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# | Title | Type | Language | Download |
1. |
Coded Wire Tagging Operations Protocol for Chinook Salmon in the
Coded Wire Tagging Operations Protocol for Chinook Salmon in the Stanislaus River A Detailed Protocol for Coded Wire Tagging Operations on the Stanislaus River at Caswell State Park Prepared for U S FISH 8 WILDLIFE SERVICE amp U S BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Prepared by Ayesha Gray Ryan Cuthbert amp Brad Cavallo CRAMER FISH SCIENCES Copyright 2007 by Cramer Fish Sciences CRAMER FISH SCIENCES 636 HEDBURG WAY SUITE 22 OAKDALE CA 95361 209 847 7786 |
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Disinfection of coded wire tagging equipment.
Northwest Marine Technology Inc 1 Disinfection of Coded Wire Tagging Equipment Application Note APC12 Technical Note TNC12 The possibility of spreading fish diseases between culture facilities and watersheds is of concern to both our customers and Northwest Marine Technology Although we are unaware of a case of coded wire tagging equipment moved between locations as having served as a vector in spreading a disease the consequences of such occurrences call for stri |
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3. |
2755-6.1, Hand-Held Undecoded Bar Code Scanner User Manual
Wy Allen Bradley Hand Held Undecoded Bar Code Scanner Cat No 2755 HUG 4 2755 HUG 9 Manual Important User Information Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication those responsible for the application and use of this control equipment must satisfy themselves that all necessary steps have been taken to assure that each application and use meets all performance and safety requirements including any applicable laws |
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Compressed video signal including independently coded regions
US006507618B1 a United States Patent Wee et al US 6 507 618 B1 Jan 14 2003 10 Patent No 45 Date of Patent 54 COMPRESSED VIDEO SIGNAL INCLUDING INDEPENDENTLY CODED REGIONS 75 Inventors Susie J Wee San Carlos CA US John G Apostolopoulos San Carlos CA US 73 Assignee Hewlett Packard Company Palo Alto CA US Notice Subject to any disclaimer the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U S C 154 b by 0 days |
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5. |
T4 Detector for Coded Wire Tags User`s Manual Stand
Northwest Marine Technology Inc 14 Detector for Coded Wire Tags User s Manual Stand Alone Version Northwest Marine Technology Shaw Island WA Phone 360 468 3375 Fax 360 468 3844 E Mail office nmt us Web www nmt us September 2005 Table of Contents INTOQUCUON ins 3 1 Equipment Description and Setup ooocccccnccnnocconannnnano 4 T4 Detector Stand alone casita iia 4 TA Detecta 5 oa A o esata a nua eee apenas 5 A A O 5 CO S INPP uu AEE A N |
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Decoded MSR Series
6 INSTALLATION STEPS l For Keyboard Wedge Reader Step 1 Turn the computer system power off and unplug the keyboard cable Step2 Connect the keyboard cable into the short cable of the Reader Step3 Connect the long cable of the Reader into the keyboard input socket on the computer system Step4 Turn the computer system power on then you can hear a beep sound for confirming the reader s self test and Green LED will be lit to indicate that the Reader is ready for reading |
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