Neural Engineering NSL Neural Simu |
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Feedforward–Backpropagation Neural Net Program ffbp1.0
GKSS 2000 37 Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Net Program ffbp1 0 H Schiller Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Net Program ffbp1 0 Helmut Schiller Abstract ffbp1 0 is a C program for training of feedforward backpropagation neural nets NN running on UNIX computers The program can be run in batch mode but also allows user intervention at any time A given table can be used as training amp test sample to solve different problems like generation of a NN emulati |
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Neural Progenitor User Manual
Neural Progenitor User Manual AFUNA BIOMEDICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Page OCO e EE 2 Maters REGU e EE 3 Media Storage and Handling 00 4 Preparation of Poly Ornithine and Laminin Coated Dlates eee cece eee 5 awe Neral Progenitor CCS EE 6 Subculture of Neural Progenitor Cell 7 ee Eh Wl EE 8 EE 9 EE CS 10 Staining for Intra cellular Proteins cece cece ence eee eneeeeneeeeenaeeeseeaeenaee |
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Cryopreserving Neural Stem Cells
GIBCO NEUROBIOLOGY PROTOCOL HANDBOOK gibco cell culture by lik technologies the heart of neuroscience ld technologies Table of Contents PAPO Tis PER 4 Neural Stem Cells and Neural Development aerae rrr nahe re tre nente ees 4 Neural Cell Types in Neurological Diseases ic o eres gbn oreet nce ete tta rr e etna ntreina panes y Neural Cell Culture and Differentiation eee eee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e |
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Neuralnets for Multivariate And Time Series Analysis
Neuralnets for Multivariate And Time Series Analysis NeuMATSA A User Manual Version 3 1 MATLAB codes for Nonlinear principal component analysis Nonlinear canonical correlation analysis Nonlinear singular spectrum analysis William W Hsieh Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences University of British Columbia Vancouver B C V6T 1Z4 Canada Copyright 2005 William W Hsieh 1 INTRODUCTION 2 1 Introduction For a set of variables x principal component a |
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