SUNA V2 Manual


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1. SUNA V2 Manual

SATLANTIC SUNA V2 Manual For SUNA running firmware version 2 3 or later SAT DN 00628 Rev A 2013 Nov 01 Satlantic LP 3481 North Marginal Road Halifax Nova Scotia B3K 5X8 Canada 1 902 492 4780 info satlantic com www satlantic com CONFIDENTIAL This document contains information proprietary to Satlantic or to a third party to which Satlantic may have legal obligation to protect such information from unauthorized disclosure use or duplication Any disclosure us

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Aviso As informa es contidas neste manual do usu rio est o sujeitas altera es sem aviso pr vio O FABRICANTE OU REVENDEDOR N O SER RESPONS VEL POR ERROS OU OMISS ES CONTIDAS NESSE MANUAL E N O SER RESPONS VEL POR DANOS CONSEQUENTES QUE POSSAM RESULTAR DO DESEMPENHO OU USO DESTE MANUAL Ainforma o neste manual est protegida por direitos autorais Nenhuma parte deste manual poder ser fotocopiada ou reproduzida sob qualquer forma sem a autoriza
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International Tsunami Information Center A UNESCOIIOC NOAA Partnership 737 Bishop St Ste 2200 Honolulu Hawaii 96813 USA Phone lt 1 gt 808 532 6422 Fax lt 1 gt 808 532 5576 E mail itic tsunami unesco org s I 2 TSUNAMI WARNING DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS Compiled and distributed by International Tsunami Information Center ITIC September 2010 These following are useful decision support tools available free of charge to governments and other recognized auth
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