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Software applicativo i9600 - Eastman Park Micrographics
Kodak Software applicativo i9600 Guida dell utente A61505_it CONTRATTO DI LICENZA SOFTWARE EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Prima di utilizzare questo Software leggere attentamente i termini e le condizioni riportati di seguito L uso del Software contenuto in questa confezione implica l accettazione di tali termini e condizioni Qualora l utente non accetti i termini e le condizioni del presente Contratto dovr restituire prontamente il prodotto con i relativi documenti e mater |
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i960® Processor Compiler User`s Manual
i960 Processor Compiler User s Manual Order Number 651230 004 Revision 001 002 003 004 Revision History Initial Release Revised for release 5 1 Revised for release 6 0 Revised for release 6 5 Date 02 96 01 97 12 97 12 98 In the United States additional copies of this manual or other Intel literature may be obtained by writing Literature Distribution Center Intel Corporation PO Box 5937 Denver CO 80217 9808 Or you can call the follow |
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3. |
i960 Jx Microprocessor Developer`s Manual
intel i9609 Jx Microprocessor Developer s Manual Release Date December 1997 Order Number 272483 002 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products No license express or implied by estoppel or otherwise to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document Except as provided in Intel s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products Intel assumes no liability whatsoever and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty relating |
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4. |
i960 CA/CF Microprocessor User`s Manual
i9609 Microprocessor User s Manual March 1994 Order Number 270710 003 Intel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products and assumes responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document nor does it make a commitment to update the information contained herein Intel retains the right to make changes to these specifications at any time without notice Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specificat |
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5. |
Logiciel d`application i9600
Kodsk Logiciel d application i9600 Manuel d utilisation EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY CONTRAT DE LICENCE DE LOGICIEL Lisez attentivement les conditions ci dessous avant d utiliser le logiciel ci joint L utilisation du logiciel qui se trouve dans ce paquet implique l acceptation des conditions ci dessous Si vous n approuvez pas ces conditions rapportez imm diatement le produit dans son int gralit et vous serez rembours Licence 1 Concession de la licence Eastman |
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6. |
i960 Microprocessor User`s Guide for Cyclone and PCI
960 Microprocessor User s Guide for Cyclone and PCI SDK Evaluation Platforms April 1996 Order Number 272577 002 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products No license express or implied by estoppel or otherwise to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document Except as provided in Intel s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products Intel assumes no liability whatsoever and Intel disclaims any express or implied |
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