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Verifying a Quantitative Relaxation of Linearizability via Refinement
Verifying a Quantitative Relaxation of Linearizability via Refinement Kiran Adhikari James Street Chao Wang Yang Liu and ShaoJie Zhang 1 Virginia Tech Blacksburg Virginia USA 2 Nanyang Technological University Singapore 3 Singapore University of Technology and Design Singapore Abstract Concurrent data structures have found increasingly widespread use in both multi core and distributed computing environments thereby escalating the priority for verifying their |
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Verifying the Quality of Your Testbench with
APPLICATION NOTE Verifying the Quality of Your Testbench with Code Coverage www model com Menr The Importance of Testbench Verification Testbenches have become an integral part of the design process enabling you to verify that your HDL model is sufficiently tested before implementing your design and helping you auto mate the design verification process It is essential therefore that you have confidence your testbench is thoroughly exercising your design Collecting c |
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A Framework for Verifying Scalability and Performance of Cloud
UNIVERSITY OF TARTU Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Institute of Computer Science Distributed Systems Group Information Technology Martti Vasar A Framework for Verifying Scalability and Performance of Cloud Based Web Applications Master thesis 30 ECTS Supervisor Dr Satish Narayana Srirama PINOT soy A eal Aa KA ANT 7 May 2012 SUperv SOr kaasi aaiaita taa al ates nat ee kagus May 2012 Head of the chair 2 5 telecine ae re ear eee 2012 TART |
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A Study of the Feasibility of Verifying a Commercial DSP
A Study of the Feasibility of Verifying a Commercial DSP Kenneth L Albin Robert S Boyer Warren A Hunt Jr Lawrence M Smith Darrell R Word email huntQcli com Computational Logic Inc 1717 West Sixth Street Suite 290 Austin Texas 78703 4776 TEL 1 512 322 9951 FAX 1 512 322 0656 e COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC INCORPORATED The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representin |
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SOP for calibrating and verifying lab equipment for discharging with
PH METHOD 4500 H B 1 Instrument calibration In each case follow manufacturer s instructions for pH meter and for storage and preparation of electrodes for use Recommended solutions for short term storage of electrodes vary with type of electrode and manufacturer Keep electrodes wet by returning them to storage solution whenever pH meter is not in use 2 Calibrate the electrode system against standard buffer solutions of known pH The Treatment Plant generally uses 4 |
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Verifying a Quantitative Relaxation of Linearizability via
Verifying a Quantitative Relaxation of Linearizability via Refinement Kiran Adhikari James Street and Chao Wang Yang Liu and Shao Jie Zhang 1 Virginia Tech Blacksburg Virginia USA 2 Nanyang Technological University Singapore 3 Singapore University of Technology and Design Singapore Abstract Concurrent data structures have found increasingly widespread use in both multicore and distributed computing environments thereby escalating the priority for verifying their |
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• • • After consulting my TV user manual and verifying that I have a
ECSU Cable TV Service In 2014 Eastern s Charter Communications cable TV service was changed from an analog to an all digital signal This new service which is free to students living in Eastern residence halls includes an expanded channel lineup with many high definition HD channels four HBO channels and over thirty digital music channels This is customized bulk feed type of service that is specific to Eastern The channels are fixed and the service cannot be upgraded with a |
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Verifying Statemate Statecharts Using CSP and FDR
Verifying Statemate Statecharts Using CSP and FDR A W Roscoe and Z Wu Oxford University Computing Laboratory bill roscoe zhenzhong wu comlab ox ac uk Abstract We propose a framework for the verification of statecharts We use the CSP FDR framework to model complex systems designed in statecharts and check for system consistency or verify special properties within the specification We have developed an automated translation from statecharts into CSP and exploited it in |
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TSOtool: A Program for Verifying Memory Systems Using the
TSOtool A Program for Verifying Memory Systems Using the Memory Consistency Model Sudheendra Hangal Durgam Vahia Chaiyasit Manovit Juin Yeu Joseph Lu and Sridhar Narayanan Processor and Network Products Sun Microsystems tsotool sun com tSun Microsystems India Private Limited Divyashree Chambers Shantinagar Bangalore 560 025 KA India ABSTRACT In this paper we describe TSOtool a program to check the behavior of the memory subsystem in a shared memory mul |
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