# | Title | Type | Language | |||||||||||
1. | dalmatian invento DALMATIAN INVENTO MULTIFUNCTIONAL STANDER USER MANUAL our in dependen ce gur pass 4 s a KCESMED e e ele 351 70 Zw AY x 45 CAUTION Manufacturer takes responsibility for proper usage of the device only when the product was purchased from qualified Akces Med employee or at specialized medical store CAUTION AKCES MED Ltd reserve the right to introduce technical and trading changes in the content of the instructi |
PDF Manual | ENGLISH | |||||||||||
# | Title | Type | Language | Download | ||||||||||
1. | dalmatian invento DALMATIAN INVENTO MULTIFUNCTIONAL STANDER USER MANUAL our in dependen ce gur pass 4 s a KCESMED e e ele 351 70 Zw AY x 45 CAUTION Manufacturer takes responsibility for proper usage of the device only when the product was purchased from qualified Akces Med employee or at specialized medical store CAUTION AKCES MED Ltd reserve the right to introduce technical and trading changes in the content of the instructi |
PDF Manual | ENGLISH |
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2. | Dalmatian Owners & Installation Manual DALMATIAN Installation Manual Install the Dalmatian in a location that will allow the connection of kitchen counter receptacle circuits and range receptacle circuits to be wired through the Dalmatian relay module i e by electrical panel location Wall oven and cook top units if applicable may need an expansion module Connect kitchen counter circuits to relay R2 R3 R4 Connect range receptacle circuit to R5 Connect 3 wire from interconnected smoke alarm to ter |
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