Astor 20_ENG_2014


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1. Astor 20_ENG_2014

Astor 20 Colony Counter User s Manual Distribu par Z A de Gesvrine 4 rue K pler B P 4125 Laboratoires 44241 La Chapelle sur Erdre Cedex France H t 33 0 2 40 93 53 53 f 33 0 2 40 93 41 00 umeau commercial humeau com u x C O rev 09 2014 Astor 20 Colony Counter User s Manual WARNING S ss io 3 SYMBOLS USED IN THIS MANUAL ii eae eeesaaeeesaaaeeesaeeeeeseeeeeeas 3 FEATURES ara 4 M CHANIGAL FEATURES ds 4 ELEGTRIGAL FEATURES des tent nine 4

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