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Measuring T2 against SBST 2013 Benchmark Suite
Measuring T2 against SBST 2013 Benchmark Suite I S W B Prasetya Dept of Inf and Comp Sciences Utrecht Univ Email s w b prasetya uu nl Abstract T2 is a light weight on the fly random based auto mated testing tool to test Java classes This paper presents its recent benchmarking result against SBST 2013 Contest s test suite Index Terms testing automated testing OO testing testing tool benchmark I INTRODUCTION In 2013 the International Workshop on Searc |
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Effective Motor Protection Against Reflected Wave Phenomenon
Effective Motor Protection Against Reflected Wave Phenomenon 1204 Motor Terminator OA Rockwell Automation Allen Bradley IGBT Drives amp Motor Protection The use of IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor devices in variable frequency AC drives has increased drive motor performance and reduced physical size of new AC drive offerings It has also brought a number of new installation issues to the forefront including the phenomenon known as |
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Contents - Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Osnium WS Wisconsin Manual End Domestic Abuse WI DRAFT 9 30 2015 Contents OB WM EE 3 Some Differences from the Alice database ec ceecceceseceeeeeeeeeeeeeedtecaeeeacecaaecaaecsaecsaeceaeseaeeeseeeeeeseneeeneeaes 4 ug TEEN E 4 RTE EE E A Men ET N AE WE 4 du Vide EENEG WEE A U el EN WE 5 File Menu Wee nenn EE AA ee 5 RIDDON EE OE GEE EE 5 HOME Tab RE Er EE ER EEN 5 ETA EL N S OE EE EE EE EN 5 Tools Tab MF N AF ER EEN 5 |
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Your NESCAFÉ® Alegria A510 machine is guaranteed against any
Your NESCAFE Alegria A510 machine is guaranteed against any material defects or workmanship for a period of 12 months in the United Kingdom and 24 months in your country of purchase within the EU from the date of purchase from the retailer Please retain your original proof of purchase from the retailer as evidence your NESCAFE Alegria A510 machine is within the guarantee period NESTLE PROFESSIONAL encourages you to register your NESCAFE Alegria A510 machine online at www |
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Single Player Against Machine BAttleship Game
HARDING UNIVERSITY Single Player Against Machine BAttleship Game System Design and Project Plan Matt Goodhart Timothy Hoffmann Matt Lewis Tatiana Zeledon Table of Contents System 3 rr uai eem 4 System 22 55 a 4 Block Diagram sica iii 6 Functional Description of Blocks 7 PAN iii ii 11 Organization and Management 12 7 1 1 12 Work B |
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R-Sentry: Providing Continuous Sensor Services against
R Sentry Providing Continuous Sensor Services Against Random Node Failures Shengchao Yu WINLAB Rutgers University Piscataway NJ 08854 yusc winlab rutgers edu Abstract The success of sensor driven applications is reliant on whether a steady stream of data can be provided by the un derlying system This need however poses great challenges to sensor systems mainly because the sensor nodes from which these systems are built have extremely short lifetimes In order to ex |
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testing of apd2000 chemical warfare agent detector against
ECBC TR HHHH DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM TESTING OF APD2000 CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENT DETECTOR AGAINST CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENTS SUMMARY REPORT Kwok Y Ong Terri L Longworth Jacob L Barnhouse Research Directorate August 2000 Approved for public release distribution is unlimited Soldier and Biological Chemical Command AMSSB RRT Aberdeen Proving Ground MD 21010 5424 Disclaimer The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department o |
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Securing Designs Against Scan-Based Side
Securing Designs Against Scan Based Side Channel Attacks Jeremy Leet Mohammad Tehranipoor Chintan Patel and Jim Plusquellic TECE Dept University of Connecticut Storrs CT jslee tehrani engr uconn edu Dept of CSEE University of Maryland Baltimore County Baltimore MD cpatel2 plusquel umbc edu Abstract Traditionally the only standard method of testing that has consistently provided high fault coverage has been scan test due to the high controllability an |
