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IMPRIMACION ANTIGRAFITI TITAN 880 DESCRIPCION Preparaci n impregnante adherente e incolora de dos componentes para antes de aplicar el BARNIZ ANTIGRAFITI TITAN CAMPOS DE APLICACION Base para una protecci n contra pintadas y fijaci n de carteles en superficies de ladrillo piedra natural hormig n m rmol metal etc o superficies pintadas en instalaciones bancarias mercados estaciones de metro monumentos grandes almacenes etc y fachadas en general CARACT |
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Grafiprint laminates FLOOR - grafityp selfadhesive products
User Manual Floor laminates Page 1 of 2 Special applications G ra f H M anua Grafiprint FLOOR LAMINATES FLOOR and SOL on Grafiprint media Introductory remarks Floor laminates protect your prints that are applied onto the floor This allows you to make additional publicity on floors staircases etc Even though the quality of these materials would allow them to be used outdoors we strongly advise against it because the vinyl will become quite slippery when it gets |
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Grafiprint laminates LAMGLOW - grafityp selfadhesive products
User Manual LAMGLOW Page 1 of 2 Special applications G ra f H M anua Grafiprint LAMGLOW on Grafiprint media Introductory remarks LAMGLOW can be used for much more than just the well known applications The special characteristics of this laminate offer the designer the possibility to give full vent to his creativity by working out extremely original ideas When parked in a dark parking lot your car will keep showing showing its striking publicity for many hours and |
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Packard Bell Grafite & Carbon CS036A00 user manual
Packard Bell Grafite amp Carbon Disassembly Manual Packard Pell i Table of Contents About this Guide 2 For More Information 2 Technician Notes 2 Disassembly 2 Reassembly 2 Required Tools 2 Front Cover 3 Top Cover 3 Hard Disk Drive 4 I O Board 5 Notice 6 Packard Bell Grafite amp Carbon Disassembly Manual Packard Pell 2 About this Guide This guide contains systematic disassembly instructions for the Packard Bell Grafite amp |
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compuesto de cinta de grafito trenzada y metodo de aplicacion
ES 2 088 220 T3 OFICINA ESPA OLA DE E Babe PATENTES Y MARCAS DN de publicaci n ES 2 088 220 GD Int Cl 5 CO4B 35 52 ESPA A B32B 18 00 F16J 15 20 TRADUCCION DE PATENTE EUROPEA T3 N mero de solicitud europea 93203465 5 Fecha de presentaci n 09 12 93 87 N mero de publicaci n de la solicitud 0 601 670 87 Fecha de publicaci n de la solicitud 15 06 94 T tulo Compuesto de l mina de grafito trenzada y m todo de aplicaci n Prioridad 09 1 |
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GraFit version 4 - Erithacus Software
GraFit User s Guide 3 GraFit Enzyme Kinetics olx Fie Edit View Add Draw Object Text Graph Window Help Oe 64 a oc sl jes MS g h NDOOG als 1 5 5 Aral y fi2 B Z U i E S Substrate Rate a3 19 1 0000 3 0000 a enome 2 0000 4 0000 7 3 0000 5 0000 E 00 5 000 z ue 4 0000 6 0000 E Graph 6 3000 6 0000 1 Substrate _ T T T T T 7 0000 0 2 E 6 Substrate Lineweaver Burk Parameter Value Std Error Vmax |
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BARNIZ ANTIGRAFITI TITAN 881 DESCRIPCION Barniz transparente incoloro brillante o semimate de dos componentes para la protecci n de superficies contra pintadas grafitis y fijaci n de carteles Larga duraci n CAMPOS DE APLICACION Tratamiento y protecci n de superficies de ladrillo piedra revoques hormig n m rmol acero inoxidable etc o superficies pintadas en instalaciones bancarias mercados estaciones de metro monumentos grandes almacenes etc y fach |
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Grafiprint laminates LAMPVF - grafityp selfadhesive products
User Manual LAMPVF Page 1 of 2 USER MANUAL and TIPS GrafjManual Special applications Grafiprint LAMPVF on Grafiprint media Introductory remarks Because of its unique composition LAMPVF is extremely well suited for protecting your prints against all influences of chemical products Advisable to be used at locations that are easily accessible to youngsters spraying graffity Tip 1 Make sure your prints are completely dry They have to degas complete |
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WAK PREMIO pinturas e Y MEDLO LANDECOLOR S A EE FABRICA Pol Industrial n 2 1 a csN et a Ah lt Poligono Inaustrial n dll ii o EMAS C Soria 38 Tel f 91 884 33 59 Fax 91 884 40 71 28864 AJALVIR Madrid CIVIYA Gesti ambienta 1 2001 ROCHA Fax ventas 91 884 43 39 e mail landecolor mlandecolor com web www landecolor es FICHA T CNICA 1 3 BARNIZ ANTIGRAFITTI 2 C 5 1 AL AGUA ECOL GICO Barniz de poliuretano protector antigrafitt |
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GraFit 7 User`s Guide
GrarFt User s Guide Version 7 Kj Import Data y DC X Select Al a 3 GA Add Stock Item Ga Edit Text Add Paste Undo Redo Cut Copy Clear Object 3 Store Stock Item Edit Object 0 02040603 1 1 Substrate 4 e Substrate Parameter Value Std Error Vmax 9 5250 0 4458 Km 2 5114 0 3092 m l 1 Enter substrate rate data into the data table 2 Watch RO Erithacus Software Erithacus Software GraFPit Us |
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GRAFIT – USER MANUAL Pagina 1 Data Display Nederland B.V.
GRAFIT USER MANUAL 1 Vala DISPlay 1 0 INTRODUCTION 5 AE 3 1 1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 3 1 1 1 Conven on aate 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 Se T |
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