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Specifying Compatible Sharing in Data Structures
Specifying Compatible Sharing in Data Structures Asankhaya Sharma Aquinas Hobor Wei Ngan Chin asankhs hobor chinwn comp nus edu sg Department of Computer Science National University of Singapore Abstract Automated verification of programs that utilize data structures with intrinsic sharing is a challenging problem We develop an extension to separation logic that can reason about aliasing in heaps using a notion of compatible shar ing Compatible sharing can model a var |
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Specifying an SMP Gateway
Specifying an SMP Gateway 2006 07 10 Pa cybectec www cybectec com Quebec City 730 Commerciale Street Suite 200 Saint J ean Chrysostome Quebec Canada G6Z 2C5 Telephone 418 834 0009 Fax 514 227 5256 Montreal 1290 St Denis Street Suite 400 Montreal Quebec Canada H2X 3J7 Telephone 514 845 6195 Fax 514 227 5256 2006 07 10 Contents ContentS sssseeeeeeeea naaa a nenen kee a ana aa Kanan naaa Kana KEEK a a KEK anna aa Kanan nana i Spe |
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7 Steps to Specifying a DL205 System
7 Steps to Specifying a DL205 System The following 7 steps will help you specify a DL205 PLC system They are also covered in more detail on the pages that follow Your first priority when designing a system should be safety Please make sure that all of the components in your system will operate within the product s environmental and operating specifications This catalog is intended to provide abbreviated product descriptions benefits and prices It is not intended to be a sub |
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7 steps to heip specify a successful sys Before you begin selecting products for your D L205 PLC system be sure to eval uate all of your application needs and any future growth potential Review the DL205 family of products The D L205 family offers a wide variety of products Please review the product offering starting on page 369 2 Selecta CPU programmingtool and cable TheDL205 family offersfour CPUs the D 2 260 D 2 250 1 D2 240 and D2 230 |
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Specifying Calibration Standards and Kits for Agilent Vector Network
Specifying Calibration Standards and Kits for Agilent Vector Network Analyzers Application Note 1287 11 Nan EE DOCE DOCE OCEM occe L ge e8 OG 886 SES seo se ec ee Ja H E B B D BeBe eoe C i f e OG mE amp T A t mp Tik fei Bi Re Oe 30018 C ECC 8 e ninm 9 0000 AES Agilent Technologies Table of Contents Moen RC RR Tc 3 Meles pPRRd v rri vsa ROTE PERI daiiran asarini i |
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7 Steps to Specifying a DL205 System
7 Steps to Specifying a DL205 System The following 7 steps will help you specify a DL205 PLC system They are also covered in more detail on the pages that follow Your first priority when designing a system should be safety Please make sure that all of the components in your system will operate within the product s environmental and operating specifications This catalog is intended to provide abbreviated product descriptions benefits and prices It is not intended to be a s |
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Specifying and Monitoring GrADS Contracts
Second Draft 7 3 2001 Specifying and Monitoring GrADS Contracts Ruth Aydt Celso Mendes Dan Reed Fredrik Vraalsen Pablo Research Group 1 Introduction In this document we define a contract in the context of the GrADS project and describe the current software infrastructure for creating and monitoring contracts The mechanisms presented are quite flexible and support a wide range of contract specification and verification implementations This flexibility allows for experim |
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Specifying map attribute values (T45e)
INTREPID User Manual Specifying map attribute values T45e 1 Library Help Top lt 4 Back gt Specifying map attribute values T45e Top You can specify the following attributes for objects in a composition e Colour e Line thickness Line style e Symbol size e Symbol shape e Polygon fill type Typeface Font size Each attribute has a range of values from which you can choose For example Colour has possible values red green etc Methods of speci |
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