# | Title | Type | Language | |||||||||||
1. | Zaxcom_FP8_Manual_August_2014 USER MANUAL Published July 2014 Software Version Nomad 7 10 Nomad FP8 Expand Your Horizons KNOWING YOUR NOMAD EPS E 3 ATTACHING YOUR NOMAD Eege E de 4 NOMAD ERS OPERATIONS enee 5 ASSIGNINGFP S el 5 Fader ASSICW EE 5 ADUCI ASSE E 6 Tearns Mitter SAI ASSIS EE 6 USING THE PFE EE 7 PIST MIMS to mMmuRipDIS MPU e E A E E S 7 SIT Bue EE 7 Sterne dh EE 8 PUTO RAIN EE 8 RECORD AND STOP Ee 8 EREECHEN T 9 ZAXCOM WARRANTY POLICY AND LIMITATIONS seseessessssssssss |
PDF Manual | ENGLISH | |||||||||||
# | Title | Type | Language | Download | ||||||||||
1. | Zaxcom_FP8_Manual_August_2014 USER MANUAL Published July 2014 Software Version Nomad 7 10 Nomad FP8 Expand Your Horizons KNOWING YOUR NOMAD EPS E 3 ATTACHING YOUR NOMAD Eege E de 4 NOMAD ERS OPERATIONS enee 5 ASSIGNINGFP S el 5 Fader ASSICW EE 5 ADUCI ASSE E 6 Tearns Mitter SAI ASSIS EE 6 USING THE PFE EE 7 PIST MIMS to mMmuRipDIS MPU e E A E E S 7 SIT Bue EE 7 Sterne dh EE 8 PUTO RAIN EE 8 RECORD AND STOP Ee 8 EREECHEN T 9 ZAXCOM WARRANTY POLICY AND LIMITATIONS seseessessssssssss |
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