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Manual para el refrigerante únicamente
E HOTSTART Sistema de calentamiento con circulaci n de refrigerante en ubicaciones con riesgo Modelo CLA o CLE Manual de instalaci n y Operaci n 216267 001 REV 0 Identificaci n de su sistema El sistema de calentamiento HOTSTART est dise ado para calentar l quidos que se usan en aplicaciones de propulsi n marina conjuntos de generadores con combustible diesel locomotoras equipos de compresi n de gas o cualquier motor de gran capacidad El sis |
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Model 34800/34801/AC900 Refrigerant Management Center CFC
W Ree EE 22 ROBINAIR RUE eS ea Mes Tet Ree ee NET wae a SEE E TOOLS Service M anual Model 34800 34801 AC900 Refrigerant Management Center CFC 12 HFC 134a Recycling Equipment Theory of Operation and Safety Precautions 0 eee eeeeeeee 2 Component Descriptions ss 3 Flow Diagram Components 6 BOW Diagramme EES ee 7 Pictorial View Front mine mutants 8 Manifold Block Flow Diagram uci |
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Turbo Air REFRIGERANT AMPS TGF-49F user manual
TGM H 69 48 35 22 1 4 5 23 13 2006 5 1 2 5 4 AM ll 1 REFRIGERA TOR MANUFACTURER Turbo air Headquarter 1250 Victoria street CARSON CA 90746 amp Canada Toli Free 800 627 0032 TEL 310 900 1000 FAX 310 900 1077 www turboairinc com 0210001 REFRIGERA TOR MANUFACTURER turbo air Commercial Refrigerator amp Freezer Service Manual Model No TGM 69R TGM 48R TGM 45R TGM 35R TGM 33R TGM 22R TGM 22RV TGM 14R TGM 14RV TGM 11R TGM 11RV TGM 5R TGF 49F |
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Unità base di un sistema refrigerante MANUALE DI
Unit base di un sistema refrigerante Refrigerating system base unit MANUALE DI INSTALLAZIONE USO ED ASSISTENZA INSTALLATION USE AND ASSISTANCE MANUAL Leggere attentamente prima dell uso Read carefully before use MANUALE DI INSTALLAZIONE USO ED ASSISTENZA Unit base di un sistema refrigerante Leggere attentamente prima dell uso INDICE DESCRIZIONE DEL PRODOTTO INSTALLAZIONE COLLEGAMENTI ELETTRICI 2 1 Introduzione 2 2 Collegamenti meccanici 2 3 Re |
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KRAFFT S L Crta de Urnieta S N E 20140 Andoain SPAIN Fax 34 943 410 424 Phone 34 943 410 400 E mail auto Okrafft es Web site www krafft es ANTICONGELANTE REFRIGERANTE C C 10 FICHA TECNICO COMERCIAL B 1 ANTICONGELANTE REFRIGERANTE C C 10 DESCRIPCI N Fluido de refrigeraci n anticongelante formulado a base de etilenglicol y un paquete de inhibidores de corrosi n estudiado para proteger los diferentes metales que se encuentran en el circuito de |
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USER S INFORMATION MANUAL Z lt s O A ee Zag 2922 me Cm Z SAO ZE X feia oa Heating amp Cooling Systems |
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Manual - Refrigerant™ Asset System
REFRIGERANT ASSET SYSTEM C REFRIGERANT ASSET SYSTEM CLIMATE ACCOUNT CREATION The Refrigerant Asset System enrollment process is by invitation only initiated by EOS Climate Invites wil receive an email notification af the enrollment offer as shown Frome once endi sum ai cnet inant Ragnar Welcome This mull 40 avai to ese Asset System as you are enlisted as Use fer your campany RAS wil rao yout rack ll he yer und selene nl you |
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Unità base di un sistema refrigerante MANUALE DI
Unit base di un sistema refrigerante Refrigerating system base unit MANUALE DI INSTALLAZIONE USO ED ASSISTENZA INSTALLATION USE AND ASSISTANCE MANUAL Leggere attentamente prima dell uso Read carefully before use MANUALE DI INSTALLAZIONE USO ED ASSISTENZA Unit base di un sistema refrigerante Leggere attentamente prima dell uso INDICE DESCRIZIONE DEL PRODOTTO INSTALLAZIONE COLLEGAMENTI ELETTRICI 2 1 Introduzione 2 2 Collegamenti meccanici 2 3 Re |
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Refrigerant Database User`s Manual
report JMC ARTI 0107A REFRIGERANT DATABASE USER S MANUAL for Ferret version 1 42 31 July 2001 prepared by James M Calm P E Engineering Consultant 10887 Woodleaf Lane Great Falls VA 22066 3003 USA phone 1 703 450 4313 fax 1 707 516 0552 e mail database JamesMCalm com for the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Institute 4301 North Fairfax Drive Suite 425 Arlington VA 22203 USA phone 1 703 524 8800 fax 41 703 522 2349 Refrig |
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testo 316-3 · Leakage detector for refrigerants
testo 316 3 Leakage detector for refrigerants Instruction manual 1 Contents Contents Contents aa 3 Safety and the environment 4 2 1 About this document nnnnnnnnnnnnnnns 4 2 2 O miienmeneniiteerenen min E Eaa 4 2 3 Protecting the environment nnnnn cnn rancio 5 Specifications cn ii iia 6 Ds o eanuaescaciancncesensteeateentertted 6 32 Technical AAA SE ra raie ei 6 Product descripto iii later ends saone m rires t nnmnnn nna 8 A OVNI Wi causa |
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tif 9055 programmable refrigerant meter
