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Bachelor Thesis - Computer Graphics Group
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Mathematics and Physics BACHELOR THESIS Milan Burda Mouse Gestures Department of Software and Computer Science Education Thesis supervisor RNDr Josef Pelik n Study program Computer Science Programming 2008 I would like to thank my supervisor RNDr Josef Pelik n for many valuable suggestions and for all the time spent at consultations I would also like to thank my friend Andrej Mikul k for practical use of my appli |
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André Häggman Bachelor´s thesis Building Engineering
YRKESH GSKOLAN Application for calculating materials included in wall panel details in Tekla Structures Andr H ggman Bachelor s thesis Building Engineering Vaasa 2012 BACHELOR S THESIS Author Andre H ggman Degree Programme Building Engineering Vaasa Specialization Structural Design Supervisor Kennet Kurman Title Application for calculating materials included in wall panel details in Tekla Structures 2 5 2012 16 pages 2 appendices Summar |
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Bachelorarbeit Energy-Aware Instrumentation of Parallel MPI
BACHELORARBEIT Energy Aware Instrumentation of Parallel MPI Applications Universitat Hamburg Fakultat fiir Mathematik Informatik und Naturwissenschaften Fachbereich Informatik Autor Florian Ehmke Studiengang Informatik Matrikelnummer 6053142 E Mail Sehmke informatik uni hamburg de Fachemester 8 Erstgutachter Prof Dr Thomas Ludwig Zweitgutachter Prof Dr Winfried Lamersdorf Betreuer Timo Minartz Hamburg 25 Juni 2012 Erklarung Ich versiche dass i |
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Bachelor Thesis - Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics
VILNIUS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHYSICS SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Vytautas Vislavicius ANALYSIS OF SILICON PHOTOMULTIPLIER RESPONSE Bachelor Thesis Study Program APPLIED PHYSICS Student Vytautas Vislavicius Supervisor RNDr PhD Peter Kodys Reviewer Habil Dr Eugenijus Gaubas Consultant Dr Vincas Tamo i nas Head of Department Prof Habil Dr Gintautas Tamulaitis Experimental part of work was done in the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics Facult |
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Bachelor Thesis
Si Linneeus University Bachelor Thesis Control of Temperature Using Fuzzy System Technique YX ZZ Nes SSS Authors Elif Ceylan Kolba Supervisor Goran Ewing Examiner Pieterllerna Cijvat Date 2013 06 07 Course Code 2EDO7E Bachelor Degree Institutionen for fysik och elektroteknik ABSTRACT Fuzzy control is based on fuzzy logic A logical system that is much closer in spirit to human thinking and natural language than traditional crisp logical system |
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Bachelor`s Thesis
ETH Eidgen ssische Technische Hochschule Z rich Distributed Systems Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Bachelor s Thesis at the Institute for Pervasive Computing Department of Computer Science ETH Zurich Distributed Algorithms for Kilobots Constructing a Global Coordinate System from Local Information by Tobias Kaiser Autumn 2013 ETH student ID 10 923 704 E mail address kaisert student ethz ch Supervisors Dr Christof Roduner Prof Dr Friedema |
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Bachelor Thesis - Repository TU Delft
Bachelor Thesis Manoeuvrable Buoy for Offshore Wind Assessment gt ad 2 O E D Ge O gt ps 09 eb 2 eb QO Delft University of Technology Challenge the future BACHELOR THESIS MANOEUVRABLE BUOY FOR OFFSHORE WIND ASSESSMENT by 1 Hogervorst A van der Kruijt in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology to |
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Bachelor Thesis Thomas Rapp
Julius Maximilians IT UNIVERSITAT A EVA OS 7 133 WURZBURG Lehrstuhl Informatik VIII NS BACHELOR THESIS Development and Post Flight Analysis of HORACE the Horizon Acquisition Experiment submitted by Thomas Rapp to the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Science with the Major of Aerospace Information Technology Wurzburg 20 August 2014 Thomas Rapp thomas rapp stud mail |
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BACHELOR THESIS Detection and Compensation of Tremor for
CZECH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE Faculty of Electrical Engineering Department of Cybernetics BACHELOR THESIS Detection and Compensation of Tremor for Patients with Parkinson Disease Tade s Lejsek Supervisor Ing Zden k Hur k Ph D May 16 2012 Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Electrical Engineering Department of Cybernetics BACHELOR PROJECT ASSIGNMENT Student Tade Lejsek Study programme Cybernetics a Robotics Specialisation Rob |
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CZECH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CYBERNETICS BACHELOR THESIS Visualisation and Analysis of Artificial Neural Network Behaviour Prague 2012 Pavel Fencl Declaration I hereby declare that I have completed this thesis independently and that I have used only the sources literature software etc listed in the enclosed bibliography 225 2042 A In Pra o Ro tii Acknowledgement I would like to thank everybody wh |
