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comparing interaction techniques in a virtual reality museum
COMPARING INTERACTION TECHNIQUES IN A VIRTUAL REALITY MUSEUM FRAMEWORK USING PRESENT DAY TECHNIQUES TO ACCESS THE PAST Master s Thesis by Dirk Verhagen Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Eindhoven University of Technology the Netherlands Project performed at the Re Flex flexibility learning centre at Lund University Sweden Supervisors Prof Dr P De Bra Eindhoven University of Technology Prof Dr K Tollmar Lund University TABLE OF CONTENTS |
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Comparing inclusive and special education
eecoming isible Comparing inclusive and special education policies practices and research in Brazil and the UK 12th 14th March 2015 UFSCar Sao Carlos SP WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS Organized by Federal University of Sao Carlos amp University of Northampton Financed by British Council FAPESP and Newton Fund Becoming visible A SC4r comparing inclusive and special education policies practices and research in Brazil and the UK ale 12 14 March 2015 |
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Comparing State Spaces in Automatic Security Protocol
AVoCS 2007 Comparing State Spaces in Automatic Security Protocol Verification Cas Cremers Pascal Lafourcade Department of Computer Science ETH Zurich 8092 Zurich Switzerland Abstract Many tools exist for automatic security protocol verification and most of them have their own particular language for specifying protocols and properties Several protocol specification models and security prop erties have been already formally related to each other However there is an |
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Comparing the NDS and VERA environments for scan chain
ED 79 Comparing the NDS and VERA environments for scan chain recognition amp removal M van Balen Concerns End Report Period of work April 1993 Dec 1993 Supervisor prof ir M T M Segers Advisors ir F G M Bouwman ir J M C Jonkheid ir P W M Merkus Philips Electronics N V 1993 All rights are reserved Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner M van Balen Comparing the NDS and VE |
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