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A Pre-Bid Conference against above tender will
OIL INDIA LIMITED A Government of India Enterprise P O Udayan Vihar 781171 Guwahati Assam India OIL INDIA LIMITED invites Competitive Bid through its e Procurement portal https etender srm oilindia in sap bc gui sap its bbpstart for following e tender e Tender No Type of Item Quantity Pre Bid Tender Fee and Bid Closing Bidding no Material Conference Date Code Materials Date Description SGI4028P15 Indigenous 10 2 NOS 05 08 2014 Rs 1000 00 |
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Antibodies against Bordetella pertussis (IgA) Test instruction for the
Antibodies against Bordetella pertussis IgA Test instruction for the EUROLINE For In Vitro Diagnostic Use CLIA Complexity High ORDER NO ANTIBODIES AGAINST IG CLASS SUBSTRATE FORMAT DN 2050 1601 A Bordetella pertussis antigens IJA Ag coated 16 x 01 16 DN 2050 24001 A FHA PT and ACT 9 immunoblot strips 240 x 01 240 Intended use The EUROIMMUN EUROLINE Bordetella pertussis IgA kit is an immune lineblot strip test for the qualitative detecti |
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Contents - Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Osnium WS Wisconsin Basic User s Manual End Domestic Abuse WI DRAFT 11 2 2015 Contents OB WM ice eee E E E E E E E 3 Some Differences from the Alice database ee ceeceeceeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeduecacecacecaaecsaeceaecsaeceaeceaeeeseeeeeeeeeeseneeees 4 ncc MEE m 4 Bed Nights testet tdi iei M T S EESE E EEA 4 Prid O E Wm 4 Meg JE WEM 4 VENICE IS WU NLIS 5 File Menu E eee sss NEC AES 5 Ribbon |
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Global ISR: Toward a Comprehensive Defense Against
Global ISR Toward a Comprehensive Defense Against Unauthorized Code Execution Georgios Portokalidis and Angelos D Keromytis Network Security Lab Columbia University New York NY 10027 USA porto angelos cs columbia edu Abstract Instruction set randomization ISR obfuscates the language understood by a system to protect against code injection attacks by senting an ever changing target ISR was originally motivated by code in jection through buffer overflo |
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anticipating and hardening the web against socio
ANTICIPATING AND HARDENING THE WEB AGAINST SOCIO TECHNICAL SECURITY ATTACKS Sidney L Stamm Submitted to the faculty of the Graduate School in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Informatics Department of Computer Science Indiana University January 2009 Accepted by the Graduate Faculty Indiana University in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Doctoral Mar |
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CABAC One Call gt One Day gt One Delivery POWER MATE USER MANUAL Congratulations on your purchase of the Power Mate It is now possible to determine the actual running cost of an appliance or even help to identify a faulty appliance that is using more power than it should You can now easily and safely measure accurately all the important power characteristics of a mains operated device Another bonus is that you can finally have some control over your high electricity a |
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AGAINST THE GRAIN - Purdue Extension Entomology
AGAINST THE GRAIN SAFE GRAIN STORAGE AND HANDLING PRACTICES FOR YOUTH AND BEGINNING WORKERS BASIC AWARENESS LEVEL TRAINING FOR YOUTH TO SAFELY WORK IN THE GRAIN INDUSTRY INSTRUCTOR S GUIDE Developed By Purdue University Agricultural Safety and Health Program Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering West Lafayette IN December 2014 This material was produced under grant number SH24885 SH3 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration U S |
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Student Appeal Against Exams Results Project Title: Student Appeal
Higher College of Technology Student Appeal Against Exams Results User Manual Project Title Student Appeal Against Exams Results Organization Higher College of Technology Muscat Department of ETC Computer Services Section Dated 14 June 2015 Version 1 0 Copyright 2015 Higher College of Technology Muscat Computer Science Section student Appeal Against Exams Results ETC Department Table of Contents e STC Ea NAT OR ATU 25s Fade esc e Saati tees a |
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