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PTC 213:2004 Requirements for Pay Telephones
Specification PTC 213 2004 Requirements for Pay Telephones DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT NOTE This specification may be subject to amendment Access Standards Telecom Corporation of New Zealand Limited Wellington New Zealand April 2004 2 DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Copyright Telecom New Zealand Limited 2004 CONTENTS Page FOREWORD isecicccaicctisziaceveds Zeg Serge ENEE Eeer Ae tes Rte Zeg 6 1 SCOPE antenne EENEG 8 1 27 Associated SPOCIICATIONS ngeping n |
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DECT Telephones Comfort Pro CM 500/510 (As of
User Manual AO O NO Contents General Information 9 Appropriate Use Declaration of Conformity 0 ccc ccc cee eee eens 10 SACL OF HD O E St deco o Ft 10 Overview and Basic Information qt babeat ave a dose Da cn adc whale hate tte n 11 m Authorisation is Regulled siio dagadads tet qb Pu tiva ach cda t 11 Ue Documental neser au Catia aes e d iem cem E Ple out onda rius 12 NH DESTACAR isse ice REED a es 12 Installation 13 ee or Oey RR TRENT TETTE 13 Inserting |
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User Guide: Analog Telephones
Analoga telefoner BusinessPhone kommunikationsplattform Anv ndarhandbok Rubrik SV LZTBS 160 1300 R2A Aastra Telecom Sweden AB 2008 Med ensamr tt 2 BusinessP hone Analoga telefoner Inneh ll 0 Inneh ll sida V lKOMmIM EN sa a ik at 4 Beskrivning a 6 Inkommande samtal dd 13 Utg ende samtal ld 15 Under samtal dee 24 Vidarekoppling err 28 Fr nvaroinformatiON msmeeerenrsrsrsrsrrsinrrrsrsnn 33 Meddel ndem st siss sn i ja ra a rt |
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4. |
Avaya 3740 and 3749 DECT Telephones
AVAYA Avaya 3740 and 3749 DECT Telephones connected to Avaya Integral Enterprise Software IEE7 User Guide 21 603689 01 2011 Issue 1 0 2011 Avaya Inc All Rights Reserved Notice While reasonable efforts were made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time of printing Avaya Inc can assume no liability for any errors Changes and corrections to the information in this document may be incorporated in future releases |
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Panasonic Proprietary Telephones KX-T7750 user manual
www westlake co uk Panasonic Sales 0800 298 8011 Proprietary Telephones Quick Reference Guide KX T7720 KX T7730 KX T7731 KX T7735 Model KX T7736 KX T7750 Important Information When you ship the product Carefully pack and send it prepaid adequately insured and preferably in the original carton Attach a postage paid letter detailing the symptom to the outside of the carton DO NOT send the product to the Executive or Regional Sales offices They are NOT equip |
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Toshiba Telephone Business Telephones User Guide
TOSHIBA IPSOOO series Telephone Quick Reference Guide St r at a Ccix Business Telephones Helping You Communicate Better IPSOOO Series Telephones 10 Programmable Feature Buttons 9 Line LCD 2 IPSOOO series Telephone Quick Reference Guide 03 12 10 Programmable Feature Buttons 4 Line LCD Legend A Status LED message and ringing B LCD Display C Softkeys D Programmable Feature Buttons E Message Waiting LED Button F |
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Documentation Handbook Telephones and Intercom Units
DOCUMENTATION HANDBOOK PHONTECH TELEPHONES AND INTERCOM UNITS ___________________________ 7777 Handbook page Amendment Record 1 59 Handbook 2 59 Telephones and Intercom Units Handbook contents Handbook page Service and Warranty 4 4 INTERCOM UNITS DICS 6110 Accommodation Unit Mechanical 25 35 |
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User Guide: Analog Telephones
V nligen uppm rksamma att inte alla funktioner EN SY ae som r upptagna i denna manual ar till mpliga for telefonvaxeln vid Uppsala universitet UPPSALA UNIVERSITET Analog Telephone Analog Push button Telephones for MX ONE and MD110 User Guide Teleservice Uppsala Universitet 091206 EN LZT 103 77 R3A O Aastra Telecom Sweden AB 2008 All rights reserved Analog Telephone Table of Contents page WECOME e rare EN ren 4 Descriptio sarro |
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UNIVERGE® Desktop Telephones
Empowered by Innovation RJ E kis gt tte y Ka ig Ea EA Y r UNIVERGE DESKTOP HONES Empowering the Smart Enterprise www nec enterprise com NEC UNIVERGE Desktop Telephones Choose UNIVERGE Desktop Telephones The right phones for every work situation To stay competitive enterprises need to have the right tools that enable them to be more efficient flexible and productive NEC has built smart enterprise solutions that optimize busi |
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teléfonos digitales digital telephones téléphones numériques
PORTERO DIGITAL DIGITAL DOOR ENTRY SYSTEM PORTIER NUMERIQUE TELEFONOS DIGITALES DIGITAL TELEPHONES DI rAL CE X ALCAD TELEPHONES NUMERIQUES 9600007 TED 001 TELEFONO DIGITAL Tel fono mural con llamada electr nica y secreto de comunicaci n 84 mm ara instalaciones digitales de portero y videoportero electr nico Siena digital 2 hilos sin bolariddd de conexi n El tel fono dispone de bot n lateral para abrepuertas y regulador de volumen de llamada Para su f |
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UNIVERGE® IP and Digital Desktop Telephones
Desktop TELEPHONES l ft Empowering the Smart Workforce www nec com univerge UNIVERGE IP and Digital Desktop Telephones Choose NEC s Desktop Telephones The right phones for every work situation To stay competitive enterprises need to have the right with communication tools that facilitate efficiency and tools that enable them to be more efficient flexible and productivity But many businesses and employees have not productive NEC has built sm |
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telephones i_____________a__ _.
