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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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The star user interface: an overview
The star user interface an overview by DAVID CANFIELD SMITH CHARLES IRBY and RALPH KIMBALL Xerox Corporation Palo Alto California and ERIC HARSLEM Xerox Corporation El Segundo California ABSTRACT In April 1981 Xerox announced the 8010 Star Information System a new personal computer designed for office professionals who create analyze and distribute information The Star user interface differs from that of other office computer systems by its emphasis on graphi |
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GUI Graphical User Interface: Rail Switch Power Smart (RSPS)
H HIRSCHMANN A BELDEN BRAND Reference Manual GUI Graphical User Interface Rail Switch Power Smart RSPS RM GUI RSPS Technical Support Release 2 0 02 2013 https hirschmann support belden eu com The naming of copyrighted trademarks in this manual even when not specially indicated should not be taken to mean that these names may be considered as free in the sense of the trademark and tradename protection law and hence that they may be freely used by anyone 2013 |
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Command Line Interface: Industrial Wireless LAN Client BAT-C
HIRSCHMANN A BELDEN BRAND CLI Reference Industrial Wireless LAN Client BAT C BAT C Technical Support Release 01 08 2012 https hirschmann support belden eu com The naming of copyrighted trademarks in this manual even when not specially indicated should not be taken to mean that these names may be considered as free in the sense of the trademark and trade name protection law and hence that they may be freely used by anyone 2012 Hirschmann Automation and Contro |
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ODFS® Pace: Changes for software version V1.2
UIE Leading Rehabilitation Through Technology Newsletter Article June 2010 No 1 ODFS Pace Changes for software version V1 2 Stacey Finn Clinical Engineer The ODFS Pace has now been in service for 18 months Following feedback from clinicians and users some small changes have been made to the software improving the function of the device Thank you to all of you who have given feedback Please continue to let us know what you think of OML products and services |
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PCI-VME Interface: General Description - W-IE-NE
de ALME xni west entry PCI VME PCI to VME Interface User s Manual 00423 A0 Table of contents 1 PCI VME INTERFACE GENERAL DESCRIPTIONN sesse ee esse se ee es se ee es se se ee es se ese eg se ee ee ese ee ese 1 2 PCL INTERFACE CARD PCIA D eee eee ioo eo rose see roseis ese ie dese seg dee Se eo ee ee see Po eg ged ge ee de dog we de ee eed 2 2 1 ISSUE EE ET EE EE ER N EO EE EO Bets 2 2 2 MAJOR LCREGISTER |
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BALAN A DE PRECIS O e MODOS DE OPERA O e ALIMENTA O DE ENERGIA DUPLA Pesagem normal efetua pesagens r pidas e precisas Alimenta o vers til funcionando tanto com energia el trica Contagem de pe as permite a contagem de pe as externa via adaptador IlO ou 220V ou com bateria inte com amostragem para IO 20 50 e 100 pe as Equipada com dispositivo de desligamento regul vel para Pesagem em porcentagem reduzir o consumo de energia e ESTRUTURA e |
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Model 9017 Z/Y-Purge Interface: User`s Manual
October 2015 Daisy DATA DISPLAYS Model 9017 Z Y Purge Interface User s Manual Model 9017 Z Y Purge Operator Interface DISCLAIMER Daisy Data Displays Inc DAISY makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this manual and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose Further Daisy Data Displays Inc reserves the right to revise this pub |
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TC1766 Micro Link Interface: Quick Start
Application Note V 1 0 April 2005 AP3208 TC1766 Micro Link Interface Quick Start Microcontrollers Never stop thinking TC1766 Revision History 2005 04 V 1 0 Previous Version Page Subjects major changes since last revision Controller Area Network CAN License of Robert Bosch GmbH We Listen to Your Comments Any information within this document that you feel is wrong unclear or missing at all Your feedback will help us to continuousl |
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9. |
The star user interface: an overview
The star user interface an overview by DAVID CANFIELD SMITH CHARLES IRBY and RALPH KIMBALL Xerox Corporation Palo Alto California and ERIC HARSLEM Xerox Corporation El Segundo California ABSTRACT In April 1981 Xerox announced the 8010 Star Information System a new personal computer designed for office professionals who create analyze and distribute information The Star user interface differs from that of other office computer systems by its emphasis on graph |
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The Information Furnace: Consolidated Home Control
The Information Furnace Consolidated Home Control Diomidis D Spinellis Department Management Science and Technology Athens University of Economics and Business Patision 76 GR 104 34 Athens Greece email dds aueb gr Abstract The Information Furnace is a basement installed PC type device that integrates existing consumer home control infotainment security and communication tech nologies to transparently provide accessible and value added services A modern home co |
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11. |
GUI Graphical User Interface: Rail Switch Power Lite (RSPL)
H HIRSCHMANN A BELDEN BRAND Reference Manual GUI Graphical User Interface Rail Switch Power Lite RSPL RM GUI RSPL Technical Support Release 2 0 02 2013 https hirschmann support belden eu com The naming of copyrighted trademarks in this manual even when not specially indicated should not be taken to mean that these names may be considered as free in the sense of the trademark and tradename protection law and hence that they may be freely used by anyone 2013 |
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12. |
ACE: A Platform for the Real Time Simulation of Virtual Human Agents
In Proceedings of the 11th Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation EGCAS 2000 Interlaken Switzerland August 2000 ACE A Platform for the Real Time Simulation of Virtual Human Agents Marcelo Kallmann Jean S bastien Monzani Angela Caicedo and Daniel Thalmann EPFL Computer Graphics Lab LIG CH 1015 Lausanne Switzerland kallmann jmonzani angela thalmann lig di epfl ch Abstract This paper describes a system platform for virtual human agents |
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RHD2000 USB/FPGA Interface: Rhythm
RHD2000 USB FPGA Interface Rhythm intan TECHNOLOGIES LLC Features Open source Verilog hardware description language HDL code configures a Xilinx field programmable gate array FPGA to communicate with multiple RHD2000 digital electrophysiology interface chips Verilog code is written for a commercially available Opal Kelly XEM6010 module with integrated high speed USB 2 0 interface Up to 256 simultaneous amplifier channels supported at sample rates up to 30 kS s |
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Desk Clock CAMERA USER MANUAL Preface: Thank you for
Desk Clock CAMERA USER MANUAL Preface Thank you for purchasing our product Please read this manual carefully before using this product Functions 1 Desk Clock 2 Photo Take 3 Video Record 4 Voice Record 5 Motion Detection 6 IR LED Light Notes on Waterproof To perform its waterproof function properly you need to comply with the below operations strictly o Distinguish strictly between the two different types of knobs please refer to below diagram Appearance |
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GUI Graphical User Interface: EAGLE20/30
H HIRSCHMANN A BELDEN BRAND Reference Manual GUI Graphical User Interface EAGLE20 30 RM GUI EAGLE20 30 Technical Support Release 1 0 10 2012 https hirschmann support belden eu com The naming of copyrighted trademarks in this manual even when not specially indicated should not be taken to mean that these names may be considered as free in the sense of the trademark and tradename protection law and hence that they may be freely used by anyone 2012 Hirschmann Au |
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