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Fuji Scalable Placement Platform NXT
Manual Update Notice The following manual has been revised and released Manual title NXT Programming Manual Manual number updated edition DQD004 05 Manual number previous edition 90004 04 Date of issue September 19 2005 In accordance with NXT version V3 41 changes have made as follows Chapter Section Summary of changes 4 3 2 Shape Process Tab New data item has been added 4 3 4 Shape Process Details Detailed explanation has been added 4 6 2 NX |
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D2.2 (WP2): Prototype Scalable Erlang VM
SERRELEASE SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME ICT 287510 RELEASE A High Level Paradigm for Reliable Large Scale Server Software A Specific Targeted Research Project STReP D2 2 WP2 Prototype Scalable Erlang VM Release Due date of deliverable March 31 2013 Actual submission date April 8 2013 Start date of project 1st October 2011 Duration 36 months Lead contractor Uppsala University Revision 0 1 April 8 2013 Purpose To describe the implementa |
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DPO70000SX Scalable Performance
Tektronix scalable Performance Oscilloscopes DPO70000SX Series Datasheet DPO70000SX provides ultra high bandwidth real time signal acquisition and analysis up to 70 GHz analog bandwidth The patented Asynchronous Time Interleaving ATI architecture provides the lowest noise and highest fidelity for real time signal acquisition DPO77002SX Key performance specifications DPO73304SX Key performance specifications 70 GHz analog bandwidth lt 6 ps rise time Low noi |
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Alacritech Video Gaming Accessories Scalable Networking Accelerator user manual
alacritech Alacritech Scalable Networking Accelerator Hardware Installation Guide Copper alacritech Preface Disclaimer The information in this document is subject to change without notice Alacritech reserves the right to change any portion of these products for reasons such as improving performance or enhancing functionality Alacritech assumes no liabil ity arising out of the application or use of these products for anything other than its intended purpose C |
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Scalable OSPF Updates for MANETs - North Carolina State University
Scalable OSPF Updates for MANETs Jangeun Jun and Mihail L Sichitiu Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering North Carolina State University Raleigh NC 27695 email jjun mlsichit ncsu edu Abstract Recently mobile ad hoc networks MANETs have evolved as an irreplaceable networking technology for situations with sparse or inexistent infrastructure Adapting OSPFv3 to MANET environments has several advantages The protocol has proven its maturity in the wired In |
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Using the Isis2 Library to Build Scalable High
Using the Isis Library to Build Scalable High Assurance Services Ken Birman http www cs cornell edu ken ken cs cornell edu 607 255 9199 Introduction The need for high assurance has never been greater with the trends towards data centers of all sizes and shapes ranging from small racks of just a dozen or two machines to massive cloud computing data centers with hundreds of thousands of them developers of modern computing systems need to target the Web employ Web Serv |
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A Reliable, Scalable General-purpose Certificate Store 1. Introduction
A Reliable Scalable General purpose Certificate Store 1 Introduction Traditionally X 509 certificates were intended to be stored in an X 500 directory a semi mythical beast only rarely seen X 509 itself was originally designed as part of the access control mechanism for the directory but this goal has since become inverted with the X 500 directory becoming subservient to X 509 Directory access was handled via the Directory Access Protocol DAP an extremely complex heavywe |
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Building a Scalable, Reliable OGSI Container
e National e e e Science A NeSC SARA AT Centre ee Building a Scalable Reliable OGSI Container Project Title MS NETGrid Document Title Building a Scalable Reliable OGSI Container Document Identifier MS NetGrid ScalableOGSIDesign doc Distribution Classification Commercial in Confidence Authorship Daragh Byrne Document History Personnel Date Summary Version DB 22 February 2004 EPCC Approved 1 0 Approval List EPCC Projec |
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HPCToolkit - Center for Scalable Application Development Software
HPC Toolkit Sampling based Performance Tools for Leadership Computing John Mellor Crummey Department of Computer Science Rice University johnmc rice edu CScADS Leadership Computing July 24 2012 1 http hpctoolkit org Acknowledgments e Funding sources Center for Scalable Application Development Software Cooperative agreement number DE FC02 07ER25800 Performance Engineering Research Institute Cooperative agreement number D |
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DOWNLOAD 12-34-0000 Scalable Relay Output Module
12 34 0000 RELAY OUTPUT MODULE USER S MANUAL Issue 1234UA 0510 salgan TECHNOLOGIES 12 34 0000 Relay Output Module 1 DESCRIPTION The 12 34 is a low cost scalable relay output solution Each 12 34 can allow 4 relays to be controlled using the Salcom relay control protocol The 12 34 can be daisy chained to allow any number of relays to be controlled A green and red LED display operational status a chart displaying status codes can be found in section 4 Connections A |