12 United States Patent Gainsboro US006560323B2 10 Patent No US 6 560 323 B2 45 Date of Patent May 6 2003 54 75 73 21 22 65 63 51 52 58 56 JP COMPUTER BASED METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CONTROLLING MONITORING RECORDING AND REPORTING TELEPHONE ACCESS Inventor Jay L Gainsboro Framingham MA US Assignee T Netix Inc Carrollton TX US Notice Subject to any disclaimer the term of thi |
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VIDEOPORTERO 2 HILOS 2 WIRE VIDEODOOR ENTRY SYSTEMS VID OPORTIER 2 FILS TEL FONOS 2 HILOS uP 2 WIRE TELEPHONES ss T L PHONES 2 FILS LAIR C TET 002 9600034 TET 002 TELEFONO SISTEMA 2 HILOS Tel fono mural con llamada electr nica y secreto de comunicaci n para sistemas de portero y videoportero 2 hilos El tel fono dispone de led indicador de estado del sistema n Indicaci n puerta abierta y Apertura autom tica de puerta al recibir llamada |
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Meridian Digital Telephones M3901, M3902, M3903, M3904 User
gt rn 2 i2 i gt le c x pus le 2 NORTEL NETWORKS How the world shares ideas Meridian Digital Telephones M3901 M3902 M3903 M3904 User Guide M3900 Series Meridian Digital Telephone 1 IAE IAO I RSE TEE ALII I E 1 Pr c E E EE EE 2 MO ERSTER 3 MIJOA oem 4 Your Telephone s Controls 5 Terms you should know 8 Your telephone call features 10 Us |
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TELEMÓVEL - AEG Telephones
MANUAL DE UTILIZADOR Er TELEM VEL M311 perfekt in form und funktion V4 1 PORQUE NOS PREOCUPAMOS Obrigado por ter adquirido este produto Este produto foi concebido e montado com o maximo cuidado pensando semem si e no meio ambiente E por isso que fornecemos este produto com um guia de instala o r pida para reduzir a quantidade de papel paginas e assim diminuir o numero de arvores cortadas para produzir este manual Obrigado por nos ajudar a |
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16. |
Toshiba Telephone IP Telephones User Guide
TOSHIBA Leading Innovation gt Discover the Power of Toshiba IP Telephones POWER PERFORMANCE VERSATILITY Advanced IP Telephones That Help You Work Smarter Step up the efficiency and functionality of your IP communications system with the IP5000 Series telephones from Toshiba Sleek good looks combine with sophisticated features and call handling enhancements for increased productivity in any office setting Equally suited to a single location or large distrib |
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Avaya 3740 and 3749 DECT Telephones
AVAYA Avaya 3740 and 3749 DECT Telephones connected to Avaya Aura Communication Manager and IP Office User Guide 21 603690 11 2010 Issue 2 0 O 2010 Avaya Inc All Rights Reserved Notice While reasonable efforts were made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time of printing Avaya Inc can assume no liability for any errors Changes and corrections to the information in this document may be incorporated in future r |
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18. |
NEC Telephone DTerm Series E Telephones User Guide
NEAX 20001VS TERM SERIES E Telephones USERGuiii E 2 1 r ilBSI dbA t i liAMHY OlSaWMV NK ComowtOH itsBrvfS im vht loottNcc nt skorcawm aiNcnom ot fuiudts At any im wnHo rr Nona NEC COWOtAlXM HAS WAI9 fHft OOCUACNT USI IT ITS IMAOVnS AMD CUSIOMBtS IW INFOWAAtlON CONfA D 4ttW IS 1W MOKITY Ot NK COtPOtAnON AND SHAU NOT I iif oouc Mvmoui piotot wnmiH AmovAi mom NEC ConPCVAnoii CorrRiCHT 1997 PCCCoAPOiAnoN TABLE OF CONT |
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Meridian Digital Telephones and Options Quick Reference Guide
a fe gt cD Pa cD i2 3 a gt Oo c x r7 T pus O 2 NORTEL NETWORKS How the world shares ideas Meridian Digital Telephones and Options M2006 M2008 M2008HF M2616 M2216ACD M2016S Secure Set Quick Reference Guide Introducing your Meridian Digital Telephone Your Meridian Digital Telephone provides easy access to a wide range of business features Your telephone system administrator assigns features to your feature keys and provid |
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20. |
Telephones Analog - Lipinski Telekom
TENOVIS We give you the edge Analog Telephones gt connected to ISDN Telecommunications Systems Integral Operating Instructions Operating instructions for Integral telephones Copyright Copyright 2000 All rights reserved Tenovis GmbH amp Co KG Frankfurt Main Issued 28 08 2000 Document number 4 999 027 974 The duplication and dissemination of the information contained in this document in whole or in part requires the prior written consent of Teno |
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