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CZECH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BACHELOR THESIS Development Methods for the STM32 Microcontroller Prague 2009 Author Jan Svoboda Declaration I hereby declare that this bachelor thesis is completely my own work and that I used only the cited sources In Prague 8 6 2009 Jan Svoboda PES CESK VYSOK UCEN TECHNICK V PRAZE PS m Fakulta elektrotechnick E Katedra m en Akademick rok 2008 2009 ZAD N |
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Bachelor Thesis Driver`s attention during monotonous driving and
University of West Bohemia Faculty of Applied Sciences Department of Computer Science and Engineering Bachelor Thesis Driver s attention during monotonous driving and visual stimulation ERP experiment Pilsen 2012 Jiri Divi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all I would like to thank my bachelor thesis supervisor Ing Roman Moucek Ph D for his kindness and patience with leadership of my work Also I would like to thank Ing Pavel Mautner Ph D I appreciate their valua |
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Bachelor Thesis - Fachbereich Informatik
O Fachhochschule Bonn Rhein Sieg University of Applied Sciences Fachbereich Informatik Department of Computer Science Bachelor Thesis Integration of Physical and Psychological Stress Factors into a VR based Simulation Environment by David Scherfgen First examiner Prof Dr Rainer Herpers Second examiner Prof Dr Dietmar Reinert Handed in on 16 of October 2008 Acknowledgements Page i Acknowledgements I would like to thank my examiners Prof Dr Rain |
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Bachelor project - Aegis Digital Voter List
Bachelor project Aegis Digital Voter List Nikolaj Aaes and Nicolai Skovvart IT University of Copenhagen Supervisor Joseph Kiniry May 22 2012 Abstract Securing modern e voting systems is a very challenging task This paper describes an attempt to implement a secure digital system that could assist the current Danish voter card to ballot exchange protocol The current approach is paper based and we have developed a digital solu tion with a strong focus on securing t |
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Bachelor Thesis Florian Sellmayr
MN FAKULTAT FUR INFORMATIK DER TECHNISCHEN UNIVERSITAT MUNCHEN Bachelorarbeit in Informatik Smart Grid Demonstrator Office Employee Module Florian Sellmayr D FAKULTAT FUR INFORMATIK DER TECHNISCHEN UNIVERSITAT MUNCHEN Bachelorarbeit in Informatik Smart Grid Demonstrator Office Employee Module Smart Grid Demonstrator Office Employee Modul Author Florian Sellmayr Supervisor PD Dr rer nat Bernhard Schatz Advisor Dagmar Kofs Date September |
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Bachelor Thesis Electrical Engineering November
Bachelor Thesis Electrical Engineering November 2014 USB COMMUNICATION ON STM32F405 DONATAS KATEIVA ERAY DURAN Department of Applied Signal Processing Blekinge Institute of Technology 37179 Karlskrona Sweden External Advisors Gerth Fohlin Baltic Engineering AB Anders Bengtsson Baltic Engineering AB University examiners Sven Johansson University advisors Johan Zackrisson Department of Applied Signal Processing Blekinge Institute of Technology |
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Guide de l`étudiant (Bachelor, Master, CERG
UNIVERSIT DE GEN VE SECTION DES SCIENCES DE LA TERRE ANN E 2005 2006 TABLE DES MATI RES KOK K kK kK KK K K xK kK xK K x Index alphab tique des enseignements page 3 Baccalaur at universitaire Bachelor en Sciences de la Terre R glement page 7 Plan d tudes page 10 Description des enseignements 1 ann e page 12 Description des enseignements 2 ann e page 16 Description des enseignements 3 ann e page 20 Ma trise universit |
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Bachelor Project (IN3700) 2007 Melissa Cheung, 1228161 Software
MULDAS vL O Multimodal Interface for DNA Al enment of Sequences Bachelor Project IN3700 2007 Melissa Cheung 1228161 Software Technology Computer Science Paul van den Haak 1221760 Media and Knowledge Technology Computer Science Philips Innovation Campus Bangalore India University of Technology Delft Faculty EWI The Netherlands Philips supervisor Dr N Dimitrova 1 U De ft TU Delft supervisor Dr L J M Rothkrantz BSc coordinator Ir M Sepers Technis |
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BACHELOR THESIS Michal Kebrt Word-to
Charles Universitv Prague Czech Republic Faculty of Mathematics and Physics BACHELOR THESIS Michal Kebrt Word to BIEX convertor Department of Software Engineering Advisor RNDr Tomas Skopal Ph D Program in Computer Science 2006 I hereby certify that I wrote the thesis myself using only the referenced sources I agree with lending the thesis Prague May 20 2006 Michal Kebrt Contents 1 Word to ETEX conversion 1d Word versus DIRX a b w |
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