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OSSC scanconverter User Manual (fw. 0.26)
OSSC scanconverter User Manual fw 0 26 1 General info OSSC is a low latency video digitizer and scanconverter designed mainly for connecting retro video game consoles and home computers into modern displays It converts analog RGB component video into digital format and doubles or triples scanlines of a single frame if necessary to generate a valid mode for digital TVs or monitors The following list summarizes the current features detection and digitization of var |
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Studio 12 Scancontrol manual
LIGHT TECHNOLOGY perod IQ Studio 1 Scan control professional light desk user s manual rel 1 41 Avvertenze Generali Leggere attentamente le avvertenze contenute nel presente libretto in quanto forniscono impor tanti indicazioni riguardanti la sicurezza di installazione d uso e manutenzione molto importante che questo libretto istruzioni venga conservato con l apparecchiatura per consultazioni future In caso di vendita o di trasferimen |
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3. |
SCANCON Industrial Encoders ABSOLUTE ROTARY ENCODER DEVICE NET Main Features Programmable Parameters Compact and heavy duty industrial model Direction of rotation complement Certified By ODVA Resolution per revolution Interface Device Net Total resolution Housing 58 mm Preset value Full or hollow shaft 6 or 10 mm amp 15 mm Transmission mode Max 65536 steps per revolution 16 Bit Polled mode Change of State Cyclic Max |
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4. |
scanCONTROL Demo-Software 1.5 - Micro
SENSORS amp SYSTEMS By far the best solution MICRO EPSILON Evaluation Defauk settings 2 eg standard Zj ja Exposure tine ms 2 00 gt auto ta E 24 scan rate 1 s Edge 1 Edge 2 Edge 3 Data transmission evaluation and visualization scanCONTROL Demo Software 1 5 MICRO EPSILON MESSTECHNIK GmbH amp Co KG K nigbacher Strasse 15 D 94496 Ortenburg Tel 49 85 42 1 68 0 Fax 49 85 42 1 68 90 e mail info micro |
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