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Targis Microwave Catheter IFU
lafgis Instructions for Use Targis System Control Unit Model 4000 and Model 5000 Series Targis Microwave Delivery System MDS Rectal Thermosensing Unit RTU Coolant Bag CAUTION Federal U S A law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician trained andlor experienced in the use of this device as outlined in the required training program CAREFULLY READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL INSTRUCTIONS INDICATIONS WARNINGS PRECAUTIONS AND DIRECTIONS FOR US |
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Catheterisation – Male and SPC - Clinical Guideline, Competencies
NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation ACI Urology Network Nursing Catheterisation Male and SPC Clinical Guideline Competencies Troubleshooting and Patient Information Date Version Updated Release Status Draft Release Date Author Urology Nursing Working Group Owner Agency for Clinical Innovation Acknowledgements Denise Edgar Continence Foundation Kylie Wicks BrightSky Australia Claire Dobson ACAT Choon Chew amp Colleen McDonald WSLH |
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ReStore™ Microcatheter
ENGLISH INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE ReStore Microcatheter REVERSE MEDICAL SA03013 Rev P_ 1 of 14 Manufacturer Reverse Medical Corp 13900 Alton Parkway Suite 123 Irvine CA 92618 European Authorized Representative MediMark Europe Sarl 11 rue Emile Zola BP 2332 F 38033 Grenoble Cedex 2 France Figure 1 ReStore Microcatheter Es Markers when element expands Figure 2 ReAct Stylet a Device Description The ReStore Microcatheter |
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Selectra Catheters
Selectra Catheters Guiding Catheters for the Selectra Kat try pro teleskopick syst m Selectra k zav d n elektrod do koron rn ho sinu Kateter til CS elektrode teleskop i Katheter f r das CS Elektroden Tel Cat ter gu a para el sistema telesc Ohjainkatetri cs johdon teleskooppiselle sis nvientij rjestelm lle Selectra elescopic CS Lead Introducer System ndfgringssystemet Selectra eskop Einf hrsystem Selectra Gaines pour le syst me d implanta |
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using the revolutiontm rotating imaging catheter
VOLCANO Option Volcano Revo utiliser avec les syst mes de la gamme Volcano s5 s5i Manuel d utilisation Version logicielle 3 3 X 0086 T VRheinland SPECIFIC STANDARDS T VRheintand Fabriqu par Volcano Corporation 2870 Kilgore Road Rancho Cordova CA 95670 tats Unis T l phone 916 638 8008 Conforme la directive du Conseil 93 42 Les syst mes Volcano remplissent les crit res de s curit des la |
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catheter care guidelines 2013 - Canterbury District Health Board
Canterbury District Health Board N en Health Awhi te tangala Te Poari Hauora Waitaha A HI Se Maudie Canterbury Continence Forum Health Professionals Working in Partnership CATHETER CARE GUIDELINES 2013 Catheter Guidelines Canterbury CDHB Nursing Policies and Procedures District Health Board Health Te Poari Hauora 6 Waitaha Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS sssissnntenssnsasnnsiinejacsdanadnpinndaapiannsdedasianbuidsienstnsadnastadatenidenadinve 3 THE CONTINEN |
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Instructions For Use VOLCANO REVOLUTION 45MHz ROTATIONAL IMAGING CATHETER REF 89000 English Page 1 Nederlands Page 4 Frangais Page 7 Deutsch Page 10 Italiano Page 13 Espanol Page 16 ENGLISH REVOLUTION 45MHz ROTATIONAL IMAGING CATHETER CAUTION 1 U S Federal Law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician 2 Prior to use read this entire Instructions For Use INTENDED USE The Revolution catheter is int |
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cto catheter ctokatheter catheter otc ctokatheter καθετηρας cto
gel Manufacturer pee avinger 400 Chesapeake Drive Redwood City CA 94063 Tel 650 241 7900 Fax 650 241 7901 MedPass International Ltd Windsor House Barnett Way Barnwood Gloucester GL4 3RT UNITED KINGDOM Tel Fax 44 1 452 619 222 OCELOT CTO CATHETER Instructions for Use CTO KATHETER Gebrauchsanleitung CATHETER OTC Mode d emploi CTO KATHETER Gebruiksaanwijzing CTO CATETERE CTO |
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blood & catheter tip cultures – general procedure
University of Nebraska Medical Center Division of Laboratory Science Clinical Laboratory Science Program CLS 418 CLS 419 BLOOD amp CATHETER TIP CULTURES GENERAL PROCEDURE l Principle Microorganisms present in the circulating blood are a threat to every organ in the body This is true even if the organisms are present continuously intermittently or transiently in the blood For this reason blood cultures are one of the most important specimens submitted to the Microbiol |
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Mikro-Tip Ultra-Miniature Pressure-Volume Catheter Animal
World Headquarters Millar Instruments Inc 6001 A Gulf Freeway Houston Texas 77023 5417 USA Phone 832 667 7000 or 800 669 2343 in the USA Fax 832 667 7001 Email info millarmail com Web site www millarinstruments com Millar Worldwide Distribution Millar Instruments Inc has a network of Authorized Distributors in most countries around the world For information on the Millar distributor in your country please contact the Millar Customer Service Department at our |
