# | Title | Type | Language | |||||||||||
1. | TN301 Rabbit 2000™ Microprocessor Interrupt Problem Technical Note GigE lt lt TN301 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Interrupt Problem A problem related to the use of the external interrupt inputs was present in the logic of the original version of the Rabbit 2000 marked JQ2T The problem is limited to four multiple function pins that can be used as external interrupt requests The problem affects only the functionality of the interrupt requests This tech nical note provides workarounds to avoid the problem The Rabb |
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# | Title | Type | Language | Download | ||||||||||
1. | TN301 Rabbit 2000™ Microprocessor Interrupt Problem Technical Note GigE lt lt TN301 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Interrupt Problem A problem related to the use of the external interrupt inputs was present in the logic of the original version of the Rabbit 2000 marked JQ2T The problem is limited to four multiple function pins that can be used as external interrupt requests The problem affects only the functionality of the interrupt requests This tech nical note provides workarounds to avoid the problem The Rabb |
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