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Biocare AccurateCheck AG50E Owner`s manual
Accurate ChecK AG50E OWNER S MANUAL Accurate Check AG50E BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITORING SYSTEM OWNER S MANUAL 311 4227000 005 Ver 1 0 2010 04 Dear AccurateCheck AG50E System Owner You have chosen one of the best blood glucose monitoring sys tems This manual contains important information you must know about the system Please read it thoroughly and carefully The feature of this system is its no code Not onl |
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AGMaster - Articulograph AG500
PD 00 03 program description i AGMaster Version 6 Seite 1 von 15 AGMaster Master control program for AG500 data recording Contents AGMaster Master control program for AG500 data recording cccccceeeccceeeeeeeceeceeeeeeeeaeeeaees 1 COMME US ee aeeerec eee era noe Saeco Toe ee Eve RE eae a Tee a gee ae 1 tap sheets Torsystenm CONTON cer araa ee A 2 main window for sweep recording control cccccccssecceececeneeceeeeceeecceeeceucecsueesu |
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AG500 - Manual do Usuário
RT O ALIGERA Manual do Usu rio Guia de Instala o AG501 AG511 AG502 AG512 AG503 AG513 Novembro 2011 Rev 10 Copyright Aligera Equipamentos Digitais Porto Alegre RS Brasil Todos os direitos reservados A Aligera se reserva o direito de alterar as especifica es contidas neste documento sem notifica o pr via Nenhuma parte deste documento pode ser copiada ou reproduzida em qualquer forma sem o consentimento por escrito da Aligera Equipamentos Digi |
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AG50 - User Manual
Welcome Congratulations on your purchase of the EXPRESSO AG50s From freeway to fairway to family the Expresso AG50S has something for everybody in your household This manual was created to quickly guide you through the many functionalities of your device and to assist you with the initial setup thereof Please take a few minutes to read through the manual after which you may begin using your AG50s and enjoying its many features Also please visit us on the web at www expresso |
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AG50 - User Manual
USER MANUAL AG50 AX50 Series Axess Home Alert Wireless Alert System Important Notice Due to the nature of wireless communications transmission and reception of data can never be guaranteed Data may be delayed corrupted i e have errors or be totally lost Although significant delays or losses of data are rare when wireless devices are used in a normal manner with a well constructed network the device should not be used in situations where failure to transmit o |
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VAG5053+ Professiona_1
Table of Contents Safety Precautions usse 2 About VAG50 53 9 1o o imn obe tL On sen as tsp hne eun 4 PAD DIIGATIONS oxides a E Sates eit eect 4 2 AVallable FUNCIONS user brio eie Mos in dl euadcenetetatal ities 4 3 oupported Systems m pret Eobbr dere enu toi deese aa ai 4 4 Professional function ssseeeeesseeeeeseeeeereee 4 SB UII EE EE 5 6 Appearance and Key Descriptions 5 Operation Instructions |
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