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11. |
using the revolutiontm rotating imaging catheter
VOLCANO Op o Volcano Revo Para utiliza o com os sistemas da s rie Volcano s5 s5 Manual do Operador N vel da vers o de software 3 3 X lxi gt Fabricado por Volcano Corporation 2870 Kilgore Road Rancho Cordova CA 95670 EUA Tel 916 638 8008 Tel 800 228 4728 EUA e Canad Fax 916 638 8112 WWw volcanocorp com Representante autorizado na Europa VRheinland A SPECIFIC TUM Bheinland A STANDARDS T VRheinland Est |
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United States Patent Lynch et al US005885245A 5 885 245 Mar 23 1999 1 Patent Number 4 Date of Patent 54 MEDICAL APPARATUS WITH REMOTE VIRTUAL INPUT DEVICE 75 Inventors John Lynch Chicago Sam Russo Lisle both of Ill Larry Wilson Poway Calif 73 Assignee Sabratek Corporation Skokie 21 Appl No 951 976 22 Filed Oct 16 1997 Related U S Application Data 63 Continuation in part of Ser No 691 687 Aug 2 1996 |
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using the revolutiontm rotating imaging catheter
VOLCANO Opzione Volcano Revo Per l utilizzo con i sistemi Volcano serie s5 s5i Manuale per loperatore Versione software livello 3 3 X ob Fabbricato da Volcano Corporation 2870 Kilgore Road Rancho Cordova CA 95670 USA Telefono 916 638 8008 VRheinland A SPECIFIC TU A STANDARDS T VRheinland Conforme alla Direttiva 93 42 CEE del Consiglio sistemi Volcano soddisfano i requisiti di sicurezza di TUV Attenzione prima di utilizzare qu |
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Catheter script SLIDE 1- My name is Maureen Valvo I am a Sr
Cath script Catheter script SLIDE 1 My name is Maureen Valvo I am a Sr Quality Improvement Specialist on the IPRO Nursing Home Team in the Health Care Quality Improvement department will review the Long Stay Quality Measure the Percent of Residents Who Have Had a Catheter Inserted Left in Their Bladder SLIDE 2 The Objectives of this webinar are to e TO Review Become familiar with the QM specifications e TO Understand how MDS coding in Sections H Bladder and B |
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EndoFLIP® EF-825 Catheter Models: EF-825 BF
CROSPON EndoFLIP EF 825 Catheter Models EF 825 BF 325 Instructions for Use Table of contents 1 MEG CUNO ice ceest otct cea eeiec dean de AAA 3 EN OW IUAWOEN Stes sas inca riun E 3 t2 MCC HOCOW SCs cetean seers et radeeeschateenenecsersdcceecanadeveeahe rae enccaen cis 4 T3 COMUPAWACICAUOINS cite vcterrobs Sede ectece cent econ testis ee tiasveecteeni aa 4 EA Warne S cesarea a ects A N 4 2 Using the cathetebnaire a a AA 5 2 1 Installing the cath |
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Lysus™ Catheter System
EKOS Corporation 11911 North Creek Parkway South Bothell WA 98011 tats Unis T l 1 425 415 3100 Fax 1 425 415 3102 Courriel info ekoscorp com EC Repr sentant autoris KRAUTH medical KG GmbH amp Co Wandsbeker K nigstrasse 27 29 22041 Hamburg Allemagne E a E STERILE EO St rilis l oxyde d thyl ne Usage unique seulement Ne pas rest riliser Lire l ensemble des instructions avant l emploi Utiliser avant |
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M180 Fit-on Female Catheter Simulator 2 M180-1 Fit
M180 Fit on Female Catheter Simulator 2 S M180 1 Fit on Male Catheter Simulator 2 SAKAMOTO MODEL CORPORATION User s Manual 151023 7 INDEX Introduction Table of Contents 1 Purpose Content 2 Cautions on Use 3 Instructions for Use 4 Storage Instructions 5 5 Please open your parcel and check the main unit and accessories of the product immediately upon receipt If the products are delivered damaged or with parts missing please conta |
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In Vivo Calibration for ManoScan Catheters
Quick Reference Guide W _____ ManoScan high resolution manometry In Vivo Calibration for ManoScan Catheter Products In vivo calibration establishes channel compensation for transition from ambient temperature to body temperature and the aqueous in vivo environment In vivo calibration should be performed at least once a week to promote a weekly routine J Turn on all equipment Modules should be turned on before the computer 2 Connect the red and |
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Reprocessed 3D Imaging Catheter
N lt INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE STERILMED Lo Reprocessed 3D Imaging Catheter Control SMI 420 303 Rev C Reprocessed by Sterilmed Inc 11400 73 Avenue North Maple Grove MN 55369 Toll Free 1 888 541 0078 Fax 763 488 3350 www steriilmed com Caution Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician INDICATIONS FOR USE The Reprocessed SOUNDSTAR 3D and SOUNDSTAR eco Diagnostic Ultrasound Catheters hereinafter 3D and ec |
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Cantata® 2.5 and 2.8 Microcatheters and Cantata
CE dose Cantata 2 5 and 2 8 Microcatheters and Cantata 2 5 and 2 8 Duo Microcatheters Instructions for Use Cantata 2 5 og 2 8 mikrokatetre og Cantata 2 5 og 2 8 Duo mikrokatetre Brugsanvisning Cantata 2 5 und 2 8 Mikrokatheter sowie Cantata 2 5 und 2 8 Duo Mikrokatheter Gebrauchsanweisung Cantata 2 5 2 8 Cantata 2 5 2 8 Duo Microcat |
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