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SPAWC: A Scalable Parallel Web Crawler
Computer Science 9868 SPAWC A Scalable Parallel Web Crawler June 02 2010 Student Jeffrey Shantz lt jshantz 5 1 csd uwo ca gt Instructor Roberto Solis Oba Computer Science 9868 SPAWC A Scalable Parallel Web Crawler Jeffrey Shantz lt jshantz 5 1 csd uwo ca gt June 02 2010 Contents I SPAWC Overview 1 Introduction 2 SPAWC Architecture HONEC a ei LT 2 4 Syste Componente 2 2225 x xo bebe ee ROUX Ro Ree a Ree ds 2 3 Publishing URLs to Crawl o s o ac |
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Scalable Execution of LIGO Astrophysics Application in a Cloud
Scalable Execution of LIGO Astrophysics Application in a Cloud Computing Environment Presented By Dong Leng Submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Engineering in Distributed Computing The Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems CLOUDS Laboratory The Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering The University of Melbourne Australia Abstract LIGO gravitational wave search application requires a system that can provi |
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LRT H PES RD51 SCALABLE READOUT SYSTEM What is SRS short introduction status and outlook 11 August 2010 The RD51 Working Group 5 activities on common electronics for a multichannel readout system started its design phase in 2009 with the compilation of a chip knowledge base as a common base for electronics requirements for RD51 users The large variety in readout requirements signal polarity trigger concept timing resolution radiation tolerance analogue versus |
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Scalable Persisting and Querying of Streaming Data by Utilizing a
IT 14 021 Examensarbete 30 hp April 2014 UNIVERSITET Scalable Persisting and Querying of Streaming Data by Utilizing a NoSQL Data Store Khalid Mahmood Institutionen for informationsteknologi Department of Information Technology UPPSALA UNIVERSITET Teknisk naturvetenskaplig fakultet UTH enheten Bes ksadress Angstr mlaboratoriet L gerhyddsv gen 1 Hus 4 Plan 0 Postadress Box 536 751 21 Uppsala Telefon 018 471 30 03 Telefax 018 471 3 |
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DPO70000SX Scalable Performance Oscilloscope
Tektronix Scalable Performance Oscilloscopes DPO70000SX Series Datasheet DPO70000SX provides ultra high bandwidth real time signal acquisition and analysis up to 70 GHz analog bandwidth The patented Asynchronous Time Interleaving ATI architecture provides the lowest noise and highest fidelity for real time signal acquisition DPO77002SX Key performance specifications DPO73304SX Key performance specifications 70 GHz analog bandwidth lt 6 ps rise time |
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ViewTi Scalable Digital Microscope User`s Manual Welcome
View li Scalable Digital Microscope User s Manual Welcome Thank you for choosing ViewTi Scalable digital microscope The ViewTi Scalable digital microscope is an exciting new device that let s you view clear many micro objects with it and has a wide scope of applications such as e Education Observation e Bodyshop and Private Skin Observation e Fake Fossil Pattern and Hobbies checking e Jewelry Watch and Artworks Appraisal e Industries produce viewing e g |
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Qualnet Tutorial - SCALABLE Network Technologies
e Qualnet Tutorial QualNet Training Workshop Scalable Network Technologies with contributions by Chaiporn J aikaeo and Chien Chung Shen University of Delaware ENT Scalable Network Technologies Contact training qualnet com ron oi O U U nN e QualNet Overview slides 3 10 a Installation slides 11 16 a Simulation Architecture slides 17 20 a Wireless Experiment Design both command line and GUI slides 21 46 a Animator Execution demo slides 47 52 |
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4-Side Scalable Silicon Photomultiplier Array Contents
ArraySB 4 Scalable UV Sensitive Silicon Photomultiplier Array S e Q S L USER MANUAL Lo sense light 4 Side Scalable Silicon Photomultiplier Array SensL s B Series silicon uses a P on N process to give outstanding PDE with sensitivity that extends into the UV The ArraySB 4 incorporates this technology into a 16 pixel Silicon Photomultipler ArraySB It is based upon a 4x4 arrangement of 8mm SIPM pixels which are mounted in a low profile ceramic package The ArraySB 4 permi |
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Alacritech Video Gaming Accessories Scalable Networking Accelerator User Guide
alacritech Alacritech Scalable Networking Accelerator Hardware Installation Guide Copper alacritech Preface Disclaimer The information in this document is subject to change without notice Alacritech reserves the right to change any portion of these products for reasons such as improving performance or enhancing functionality Alacritech assumes no liabil ity arising out of the application or use of these products for anything other than its intended purpose C |
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A Demonstrated Optical Tracker With Scalable Work Area for Head
A Demonstrated Optical Tracker With Scalable Work Area for Head Mounted Display Systems Mark Wardt Ronald Azuma Robert Bennett Stefan Gottschalk Henry Fuchs Department of Computer Science Sitterson Hall University of North Carolina Chapel Hill NC 27599 3175 Abstract An optoelectronic head tracking system for head mounted displays is described The system features a scalable work area that currently measures 10 x 12 a measurement update rate of 20 100 Hz with 20 6 |
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