Test Equipment Depot 1 800 517 8431 TIF 9055 FIF PROGRAMM ABLE REFRIGERANT METER Owner s Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS dais General Information dcs Features usce dcs Controls dois Precautions Dens Operating Instructions 51 Setup 5 2 Charging Connections 5 3 Recovery Connections 5 4 Programming a Charge Recovery 5 5 Programming a Normal Charge Recovery 5 6 Programming an Advanced Charge 5 7 Programming an Advanced Recovery 5 8 Charge 5 9 Recove |
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Prestone Anticongelante/Refrigerante de Larga Duración 97
Prestone Anticongelante Refrigerante de Larga Duraci n 97 Concentrado Overview ANTICONGELANTE REFRIGERANTE DE LARGA DURACI N 97 CONCENTRADO e Compatible con todos los anticongelantes de motores a gasolina sin importar el color y con todas las marcas y modelos de veh culos y camionetas e Larga duraci n 240 000km 5 a os e F rmula patentada que previene la corrosi n evita la ebullici n y el congelamiento e Dise ado para climas extremos Instructions |
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Heat Controller HFC REFRIGERANT R410A user manual
APPLICATION amp SERVICE GUIDE HFC Refrigerant R410a Used In GeoMax2 Geothermal Heat Pump Systems R410a Application and Service Guide Although the bulk of this manual is information regarding R410a R407c will also be discussed for purposes of comparison and since it is one of the so called new refrigerants R410a Overview R410a is a non chlorine based HFC refrigerant that with R407c and R134a is seen as the future of all refrig erants used worldwide |
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Liebert Refrigerant Distribution Unit XDP user manual
Precision Cooling For Business Critical Continuity Liebert XDP User Manual 50 60 Hz 160l lt W Nominal Capacity EMERSON Network Power General Safety Guidelines A WARNING Risk of electric shock Can cause injury or death Disconnect local and remote power supplies before working within Before proceeding with installation of the XDP read all instructions verify that all the parts are included and check the nameplate to be sure the XDP voltage matches the |
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KRAFFT S L Crta de Urnieta S N E 20140 Andoain SPAIN Fax 34 943 410 424 Phone 34 943 410 400 E mail auto krafft es Web site www krafft es FICHA TECNICO COMERCIAL ANTICONGELANTE REFRIGERANTE B1363 BIODEGRADABLE 35 29 09 08 ANTICONGELANTE REFRIGERANTE BIODEGRADABLE 35 DESCRIPCI N Fluido de refrigeraci n anticongelante formulado con inhibidores de corrosi n de tecnolog a org nica que protegen de la corrosi n a todos los metales incluid |
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38TN Air Conditioner with R134A Refrigerant
Ca lt Carrier gt ee HEATING amp COOLING 38TN Air Conditioner with R134A Refrigerant Application Guideline and Service Manual SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Service and repair of these units should be attempted only by trained service technicians familiar with Carrier standard service instruction and training material All equipment should be installed in accordance with accepted practices and unit Installation Instructions and in compliance with all nation |
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Istruzioni d`uso e di montaggio Apparecchio refrigerante
_ Miele Istruzioni d uso e di montaggio Apparecchio refrigerante Leggere assolutamente le istruzioni d uso e di montaggio prima di po sizionare installare e usare l apparecchio la prima volta per evitare di in fortunarsi e di danneggiare l apparecchio it CH M Nr 09 984 390 Indice Consigli e avvertenze nn nnannn 5 Tutelaiidell ambient e crasso 14 Come risparmiare elettricit nennen 15 Descrizione |
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Turbo Air REFRIGERANT AMPS TGF-49F user manual
RE FRIG ERA TOR MANUFACTURER Turbo air CAUTION BEFORE OPERATING FREEZER PLEASE KEEP POWER SWITCH ON AFTER TURNING ON THE POWER THE FLUORESCENT LAMP WILL COME ON IN A FEW MINUTES Freezer Installation and Operation Manual Please read this manual completely before attempting to install or operate this equipment Model No TGF 23F TGF 49F TGF 72F FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW |
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Bard Green Refrigerant R-410A user manual
WFardi PA13 SERIES PACKAGED AIR CONDITIONERS r A Cooling Capacities 23 000 to 56 000 CLIMATE CONTROL SOLUTIONS SEER 13 0 BACK OUTDOOR AIRFLOW END OF UNIT Standard Engineered Features Air Conditioner Compressor Reciprocating compressors with crankcase heaters are standard on 2 214 and 3 ton models Scroll compressors are used on all other models and no crankcase heaters are required R 410A Refrigerant Designed with R 410A HFC non ozone d |
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KRAFFT S L Crta de Urnieta S N E 20140 Andoain SPAIN Fax 34 943 410 424 Phone 34 943 410 400 E mail auto O krafft es Web site www krafft es FICHA TECNICO COMERCIAL ANTICONGELANTE REFRIGERANTE B1338 LONG LIFE 50 29 09 08 ANTICONGELANTE REFRIGERANTE LONG LIFE 50 DESCRIPCI N Fluido de refrigeraci n anticongelante formulado con inhibidores de corrosi n de tecnolog a org nica que protegen de la corrosi n a todos los metales incluidos el |
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