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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
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Hardware: Putting the system together
PAUL MOBBS A practical guide to sustainable IT Unit 3 Noni This unit is one of 12 sections to a A practical guide to sustainable IT a hands on guide to working with everyday technology in an environmentally conscious way The guide has been written by environmental activist and ICT expert Paul Mobbs and was commissioned by the Association for Progressive Comunications APC with the support of the International Development Research Centre IDRC To download the fu |
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Instalación del hardware: Guía del usuario del Broadcom Gigabit
Instalaci n del hardware Gu a del usuario del Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Instalaci n del Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Contenido de esta gu a O Precauciones de seguridad O Instalaci n del Broadcom Fiber Adapter O instalaci n del adaptador O Conexi n de los cables de red 9 Instalaci n del driver O Windows XP Windows 2000 Window NT Linux 9 Otros sistemas Operativos Precauciones de seguridad Ante |
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Instalação do hardware: Guia do usuário do Broadcom Gigabit
Instala o do hardware Guia do usu rio do Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Broadcom NetXtreme M Gigabit Fiber Adapter Installation Este guia fornece as seguintes informa es Precau es de seguran a O instala o do Broadcom Fiber Adapter O instala o do adaptador BConex o dos cabos de rede Binstala o do software de driver O Windows XP O Windows 2000 O Window M NT Linux BOutros sistemas operacionais Precau es de |
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Guia do Hardware: Introdução ao Linux
Page 1 of 6 QUIA DO DARDWARE NET Sua Fonte de Informa o http www guiadohardware net G Cursos OnLine Linux Iniciante Data 20 03 2001 Tipo Curso Assunto Linux Guia Foca GNU Linux N vel Iniciante Por Gleydson Mazioli da Silva Guia Foca GNU Linux N vel Iniciante Resumo Este documento tem por objetivo ser uma refer ncia ao aprendizado do us de consulta opera o e configura o de sistemas Linux e outros tipos de vers o deste |
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