MBus - University of Michigan


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1. MBus - University of Michigan

MBus A 17 5 pJ bit chip Portable Interconnect Bus for Millimeter Scale Sensor Systems with 8 nW Standby Power Ye sheng Kuo Pat Pannuto Gyouho Kim Zhiyoong Foo Inhee Lee Ben Kempke Prabal Dutta David Blaauw and Yoonmyung Lee University of Michigan Ann Arbor MI USA Abstract We propose an ultra low power interconnect bus for millimeter scale wireless sensor nodes Using only 4 IO pads the bus minimizes the required chip real estate enabling ultra small form fac

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SIMPLY CLEVER NAV TRAFFIC CAR This Owner s Manual has been systematically designed to make it easy for you to search for and obtain the information you require Chapters table of contents and subject index The text of the Owner s Manual is divided into relatively short sections which are combined into easy to read chapters The chapter you are reading at any particular moment is always specified on the bottom right of the page The Table of contents arranged a
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